Dems can kiss the Senate good bye.

The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?

See, you are one of the far right boobs talking about a supposed far left conspiracy.

What world do you think you live in?

One with a zero oxygen atmosphere! :D
Yes, wherever TP candidates are routed in the primaries, such improves the GOP chances in the fall.

With both House and Senate in GOP hands, the leadership can finally turn its back on the movement and tell the few remaining folks in congress to shape up or getting to ship out in 2016.

i dont understand; i hear left-wing nutjobs on these boards every day insisting there isnt a difference between the Tea Party and the Republican party in general. the Left says the Tea took over the Repub Party

can these LWNJs make up their minds?

The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?


seriously what a laughable loser you are!1
you need a link to break down obvious changes in the dem Party since the clinton years?

clinton WORKED WITH REPUBLICANS; even when they wanted to impeach him!

obama on the other hand said " I WONT COMPROMISE!"

AND said Republicans "need to go sit in the back of the bus"

clinton RESTRICTED WELFARE when he signed welfare reform into law in a Republican Congress. that is when the 21-month rule started.

clinton signed over 70% of the Republican Contract with America into law

under obama Harry Reid wont even bring over 35 bills ALREADY PASSED BY THE REPUB HOUSE to the floor of the Senate for DEBATE; LET ALONE A VOTE

why dont you just stop making a fool of yourself?
Democrats are going to be victims of the trend. Once the public gets the idea that they are being lied to, everything that party says is going to be considered a lie. Once the public gets the idea that they are being dismissed, everything that party says or does will only be perceived as more dismissive. The trend is just getting started. By November it could be an avalanche, in 2016 it could be a tsunami. Unless there is some cataclysmic change, the democrats are in for some very hard times. Pretty much, they know it too. The leadership does. The demobots will cling to this sinking ship until the last gasp.

Democrats COULD be saved by some leadership, but there is no leadership. obama is no leader. Neither Reid nor Pelosi are leaders. What the triumvirate will do is get hysterical and flail about like meth addicts.
there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?


seriously what a laughable loser you are!1
you need a link to break down obvious changes in the dem Party since the clinton years?

clinton WORKED WITH REPUBLICANS; even when they wanted to impeach him!

obama on the other hand said " I WONT COMPROMISE!"

AND said Republicans "need to go sit in the back of the bus"

clinton RESTRICTED WELFARE when he signed welfare reform into law in a Republican Congress. that is when the 21-month rule started.

clinton signed over 70% of the Republican Contract with America into law

under obama Harry Reid wont even bring over 35 bills ALREADY PASSED BY THE REPUB HOUSE to the floor of the Senate for DEBATE; LET ALONE A VOTE

why dont you just stop making a fool of yourself?

Thank you for admitting that you don't have any credible substance whatsoever for your allegations. Have a nice day.
as long as the repubs don't somehow, in a major way, step on their own, they've got a BIG lock on this election, for the Congress. obamacare is going to see to that. The lying pos's have tried their best to evade the results of it, by stalling the biz parts of Obamacare beyond the election, and its STILL going to ruin them, as they so RICHLY deserve.
Democrats are going to be victims of the trend. Once the public gets the idea that they are being lied to, everything that party says is going to be considered a lie. Once the public gets the idea that they are being dismissed, everything that party says or does will only be perceived as more dismissive. The trend is just getting started. By November it could be an avalanche, in 2016 it could be a tsunami. Unless there is some cataclysmic change, the democrats are in for some very hard times. Pretty much, they know it too. The leadership does. The demobots will cling to this sinking ship until the last gasp.

Democrats COULD be saved by some leadership, but there is no leadership. obama is no leader. Neither Reid nor Pelosi are leaders. What the triumvirate will do is get hysterical and flail about like meth addicts.

So why hasn't the GOP or the TP made an all out effort to inform the public of these alleged Dem "lies? Surely that would be a guaranteed way that they could win 60 seats in the Senate, impeach Obama and Biden and have President Boehner in the WH by this time next year?

What is stopping the GOP and the TP from doing this? Seems to me that would be a public service to the entire country. So can you explain why it hasn't happened yet? What is the hold up? Why are these "lies" not being made public knowledge?
Republicans are thrilled that they won their primary with LESS votes then Hagan...who was in a non-competitive primary and still managed to get way more votes then Tillis....
Republicans are thrilled that they won their primary with LESS votes then Hagan...who was in a non-competitive primary and still managed to get way more votes then Tillis....

Democrats call RECORD welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

so speaking of the law of diminishing returns; and irony.................

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[2][3] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses. per wiki.

I have no reason to doubt those statistics, and it will come has no surprise to see a gain on the Republican side. Historically speaking, the incumbents party doesn't often turn out well for mid-term elections which will in this case give the Republicans a much needed advantage they don't have in Presidential years. I cannot see the Democrats retaking the House in anyway at all, and a very close if not not even Senate, if Republicans win the Senate and the House then the next two years are going to be pretty much filled with (veto's) leading to nothing getting done.

The House republicans have been doing a pretty good job at doing nothing since they took control.
Republicans are going to retain the House and make gains; and take back the Senate most likely

look at the loser lefties trying their best to spin that
Republicans are thrilled that they won their primary with LESS votes then Hagan...who was in a non-competitive primary and still managed to get way more votes then Tillis....

They were so thrilled by those primary results they even managed to convince themselves that there is an "enthusiasm gap" even though the total vote counts show the exact opposite. :eusa_whistle:
Republicans are thrilled that they won their primary with LESS votes then Hagan...who was in a non-competitive primary and still managed to get way more votes then Tillis....

They were so thrilled by those primary results they even managed to convince themselves that there is an "enthusiasm gap" even though the total vote counts show the exact opposite. :eusa_whistle:

more honest left-wing nutjobs acknowledge the enthusiasm gap among Democrats in the coming elections

idiots and hypocrites
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[2][3] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses. per wiki.

I have no reason to doubt those statistics, and it will come has no surprise to see a gain on the Republican side. Historically speaking, the incumbents party doesn't often turn out well for mid-term elections which will in this case give the Republicans a much needed advantage they don't have in Presidential years. I cannot see the Democrats retaking the House in anyway at all, and a very close if not not even Senate, if Republicans win the Senate and the House then the next two years are going to be pretty much filled with (veto's) leading to nothing getting done.

The House republicans have been doing a pretty good job at doing nothing since they took control.

They have repealed Obamacare over 50 times since it became law. The 300th time will be the charm!
Republicans are thrilled that they won their primary with LESS votes then Hagan...who was in a non-competitive primary and still managed to get way more votes then Tillis....

They were so thrilled by those primary results they even managed to convince themselves that there is an "enthusiasm gap" even though the total vote counts show the exact opposite. :eusa_whistle:

more honest left-wing nutjobs acknowledge the enthusiasm gap among Democrats in the coming elections

idiots and hypocrites

The pre primary polling indicated an "enthusiasm gap" but the actual votes cast don't match the polling in NC. Be interesting to see if that discrepancy holds up in other primaries.
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[2][3] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses. per wiki.

I have no reason to doubt those statistics, and it will come has no surprise to see a gain on the Republican side. Historically speaking, the incumbents party doesn't often turn out well for mid-term elections which will in this case give the Republicans a much needed advantage they don't have in Presidential years. I cannot see the Democrats retaking the House in anyway at all, and a very close if not not even Senate, if Republicans win the Senate and the House then the next two years are going to be pretty much filled with (veto's) leading to nothing getting done.

The House republicans have been doing a pretty good job at doing nothing since they took control.

They have repealed Obamacare over 50 times since it became law. The 300th time will be the charm!

obamacare is currently being delayed for another 2 whole years; a major part of it at least; by obama himself

libs are funny kind of hypocritical idiots!!!

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?

See, you are one of the far right boobs talking about a supposed far left conspiracy.

What world do you think you live in?

lol really dork? what part of anything i've posted suggests i'm saying something is a conspiricy? i'll wait..................

All of what you posted engaging in left right political conspiracies is evidence of your nonsense
there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?


seriously what a laughable loser you are!1 you need a link to break down obvious changes in the dem Party since the clinton years? clinton WORKED WITH REPUBLICANS; even when they wanted to impeach him! obama on the other hand said " I WONT COMPROMISE!" AND said Republicans "need to go sit in the back of the bus" because "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES

clinton RESTRICTED WELFARE when he signed welfare reform into law in a epublican Congress. that is when the 21-month rule started. OBAMA HAS EXPANDED WELFARE

clinton signed over 70% of the Republican Contract with America into law
under obama Harry Reid wont even bring over 35 bills ALREADY PASSED BY THE REPUB HOUSE to the floor of the Senate for DEBATE; LET ALONE A VOTE why dont you just stop making a fool of yourself?

No links, huh?

(1) Clinton had to compromise because he did not have the majority (2) Clinton had no problem turning back impeachment and destroying Newt as Speaker as a consequence (3) Obama has the power, the GOP does not

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