Dems Demand 10 Years of Trump's Financials

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Do you still cry yourself to sleep because the USSR dissolved?
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
Which LAW are you referring to?
How would Republicans have responded if Ken Starr had delivered his report to Janet Reno who wrote a 4 page "summary" completely absolving Slick Willie?
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
The Democrats shoved what through the Republican run Congress you stupid, ihnoranmt , lying fuck/.
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
Trump's base is 30%-40% of US voters.
Can you do that math?
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.
Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.
He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.
He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.

You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.
It will be interesting to see if they get them. There is no basis to get them. It's pure fishing.
What, You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.

Trump claimed he does no business & had no plans to do business. We know this is a lie so it should be investigated. If Trump owes money to Russia and/or has plans to get the OK from Russia for future business, how do we know if Russia does not have some hold on Trump.

One example.

'Maybe of your fat asssed POS Trump had NOT lied about the Russians so often & hid his tax returns,

there would be no need to investigate,

So instea of having your head up Trumps ass, step back & realize that Trump created all this Russia bullshit all by himself.

Which makes the democrats who swallowed the while thing hook, line, and sinker, then insisted they had the boat on the hook look all the sillier.

Basically, you just said that Trump trolled them and they fell for it, big time.
I am saying Trump trolled himself & his feeble minded base.

As for the rest, lets wait until we see the entire report.

He's not in trouble with his base about Russia. It's democrats who are all aflutter about it.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

His base loves Putin & the Russians.

No fair, only the Dem base should get to love Putin & the Russians.
His base loves Putin & the Russians. They love it that Russia helped Trump win. His base loves that Trump handed world leadership to Putin because Trump has convinced the feeble minded ,asses that Globalism is ugly.

Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.

You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.

Trump did create it. His lies, refusal to release his tax returns & refusing to divest from his business brings on all these investigations.
Wow, you say some really stupid stuff.

You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.

You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.

Trump did create it. His lies, refusal to release his tax returns & refusing to divest from his business brings on all these investigations.

And when there's credible evidence that an actual crime has been committed, you investigate. You don't investigate hoping to first find a crime, then proof that someone is guilty.
You just said Trump's base doesn't care about the Russians thing. Explain it then, Oh wise one.

Trump interfered - you don't care
Trump backed off Russian sanctions - you don't care
Russia is replacing us on the world scene, you don;t care.

So really Let's hear your view.

You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.

You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.

Trump did create it. His lies, refusal to release his tax returns & refusing to divest from his business brings on all these investigations.

And when there's credible evidence that an actual crime has been committed, you investigate. You don't investigate hoping to first find a crime, then proof that someone is guilty.

1) The Russians did interfere for Trump to win. This interference appeared to be guided.
2) Trump campaign member caught on a Russian wire tap
3) The secret meeting in Trump Tower
4) Trump lies about his canmpaign's contact with the Ruissians

The crime was Russian Interference.
You said Trump created the whole Russia thing, now you say it's for real. Be sure to let us know when Mueller proves Trump actually colluded with Russia. That is the gold standard, right? I mean, I've been hearing for years now that Mueller is gonna get him, any day now.

Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.

You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.

Trump did create it. His lies, refusal to release his tax returns & refusing to divest from his business brings on all these investigations.

And when there's credible evidence that an actual crime has been committed, you investigate. You don't investigate hoping to first find a crime, then proof that someone is guilty.

1) The Russians did interfere for Trump to win. This interference appeared to be guided.
2) Trump campaign member caught on a Russian wire tap
3) The secret meeting in Trump Tower
4) Trump lies about his canmpaign's contact with the Ruissians

The crime was Russian Interference.

Man, if only Mueller had asked you, he could have saved countless hours and a lot of money. I thought you wanted to dig around in Trump's finances, trying to find something embarrassing, and all the while you really want to prove Mueller wrong when he couldn't find proof Trump broke the law with the Russians. Oh, well. You're certain Trump committed a crime, Mueller not so much. Who to believe, if who to believe.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Will you ever STOP crying and lying? You've gone past funny and have gone full speed into pathetic. News flash: IT'S OVER, YOU LOST. Though watching you go totally nuts over 6 more years of Trump may be fun.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
The Democrats shoved what through the Republican run Congress you stupid, ihnoranmt , lying fuck/.

Way to prove your stupidity you uneducated fuck. STFU until you have some proof of your idiotic claims moron. Try an extra large dose of the butthurt cream. You seem to be really having a flare up. Learn the law governing release of material.
Trump and family will be in prison within six years.

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"But I think that the Mueller report or other investigations are going to show absolutely improper relationships, before he took office, with the Russians.

"And remember that Donald Jr. said, in response to an email saying, 'The Russian government wants to help you win the presidency,' 'Love it.'

"I’m sorry, the only proper response to an intervention by a foreign government, particularly a hostile foreign government, is to call the FBI and say, 'I need someone in counterintelligence.'

"They didn’t do that.

"They tried to lie about it.

"They tried to set up a secret communications link using the Soviet Embassy’s cable system.

"Imagine if somebody in Obama’s administration or George W. Bush’s had tried to do that.

"You know, they would have been impeached by now, just over that."

When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
When Trump does not go to prison, YOU must leave this board FOR LIFE. No proof of any of your lies. As always. Now just STFU. You're an embarrassment.
If any proof exists, it is likely to be found in Mueller's report; why is Trump's Attorney General refusing to release that information?
Probably because the LAW prohibits much of that report from being released. Thanks to laws DEMOCRATS shoved through after Starr's report went public and embarrassed a lot of people. You'll get what you get and like it.
The Democrats shoved what through the Republican run Congress you stupid, ihnoranmt , lying fuck/.

Way to prove your stupidity you uneducated fuck. STFU until you have some proof of your idiotic claims moron. Try an extra large dose of the butthurt cream. You seem to be really having a flare up. Learn the law governing release of material.

You said the Democratys pushed through changes in the law after the Clintin thing.

You are the one sooooooooooooo stupid you think the Democrats can push things through a Republican Controlled Congress.
Let's see the whole repport. not a 4 page summary by a Trump pawn.

The FACT remains Trump lied about campaign contacts with Russia & his business dealings in Russia & you said his base doresn't care.

You won't see the whole report, because you don't have standing to see it, but don't worry, the democrats will make sure to pull out any parts that can be construed to be negative and will let your favorite hate merchants know so you can get all worked up about it. Interesting that you started with Trump creating the whole thing and now it's for real, gonna get him this time for sure.

Trump did create it. His lies, refusal to release his tax returns & refusing to divest from his business brings on all these investigations.

And when there's credible evidence that an actual crime has been committed, you investigate. You don't investigate hoping to first find a crime, then proof that someone is guilty.

1) The Russians did interfere for Trump to win. This interference appeared to be guided.
2) Trump campaign member caught on a Russian wire tap
3) The secret meeting in Trump Tower
4) Trump lies about his canmpaign's contact with the Ruissians

The crime was Russian Interference.

Man, if only Mueller had asked you, he could have saved countless hours and a lot of money. I thought you wanted to dig around in Trump's finances, trying to find something embarrassing, and all the while you really want to prove Mueller wrong when he couldn't find proof Trump broke the law with the Russians. Oh, well. You're certain Trump committed a crime, Mueller not so much. Who to believe, if who to believe.

Mueller knew all of that. Why didn't you?

With most Presidents, we can look at a stupid decision favoring the Russians & not worry that it was made because the President owed Russia a lot of money or wanted a favored status in a Trump Tower. We don't know because we have not seen Trump's tax returns.

Even if Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to prosecute, it does not mean Trump didn't do it. It just means he didn't get caught.

Trump is a very experienced crook. Reminds of how difficult it was to take down a mafia head.

All Trump needed to do was phone Vlad on his private phone, or give him a signal an an event or tell him is one of those one on ones he likes to have.

You peiple act as though Trump has a record of being honest.

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