Dems Demand 10 Years of Trump's Financials

He can ask :)

In fact asking is the entire point of the show.
You confusing asking with subpoena power.
What is Trump hiding in his financial statements?
Maybe it's years of laundering money for Russian mobsters...

A Russian Mobster Built Trump SoHo Into Putin’s Money Laundering Racket

I dont long as he rubs your nose in it.
dont long as he rubs your nose in it.
Why don't you care if your idiot POTUS has been laundering Russian mob money for the past quarter-century?

"The chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee said Tuesday that Deutsche Bank has begun providing records of its dealings with President Trump for the panel's probe into the president's finances.

"Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that Deutsche Bank has begun cooperating with an investigation into its extensive history with Trump, who borrowed millions of dollars from the bank over several decades.

"When asked Tuesday at the Capitol if Deutsche Bank had started to hand over records of it financial relationship with Trump, Waters replied, 'Yes.'"

Waters: Deutsche Bank providing Trump financial records for House probe

Mad Max will be rubbing your nose in Trump's sh*t for the next 19 months, Traitor.
Putting her in as chair in congressional oversight is like the fox guarding the henhouse. She's crooked as they come and dumb as a stump.
I'd ignore her statements on general principles.
They carry no weight, especially considering the source.
Putting her in as chair in congressional oversight is like the fox guarding the henhouse. She's crooked as they come and dumb as a stump.
I'd ignore her statements on general principles.
They carry no weight, especially considering the source.
What has Waters done that makes you think she's any less corrupt than Mitch is?

McConnell blocks resolution calling for release of Mueller report for second time

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked a resolution that called for special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election to be publicly released for the second time this week.

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee and a member of the Intelligence Committee, tried to get unanimous consent for the Senate to pass the resolution, which cleared the House in a 420-0 vote.

"'The fact is that a four-page summary cannot possibly illuminate what this thorough of an investigation uncovered. I find it so disappointing that so many are rushing to judgement without being able to see the full report or all of the underlying facts,' Feinstein said from the Senate floor."

Feinstein is another enabler of rich, corrupt crony capitalists, but neither she nor Maxine nor Mitch ever made it to the White House without revealing a decade of tax returns.

What is life-long Democrat Trump hiding, and why don't Republicans care?
Here's the problem with you theory.

1.You keep using the word request. This means Trump doesn't have too comply. If they could legally get Trumps records without his permission they'd have already done so. This means they do not have a legal basis under any circumstances to see his tax returns. They need Trump to give permission and he doesn't have too.

2.To use that "rarely used 1924 law" are you suggesting that the IRS isn't doing their job? That would mean that the IRS who's job it is to investigate such things, is also in need of investigation. If such a law exists that's why it's not used.

3. I do care, this is why I leave it to the IRS. It's the job of the IRS to investigate his finances not politicians. If something were amiss I would hope they'd find it and act accordingly. This is another witch hunt.

I made this post #4 in another thread about PROBABLE CAUSE, worth a look, here is a sample:

"Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."

More in the link.
Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."
Trump is reasonably suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs linked to the Russian government; that alone is enough to demand his tax returns.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal, the only Democrat on Capitol Hill with the power to take such action, is using a little-known IRS code in requesting six years of Trump's personal returns and also wants records from eight of the President's business entities.

"His request is narrowly targeted and rooted in a legal technicality.

"But supporters of the drive to get clarity on Trump's taxes argue that it is vital for Congress to establish whether Trump has any conflicts of interest that bear on his official duties and to see whether he is getting payments from foreign states in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution."

Sunsettommy is right.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. This hasn't happened which means that no judge has seen enough evidence to sign off on it. This means that He is not "reasonably suspected" and this is another democratic witch hunt. The law is thus far doing it's job protecting Trump because here in the USA you don't get to have searches just because you don't like somebody. This is one of the reasons we had the revolution and one of the reasons the founding fathers wrote it into law.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. T
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom
Demand his dad and grandad too YAY ! Fucking idiots.
What about the Kkklinton fund-ation ?
I made this post #4 in another thread about PROBABLE CAUSE, worth a look, here is a sample:

"Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."

More in the link.
Democrats appear to have NO probable cause to seize his tax returns, after all that is what the 4th Amendment is about, protecting against unreasonable searches. Since it is an obvious fishing expedition, the President can legally tell them to go away."
Trump is reasonably suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs linked to the Russian government; that alone is enough to demand his tax returns.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal, the only Democrat on Capitol Hill with the power to take such action, is using a little-known IRS code in requesting six years of Trump's personal returns and also wants records from eight of the President's business entities.

"His request is narrowly targeted and rooted in a legal technicality.

"But supporters of the drive to get clarity on Trump's taxes argue that it is vital for Congress to establish whether Trump has any conflicts of interest that bear on his official duties and to see whether he is getting payments from foreign states in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution."

Sunsettommy is right.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. This hasn't happened which means that no judge has seen enough evidence to sign off on it. This means that He is not "reasonably suspected" and this is another democratic witch hunt. The law is thus far doing it's job protecting Trump because here in the USA you don't get to have searches just because you don't like somebody. This is one of the reasons we had the revolution and one of the reasons the founding fathers wrote it into law.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. T
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Trump is reasonably suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs linked to the Russian government; that alone is enough to demand his tax returns.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal, the only Democrat on Capitol Hill with the power to take such action, is using a little-known IRS code in requesting six years of Trump's personal returns and also wants records from eight of the President's business entities.

"His request is narrowly targeted and rooted in a legal technicality.

"But supporters of the drive to get clarity on Trump's taxes argue that it is vital for Congress to establish whether Trump has any conflicts of interest that bear on his official duties and to see whether he is getting payments from foreign states in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution."

Sunsettommy is right.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. This hasn't happened which means that no judge has seen enough evidence to sign off on it. This means that He is not "reasonably suspected" and this is another democratic witch hunt. The law is thus far doing it's job protecting Trump because here in the USA you don't get to have searches just because you don't like somebody. This is one of the reasons we had the revolution and one of the reasons the founding fathers wrote it into law.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. T
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
Sunsettommy is right.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. This hasn't happened which means that no judge has seen enough evidence to sign off on it. This means that He is not "reasonably suspected" and this is another democratic witch hunt. The law is thus far doing it's job protecting Trump because here in the USA you don't get to have searches just because you don't like somebody. This is one of the reasons we had the revolution and one of the reasons the founding fathers wrote it into law.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. T
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."

Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
Sunsettommy is right.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. This hasn't happened which means that no judge has seen enough evidence to sign off on it. This means that He is not "reasonably suspected" and this is another democratic witch hunt. The law is thus far doing it's job protecting Trump because here in the USA you don't get to have searches just because you don't like somebody. This is one of the reasons we had the revolution and one of the reasons the founding fathers wrote it into law.
If he was "reasonably suspected" there would have to be evidence. If there were evidence they would seize his tax returns with no problem by way of court. T
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."

Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
Gangster for Capitalism
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain
Even dumb fish know Mueller's report has yet to see the light of day:

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"The more the story unfolds, the deeper Barr’s interference appears to be.

"According to reports in the Times and the Washington Post, Mueller’s staff prepared summaries of each section of the report, which, according to one staff member, they intended for release 'immediately—or very quickly' after it was delivered.

"Those summaries carefully excluded material that required redaction.

"Barr might simply have announced those summaries, representing the report in the words of those who worked on it, without going to the trouble of writing one of his own.

"According to the Washington Post, some members of Mueller’s team also said that the report contained evidence of Donald Trump obstructing justice that was 'much more acute than Barr suggested'—implying that Barr suppressed their summaries in order to present an account more favorable to the President."
The DUMS can whine, groan and posture from now until the cows come home.....nobody is seeing Trumps taxes ever. Doy
There's no shortage of evidence for Trump's tax dodging, including a pair of civil convictions for failure to pay income tax, and the infamous "empty box" scam in which he cheated New York state out of thousands of dollars in sales tax. As much as you cons object, it won't change the fact Donald Trump is NOT above the law.

Congress wants to reveal Donald Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

"Neal's gambit now puts Charles Rettig, the current IRS commissioner, who was nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate, in a delicate political position.

"It is all but certain that the administration will take steps to challenge the Democratic interpretation of the law on which the request is based.

"Such a scenario could see the Ways and Means committee issue a subpoena after Neal's April 10 deadline and the unleashing of a complicated legal duel."
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest

lol.....that's info that's really going to sway voters!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest

lol.....that's info that's really going to sway voters!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
lol.....that's info that's really going to sway voters!
When did voters become indifferent to national security conflicts of interest in the White House?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest

"Keeping track of Trump’s national-security conflicts of interest is no simple matter.

"Though some potentially profit-inflected decisions have already attracted critical scrutiny, others have surfaced only in the international press, and still others may remain hidden by the Trump Organization’s opaque operating style.

"Other potential conflicts have emerged from the circle of advisors and extended family orbiting the White House, including Trump’s eldest son, his daughter, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner."
As the note in the pissoir put it....but concerning those brave soles who demand President Trump's tax returns without appending a .pdf fine of their very own to their rants:

Here it sits all broken hearted.
Came to shit
but only farted.
And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest
Yeah.....that must be why the Deep State is trying to destroy his reputation, if not his entire family.
Because he's supposedly a member of their club.
However Bill Clinton and the Bush family are members of that organization.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest
Yeah.....that must be why the Deep State is trying to destroy his reputation, if not his entire family.
Because he's supposedly a member of their club.
However Bill Clinton and the Bush family are members of that organization.
eah.....that must be why the Deep State is trying to destroy his reputation, if not his entire family.
Because he's supposedly a member of their club.
However Bill Clinton and the Bush family are members of that organization
It's the same club

If they are turning on Trump, perhaps they feel his incompetence and greed are threats to their survival?
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

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