Dems Demand 10 Years of Trump's Financials

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
The Democrats shoved what through the Republican run Congress you stupid, ihnoranmt , lying fuck/.

Way to prove your stupidity you uneducated fuck. STFU until you have some proof of your idiotic claims moron. Try an extra large dose of the butthurt cream. You seem to be really having a flare up. Learn the law governing release of material.

You said the Democratys pushed through changes in the law after the Clintin thing.

You are the one sooooooooooooo stupid you think the Democrats can push things through a Republican Controlled Congress.

Cry a little louder and stamp your feet harder. I don't think Mueller is listening to you. And Barr is laughing at you. It should hurt to be as stupid as you.
You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.

Trump did create it. His lies, refusal to release his tax returns & refusing to divest from his business brings on all these investigations.

And when there's credible evidence that an actual crime has been committed, you investigate. You don't investigate hoping to first find a crime, then proof that someone is guilty.

1) The Russians did interfere for Trump to win. This interference appeared to be guided.
2) Trump campaign member caught on a Russian wire tap
3) The secret meeting in Trump Tower
4) Trump lies about his canmpaign's contact with the Ruissians

The crime was Russian Interference.

Man, if only Mueller had asked you, he could have saved countless hours and a lot of money. I thought you wanted to dig around in Trump's finances, trying to find something embarrassing, and all the while you really want to prove Mueller wrong when he couldn't find proof Trump broke the law with the Russians. Oh, well. You're certain Trump committed a crime, Mueller not so much. Who to believe, if who to believe.

Mueller knew all of that. Why didn't you?

With most Presidents, we can look at a stupid decision favoring the Russians & not worry that it was made because the President owed Russia a lot of money or wanted a favored status in a Trump Tower. We don't know because we have not seen Trump's tax returns.

Even if Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to prosecute, it does not mean Trump didn't do it. It just means he didn't get caught.

Trump is a very experienced crook. Reminds of how difficult it was to take down a mafia head.

All Trump needed to do was phone Vlad on his private phone, or give him a signal an an event or tell him is one of those one on ones he likes to have.

You peiple act as though Trump has a record of being honest.

So, you claim Trump is a criminal, despite an experienced professional with virtually unlimited time and resources being unable to find enough evidence to prosecute. Why, oh why, didn't Mueller just ask you first? It would have saved so much time and money.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
Since Trump has been convicted twice on civil charges of tax fraud and he refused to submit federal tax returns prior to becoming POTUS, the legal basis for current demands is obvious to all but Republicans who don't care about Trump's many conflicts of interest or how the affect US national interests.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA. The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested he would protect Trump’s privacy if he receives a request from House Democrats for Trump’s tax returns.

"At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, Mnuchin was asked whether he would meet a request for Trump’s past tax returns. Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., is expected to formally ask for those as Democrats seek to shed light on Trump’s financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest..."

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary. The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors. But Mnuchin did not specifically say he would turn them over."
Here's the problem with you theory.

1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"


dems: we want to see your taxes for the last 10 years!
Trump: I want you to suck my dick
Schiff: OK, I'll take one for the team
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"

Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
You're confused about the extent of Trump's corruption since becoming POTUS?

"A Year in Trump Corruption
Here’s every time Trump has profited off the presidency.

A Year in Trump Corruption

"Corruption Type 1: Foreign Emoluments
"'No person holding any office of profit or trust under [the United States], shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.'

"–U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9"

"Nov. 16, 2016: The Trump International Hotel hosts about 100 foreign diplomats for a tour, baiting them with champagne and sliders and sending them home with goody bags.

"Dec. 7, 2016: The Kingdom of Bahrain hosts its National Day celebration at the Trump International Hotel...."


Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
Since Trump has been convicted twice on civil charges of tax fraud and he refused to submit federal tax returns prior to becoming POTUS, the legal basis for current demands is obvious to all but Republicans who don't care about Trump's many conflicts of interest or how the affect US national interests.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA. The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested he would protect Trump’s privacy if he receives a request from House Democrats for Trump’s tax returns.

"At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, Mnuchin was asked whether he would meet a request for Trump’s past tax returns. Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., is expected to formally ask for those as Democrats seek to shed light on Trump’s financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest..."

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary. The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors. But Mnuchin did not specifically say he would turn them over."
Here's the problem with you theory.

1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.

I made this post #4 in another thread about PROBABLE CAUSE, worth a look, here is a sample:

"Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."

More in the link.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"


dems: we want to see your taxes for the last 10 years!
Trump: I want you to suck my dick
Schiff: OK, I'll take one for the team

dems: we want to see your taxes for the last 10 years!
Trump: I want you to suck my dick
Schiff: OK, I'll take one for the team

MAGA, yet?
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"

Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
You're confused about the extent of Trump's corruption since becoming POTUS?

"A Year in Trump Corruption
Here’s every time Trump has profited off the presidency.

A Year in Trump Corruption

"Corruption Type 1: Foreign Emoluments
"'No person holding any office of profit or trust under [the United States], shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.'

"–U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9"

"Nov. 16, 2016: The Trump International Hotel hosts about 100 foreign diplomats for a tour, baiting them with champagne and sliders and sending them home with goody bags.

"Dec. 7, 2016: The Kingdom of Bahrain hosts its National Day celebration at the Trump International Hotel...."


Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime

Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime
Hillary lost, remember?

"Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes.

"He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
Since Trump has been convicted twice on civil charges of tax fraud and he refused to submit federal tax returns prior to becoming POTUS, the legal basis for current demands is obvious to all but Republicans who don't care about Trump's many conflicts of interest or how the affect US national interests.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA. The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested he would protect Trump’s privacy if he receives a request from House Democrats for Trump’s tax returns.

"At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, Mnuchin was asked whether he would meet a request for Trump’s past tax returns. Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., is expected to formally ask for those as Democrats seek to shed light on Trump’s financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest..."

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary. The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors. But Mnuchin did not specifically say he would turn them over."
Here's the problem with you theory.

1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.

I made this post #4 in another thread about PROBABLE CAUSE, worth a look, here is a sample:

"Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."

More in the link.
Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."
Trump is reasonably suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs linked to the Russian government; that alone is enough to demand his tax returns.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal, the only Democrat on Capitol Hill with the power to take such action, is using a little-known IRS code in requesting six years of Trump's personal returns and also wants records from eight of the President's business entities.

"His request is narrowly targeted and rooted in a legal technicality.

"But supporters of the drive to get clarity on Trump's taxes argue that it is vital for Congress to establish whether Trump has any conflicts of interest that bear on his official duties and to see whether he is getting payments from foreign states in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution."
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"

Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
You're confused about the extent of Trump's corruption since becoming POTUS?

"A Year in Trump Corruption
Here’s every time Trump has profited off the presidency.

A Year in Trump Corruption

"Corruption Type 1: Foreign Emoluments
"'No person holding any office of profit or trust under [the United States], shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.'

"–U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9"

"Nov. 16, 2016: The Trump International Hotel hosts about 100 foreign diplomats for a tour, baiting them with champagne and sliders and sending them home with goody bags.

"Dec. 7, 2016: The Kingdom of Bahrain hosts its National Day celebration at the Trump International Hotel...."


Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime

Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime
Hillary lost, remember?

"Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes.

"He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

Fucking tard, Trump was a billionaire when Fred passed
1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns

Specifically 6103(f) Disclosure to Congress.
"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes.

"He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

Did you hear the story of when Trumps casino in Atlantic City was on the verge of bankruptcy (the first time) Fred Trump came in and deposited millions in cash to keep it afloat.

The very shady way Fred Trump tried to save his son's casino

So it’s no surprise that Fred tried to bail his son out of trouble when Donald’s Trump Castle casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was about to miss an interest payment in December 1990.

By then, Trump had already defaulted on the debt from his Taj Mahal casino. If Fred simply wrote Donald a check, the money would be used to pay off that debt. So, as the Washington Post‘s Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher describe in their new book, Trump Revealed, the elder Trump sent a lawyer to the Trump Castle to sneak money straight into the ailing casino’s coffers.

The lawyer, Howard Snyder, approached the casino cage and handed over a certified check for $3.35 million, drawn on Fred’s account. Snyder then walked over to a blackjack table, where a dealer paid out the entire amount in 670 gray $5,000 chips. The next day, the bank wired another $150,000 into Fred’s account at the Castle. Once again, Snyder arrived at the casino and collected the full amount in 30 more chips.

That let Trump use the de facto loan in whatever way he needed. “Sure enough, the Castle made its bond payment the day Fred’s lawyer bought the first batch of chips,”
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
Trump has been profiting from the presidency since he took office; his financials, present and past, will begin to reveal the full extent of his corruption to all willing to look.

Democrats' Russophobia Hid Trump's Real Crimes

"...(W)henever anyone over the last two years would bring up impeachment–and there are so many provable, in light of day, done in public actions by Trump against sectors of the U.S. public, against the Constitution, against democratic process, whether it’s his refusal to divest his business interests which leads to financial conflicts of interest, that’s unconstitutional, the Muslim ban, you can’t discriminate against people based on religion, abuse of the pardon power with Joe Arpaio, politicizing federal prosecutions, attacks on the media coupled with threatening to use federal agencies to go after journalists that you don’t like."

You're so full of shit it must be running out of your ears, nostrils and for sure your mouth. I suppose you went nose blind from the stench long ago. Any Democrat would have long ago. Can't see, can't hear, can't smell, completely senseless and can't think.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
Since Trump has been convicted twice on civil charges of tax fraud and he refused to submit federal tax returns prior to becoming POTUS, the legal basis for current demands is obvious to all but Republicans who don't care about Trump's many conflicts of interest or how the affect US national interests.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA. The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested he would protect Trump’s privacy if he receives a request from House Democrats for Trump’s tax returns.

"At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, Mnuchin was asked whether he would meet a request for Trump’s past tax returns. Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., is expected to formally ask for those as Democrats seek to shed light on Trump’s financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest..."

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary. The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors. But Mnuchin did not specifically say he would turn them over."
Here's the problem with you theory.

1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.
1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.
Where did you get the idea any individual suspected of tax fraud has to agree to furnishing her tax returns?

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary.

"The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors."

A request is merely the first step.
If the "Foreclosure King" refuses to provide Trump's returns, subpoenas will follow.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"

Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
Yea and five year olds like to demand having ice cream and pudding for dinner.
You're confused about the extent of Trump's corruption since becoming POTUS?

"A Year in Trump Corruption
Here’s every time Trump has profited off the presidency.

A Year in Trump Corruption

"Corruption Type 1: Foreign Emoluments
"'No person holding any office of profit or trust under [the United States], shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.'

"–U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9"

"Nov. 16, 2016: The Trump International Hotel hosts about 100 foreign diplomats for a tour, baiting them with champagne and sliders and sending them home with goody bags.

"Dec. 7, 2016: The Kingdom of Bahrain hosts its National Day celebration at the Trump International Hotel...."


Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime

Hillary taking $150,000,000 from Russia is the crime
Hillary lost, remember?

"Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes.

"He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

People giving money to their families.....instead of the government?
There oughta be a law!!!
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
They can request all they want but if there's no legal basis for the demand Trump doesn't have to comply.
Since Trump has been convicted twice on civil charges of tax fraud and he refused to submit federal tax returns prior to becoming POTUS, the legal basis for current demands is obvious to all but Republicans who don't care about Trump's many conflicts of interest or how the affect US national interests.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA. The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested he would protect Trump’s privacy if he receives a request from House Democrats for Trump’s tax returns.

"At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing, Mnuchin was asked whether he would meet a request for Trump’s past tax returns. Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., is expected to formally ask for those as Democrats seek to shed light on Trump’s financial dealings and potential conflicts of interest..."

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary. The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors. But Mnuchin did not specifically say he would turn them over."
Here's the problem with you theory.

1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.
1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.
Where did you get the idea any individual suspected of tax fraud has to agree to furnishing her tax returns?

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"Neal is one of only three congressional officials authorized under a rarely used 1924 law to make a written request for anyone’s tax returns to the Treasury secretary.

"The law says the Treasury chief 'shall furnish' the requested material to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors."

A request is merely the first step.
If the "Foreclosure King" refuses to provide Trump's returns, subpoenas will follow.

This is outrageous!!!
The bank shouldn't be able to foreclose, even if you stop paying your mortgage!!!!

To show how strongly I feel about this, I think you should buy a home and rent it out.
And when the tenants stop paying their should let them stay anyway.
People giving money to their families.....instead of the government?
There oughta be a law!!!
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

NO problem as long as they pay the gift tax. Or maybe you missed that part of how they avoided taxes.
Most voluntarily show their tax returns

What is our Presudent hiding?

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