Dems can kiss the Senate good bye.

Cry all you want.

Things are looking up for the right.

Not only will there be more republicans, but the overall nature of the senate will be more right wing.

You have been bragging about taking the Senate for eight years. You haven't done it yet

Talk to me when you have actually done something

Please show me where I've been bragging for eight years.

I'll remind your sorry ass once again that you were expected to hold the house for ten years after 2008 and lost it in two. You didn't just lose were slaughtered.

Oh....I know, that was because of Bush.

PSSSST, no one tell Listening that the Census is every 10 years!
Figured that out on your own ?

I think most americans have


That's why we have the house and are going to get the senate.

Must there be a winner and a loser?

Politics shouldn't be a zero sum game played to the death. Politics is about figuring out what services and infrastructure are best handled by what level of government or left in the hands of the private sector.

Politics is not about winning some sort of ideological argument... it's about governing ALL the people with ALL their weird Monkey beliefs, habits and appetites. ESPECIALLY in America.

Cry all you want.

Things are looking up for the right.

Not only will there be more republicans, but the overall nature of the senate will be more right wing.

You have been bragging about taking the Senate for eight years. You haven't done it yet

Talk to me when you have actually done something

Please show me where I've been bragging for eight years.

I'll remind your sorry ass once again that you were expected to hold the house for ten years after 2008 and lost it in two. You didn't just lose were slaughtered.

Oh....I know, that was because of Bush.

The Democrats won the popular vote for the House in 2012. It's only through map gimics that the GOP kept it.
The key will be Mitch McConnell

Republicans lose that seat, they will not take the Senate
I think most americans have


That's why we have the house and are going to get the senate.

one million more votes were cast for house dems than house republicans in the last congressional election.

you only have the house because it was gerrymandered to death.

and THAT is why you can't win national elections.

Gerrymandering is the most embarrassing thing about our democracy today.

Chumps. Every fucking one of us.
You have been bragging about taking the Senate for eight years. You haven't done it yet

Talk to me when you have actually done something

Please show me where I've been bragging for eight years.

I'll remind your sorry ass once again that you were expected to hold the house for ten years after 2008 and lost it in two. You didn't just lose were slaughtered.

Oh....I know, that was because of Bush.

The Democrats won the popular vote for the House in 2012. It's only through map gimics that the GOP kept it.

I really don't care if we out and out stole it. It is ours and it's gonna stay that way.

Now, this is about races that can't be gerrymandered. Do you need someone to further explain that to you ?
If we don't reach out sincerely to women and minorities, the Dems will first ungerrymander the states then gerrymander them in their favor.

If the democrats manage to untangle the Gerrymandered mess that IS the House of Representatives, and republicans fail to change their message and goals, the democrats won't need to Gerrymander in their own favor.

It's not just women and minorities who find republican goals just one or two steps to the left of Sharia Law.

You mean like letting people keep their doctor.

Got it.
Ur clearly either:
A defendant who has no idea of how insurance companies have been limiting access to specific "panels" of docs based on how much a subscriber and/or employer pay into a particular plan.....for decades well before the ACA ...some of the cheapest don't even allow docs for mental health...funneling folks to cheaper Master's level counselors and social workers. Then there r HMOs...which control access to all medical personnel...
Ur have completely ignorant of the nature of ur health insurance coverage for years.
"Being able to choose ur own doctor" has been a myth ever since I've been in private practice ...and that's over 20 years...unless u have one of those "cadillac plans" reserved for the well heeled.
At least the ACA enables medical services for all Americans who agree to participate...and prevents them from being dropped for serious illness or just to improve some CEOs "bottom line".
Stop just "drinking the koolaid", repeating GOP talking points, ... and THINK

Sent from my iPhone using

obama's lemming horde has lots of excuses for the failure of their health care "reform"

Not the least of which is that it was a republican wet-dream until the democrats stole the blueprints from Mitt in MA and retitled it "Obama care".
If we don't reach out sincerely to women and minorities, the Dems will first ungerrymander the states then gerrymander them in their favor.

If the democrats manage to untangle the Gerrymandered mess that IS the House of Representatives, they won't need to Gerrymander in their own favor, if republicans fail to change their message and goals.

It's not just women and minorities who find republican goals just one or two steps to the left of Sharia Law.


Half the republican party is female. There are plenty of good GOP female governors.

Wake up.
If we don't reach out sincerely to women and minorities, the Dems will first ungerrymander the states then gerrymander them in their favor.

If the democrats manage to untangle the Gerrymandered mess that IS the House of Representatives, they won't need to Gerrymander in their own favor, if republicans fail to change their message and goals.

It's not just women and minorities who find republican goals just one or two steps to the left of Sharia Law.


Half the republican party is female. There are plenty of good GOP female governors.

Wake up.

Far from it
If the democrats manage to untangle the Gerrymandered mess that IS the House of Representatives, they won't need to Gerrymander in their own favor, if republicans fail to change their message and goals.

It's not just women and minorities who find republican goals just one or two steps to the left of Sharia Law.


Half the republican party is female. There are plenty of good GOP female governors.

Wake up.

Far from it

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Men make up a majority (52%) of Republican Republican-leaning voters.

Do the math, dickweed.
Half the republican party is female. There are plenty of good GOP female governors.

Wake up.

Far from it

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Men make up a majority (52%) of Republican Republican-leaning voters.

Do the math, dickweed.

In the last election, only 45% of women voted Republican
With young women, the ones Republicans like to call sluts, the number is significantly lower
Far from it

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Men make up a majority (52%) of Republican Republican-leaning voters.

Do the math, dickweed.

In the last election, only 45% of women voted Republican
With young women, the ones Republicans like to call sluts, the number is significantly lower

Yeah...that's really "Far from it".

You might have a case if the GOP was 25% women.

As usual, Republicans are getting too cocky in assuming they will win the Senate

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups

50-50 right now. Plenty of time for the Republicans to form their circular firing squad

The key to the Senate seems to be Mitch McConnell holding his seat in Kentucky. He holds a 1% lead right now

So despite the Republicans getting nothing done, holding the country hostage and hating all minorities... While Obama and Dems saved us from a depression, bring us out of a recession, end all wars, claim to bring down the deficit and gave us Obamacare... it's split 50/50?????

How is that possible!
..........While Obama and Dems saved us from a depression, bring us out of a recession, end all wars, claim to bring down the deficit and gave us Obamacare... it's split 50/50?????

How is that possible!

One does, indeed wonder how you are able to see the continuing unemployment (worsening participation rate), Americans still being killed in wars He promised to send entirely, "Innocent" still confined at Gitmo years after He promised to send them home? With an ever growing deficit?

Perhaps multiple pair of rose-coloured glasses?

But He did give us Obamacare, much as a prostitute might give a John the clap.
If we don't reach out sincerely to women and minorities, the Dems will first ungerrymander the states then gerrymander them in their favor.

If the democrats manage to untangle the Gerrymandered mess that IS the House of Representatives, they won't need to Gerrymander in their own favor, if republicans fail to change their message and goals.

It's not just women and minorities who find republican goals just one or two steps to the left of Sharia Law.


Half the republican party is female. There are plenty of good GOP female governors.

Wake up.

Half you say?

That doesn't exactly answer the question.

Let me know when there's something worth waking for. :night:
Far from it

A Closer Look at the Parties in 2012 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Men make up a majority (52%) of Republican Republican-leaning voters.

Do the math, dickweed.

In the last election, only 45% of women voted Republican
With young women, the ones Republicans like to call sluts, the number is significantly lower

I'll bet. Republicans aren't promising them free birth control, abortions, welfare and basically to take care of them from cradle to grave.

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