Dems Demand 10 Years of Trump's Financials

Trump's financials may show his history of tax avoidance stems from laundering money from Russia and the former Soviet Union. If Mueller studied his returns as part if his investigation, Barr may find those conclusions reflect negatively on POTUS and try to bury the information in much the same way he did in 1992 with another rich Republican president.

The Man Who Will Determine The Fate Of The Mueller Report: What You Should Know

IOW, there's no crime known to have been committed, we just want to dig around and see if we can find something embarrassing?
OW, there's no crime known to have been committed, we just want to dig around and see if we can find something embarrassing?
Who told you "there's no crime to have been committed," Bill Barr?

A known Republican hack who covered up HW Bush's Iran Contra crimes and currently believes the POTUS is "...the sole repository of all Executive powers conferred by the Constitution"?

Since we have never seen a president as corrupt as Trump...

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, United States president Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."

...only Republicans with more concern for party than country accept Barr's interpretation of Mueller's report, AND that's only because the long time Democrat switched parties to "win" the White House.

The Man Who Will Determine The Fate Of The Mueller Report: What You Should Know

Already tring to smear Barr? You desperation is so obvious that you stink more than usual. Add liar to your Anti-Semitism. Using Wikipedia as a source? You really do enjoy being laughed at don't you? High school teachers don't accept Wikipedia as a source. By all means continue melting down as Trump rolls to re-election.
There was an NPR link given.
But as far as wikipedia, every claim has a reference, with a huge list at the bottom of each page. And if there is no reference, it'll say citation needed.

And anybody can edit things on Wikipedia. Making it a totally unreliable source. Try again. By the way, no matter how much you cry and whine, that report exonerates Trump. Now enjoy the tables being turned on YOU.
And anybody can edit things on Wikipedia. Making it a totally unreliable source. Try again. By the way, no matter how much you cry and whine, that report exonerates Trump. Now enjoy the tables being turned on YOU.
Anyone can SUGGEST an edit to Wiki; why don't you try it sometime and stop making a fool of yourself.
Who told you "there's no crime to have been committed," Bill Barr?

A known Republican hack who covered up HW Bush's Iran Contra crimes and currently believes the POTUS is "...the sole repository of all Executive powers conferred by the Constitution"?

Since we have never seen a president as corrupt as Trump...

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, United States president Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate."

...only Republicans with more concern for party than country accept Barr's interpretation of Mueller's report, AND that's only because the long time Democrat switched parties to "win" the White House.

The Man Who Will Determine The Fate Of The Mueller Report: What You Should Know

Already tring to smear Barr? You desperation is so obvious that you stink more than usual. Add liar to your Anti-Semitism. Using Wikipedia as a source? You really do enjoy being laughed at don't you? High school teachers don't accept Wikipedia as a source. By all means continue melting down as Trump rolls to re-election.
Already tring to smear Barr? You desperation is so obvious that you stink more than usual.
Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

"As the report states: '[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.'"

Did you notice the [T] in Barr's independent clause above? That should tell you there's information you are NOT being told concerning the Trump Campaign's conspiracy or coordination with Russians during the 2016 election.

Would you care more if Trump had run as a Democrat instead of a Republican?

Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr was instrumental in convincing Bush to pardon six henchmen and keep his personal contribution to the crimes hidden.

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as 'Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails "Cover-Up.'"

Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017
Already tring to smear Barr? You desperation is so obvious that you stink more than usual. Add liar to your Anti-Semitism. Using Wikipedia as a source? You really do enjoy being laughed at don't you? High school teachers don't accept Wikipedia as a source. By all means continue melting down as Trump rolls to re-election.
Already tring to smear Barr? You desperation is so obvious that you stink more than usual.
Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

"As the report states: '[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.'"

Did you notice the [T] in Barr's independent clause above? That should tell you there's information you are NOT being told concerning the Trump Campaign's conspiracy or coordination with Russians during the 2016 election.

Would you care more if Trump had run as a Democrat instead of a Republican?

Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr was instrumental in convincing Bush to pardon six henchmen and keep his personal contribution to the crimes hidden.

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as 'Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails "Cover-Up.'"

Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Are you confusing me with a Republican?

Nope, you're just a dope who feels my claim, "my house is worth $1 trillion" is fraud.

My house is worth $1 trillion.

What law did I break?
My house is worth $1 trillion.

What law did I break?
Fishing without a license
... and still no Russian connection
.. and still no Russian connection
Who told you that?

"All False statements involving Donald Trump


"The FBI said (former national security adviser Michael Flynn) wasn't lying."

— PolitiFact National on Thursday, March 28th, 2019

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

"As the report states: '[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.'"

Did you notice the [T] in Barr's independent clause above? That should tell you there's information you are NOT being told concerning the Trump Campaign's conspiracy or coordination with Russians during the 2016 election.

Would you care more if Trump had run as a Democrat instead of a Republican?

Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr was instrumental in convincing Bush to pardon six henchmen and keep his personal contribution to the crimes hidden.

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as 'Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails "Cover-Up.'"

Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?
The GOP deserves to be destroyed, it serves no purpose...
Barr's a life-long Republican who was instrumental in pardoning other Republicans (including HW Bush) from their crimes 27 years ago:

Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr never had the power to pardon anyone. GHW Bush was never pardoned.
Barr was instrumental in convincing Bush to pardon six henchmen and keep his personal contribution to the crimes hidden.

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as 'Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails "Cover-Up.'"

Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.
I guess the worst thing democrats can do at this point is to accuse the President of being a capitalist. Why not examine the financial history of the Clinton Foundation which apparently dried up when Hillary left public service?
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
Barr was instrumental in convincing Bush to pardon six henchmen and keep his personal contribution to the crimes hidden.

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as 'Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails "Cover-Up.'"

Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Barr was instrumental in convincing Bush to pardon six henchmen and keep his personal contribution to the crimes hidden.

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as 'Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails "Cover-Up.'"

Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?
I guess the worst thing democrats can do at this point is to accuse the President of being a capitalist. Why not examine the financial history of the Clinton Foundation which apparently dried up when Hillary left public service?
Trump and his father qualify as state-capitalists or crony-capitalists at best who earn(ed) million$ from bribing politicians of both major parties for favorable tax policies. In Donald's case, he took it one step further by circumventing gift taxes on "loans" from his dad, Fred Trump:

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

"As the Times tells it, Donald took out several 'loans' from his father Fred in order to support some of his struggling business ventures.

"A document cataloguing some of these loans place the total at nearly $5 million in 1979 alone.

"These loans were open-ended, meaning that there was no set payment schedule.

"The implication of this is that there was no real pressure or even expectation to pay back these loans.

And this is how Trump’s father gave him a gift of about $5 million dollars without having to give the IRS 55%."
Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Yes, that was awesome!
Yes, that was awesome!
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
'Think Trump can top it?

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump.

"Is this background relevant?

"Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant U.S. news wire service doesn’t seem to think so."

What we learned about Trump, Russia, and collusion in 2017

Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
Lawrence Walsh was a real twat.
The Bush pardons were awesome!
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

You ever look into seeking a 12 step program for your TDS and BDS ?


HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Last edited:
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
HW Bush was another corrupt fascist who should have died in prison; maybe he should have picked Trump for VP in '88?

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

You ever look into seeking a 12 step program for your TDS and BDS ?



"some people close to Mr. Trump have privately predicted that he will ultimately choose to seek a second term in part because of his legal exposure if he is not president. While there is no legal consensus on the matter, Justice Department policy says that a president cannot be indicted while in office."

Fearing Life Behind Bars, Trump Begs China to Help Him Juice the Stock Market
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

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