Dems Have Promised If Elected Your Life Improve — Has Life Improved in Democrat-Run Cities?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
FNC’s Carlson:
Dems Have Promised If Elected Your Life Improve — Has Life Improved in Democrat-Run Cities?

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jeff Poor

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson posed the question: With Democrats in charge of most of America’s major cities, has life improved the people that live in them?
Carlson offered the promises that have been made throughout this week’s Democratic National Convention and argued that life throughout many places that are controlled by elected Democratic Party officials does not back that up.

Tucker has provided moral clarity and critical thinking to the Democrat Party's commie fest this whole week. The man is a shining light in a world of leftist propaganda.
Life has absolutely not improved in Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat commies continue to destroy the schools, churches, healthcare and the family unit in every big blue city and they will continue to do so as long as they are re-elected.
By voting for Joey B, he promises to bring you the benefits to the citizens of Main Street America the advantages of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York whether you like it or not.
Like his friend Bernie Joey B will improve the lives of criminals who want victims without guns and without a police to protect them...
As long as you have PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in power of the cities and Federal government you will have a weak military and police forces to protect you and if the PMS/DSA has their way they will take your First and Second Amendment rights from you and make you more vulnerable to their terrorist and criminal groups.
biden also promised to cure cancer.

but sure. lets keep screaming trump is a liar and will say anything to his base.
Well of course it will improve. You won’t have to worry about voting ever again. They will setup voting only for solid blue states.
you won’t be able to afford a car so no road rage. High speed rail will fail so no travel and the worries associated with it.
land and housing will be taxed so high only the elite democrats will be able to afford them. So no upkeep.
Biden will improve lives promise. He had 50 years to do something. It's a promise. You will get the same nothing you got all along.
Life has not improved due to Trump administration's failure in addressing the Rich/Poor income gap and creating more homeless people that often go to the more sympathetic and more ETHICAL (as in authentic Christian) cities.
Democrats have been playing "Lucy with the football" for half a century. "No really, this time you can trust us!" they say sweetly. And they will yank the ball away leaving their trusting voters flat on their backs...again.
Life has not improved due to Trump administration's failure in addressing the Rich/Poor income gap and creating more homeless people that often go to the more sympathetic and more ETHICAL (as in authentic Christian) cities.

You're thinking of dem run cities.
FNC’s Carlson:
Dems Have Promised If Elected Your Life Improve — Has Life Improved in Democrat-Run Cities?

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jeff Poor

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson posed the question: With Democrats in charge of most of America’s major cities, has life improved the people that live in them?
Carlson offered the promises that have been made throughout this week’s Democratic National Convention and argued that life throughout many places that are controlled by elected Democratic Party officials does not back that up.

Tucker has provided moral clarity and critical thinking to the Democrat Party's commie fest this whole week. The man is a shining light in a world of leftist propaganda.
Life has absolutely not improved in Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat commies continue to destroy the schools, churches, healthcare and the family unit in every big blue city and they will continue to do so as long as they are re-elected.
By voting for Joey B, he promises to bring you the benefits to the citizens of Main Street America the advantages of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York whether you like it or not.
Like his friend Bernie Joey B will improve the lives of criminals who want victims without guns and without a police to protect them...
As long as you have PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in power of the cities and Federal government you will have a weak military and police forces to protect you and if the PMS/DSA has their way they will take your First and Second Amendment rights from you and make you more vulnerable to their terrorist and criminal groups.

Those are sheetwhole cities
Mayors are just one vote on the city council. Republicans and democrats sit on those councils. I live in a republican state where democratic cities were ruined by a republican governor and legislature. This argument about democratic cities is disingenuous, but that's all republicans have left.
FNC’s Carlson:
Dems Have Promised If Elected Your Life Improve — Has Life Improved in Democrat-Run Cities?

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jeff Poor

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson posed the question: With Democrats in charge of most of America’s major cities, has life improved the people that live in them?
Carlson offered the promises that have been made throughout this week’s Democratic National Convention and argued that life throughout many places that are controlled by elected Democratic Party officials does not back that up.

Tucker has provided moral clarity and critical thinking to the Democrat Party's commie fest this whole week. The man is a shining light in a world of leftist propaganda.
Life has absolutely not improved in Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat commies continue to destroy the schools, churches, healthcare and the family unit in every big blue city and they will continue to do so as long as they are re-elected.
By voting for Joey B, he promises to bring you the benefits to the citizens of Main Street America the advantages of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York whether you like it or not.
Like his friend Bernie Joey B will improve the lives of criminals who want victims without guns and without a police to protect them...
As long as you have PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in power of the cities and Federal government you will have a weak military and police forces to protect you and if the PMS/DSA has their way they will take your First and Second Amendment rights from you and make you more vulnerable to their terrorist and criminal groups.

liberal-democratic policies have made many things better;

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country
divorce is easy to get
interracial relationships are common
blacks and gays and women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, government, the military, business, entertainment
gays are out everywhere!
gays are getting married!
we just had a black president
women and gays are running for president
even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman

in many ways things have gotten much better!
Biden only made one promise that has meaning and measurable, and he's going to break it. He said he promised he'd be the next POTUS.
FNC’s Carlson:
Dems Have Promised If Elected Your Life Improve — Has Life Improved in Democrat-Run Cities?

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jeff Poor

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson posed the question: With Democrats in charge of most of America’s major cities, has life improved the people that live in them?
Carlson offered the promises that have been made throughout this week’s Democratic National Convention and argued that life throughout many places that are controlled by elected Democratic Party officials does not back that up.

Tucker has provided moral clarity and critical thinking to the Democrat Party's commie fest this whole week. The man is a shining light in a world of leftist propaganda.
Life has absolutely not improved in Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat commies continue to destroy the schools, churches, healthcare and the family unit in every big blue city and they will continue to do so as long as they are re-elected.
By voting for Joey B, he promises to bring you the benefits to the citizens of Main Street America the advantages of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York whether you like it or not.
Like his friend Bernie Joey B will improve the lives of criminals who want victims without guns and without a police to protect them...
As long as you have PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in power of the cities and Federal government you will have a weak military and police forces to protect you and if the PMS/DSA has their way they will take your First and Second Amendment rights from you and make you more vulnerable to their terrorist and criminal groups.

liberal-democratic policies have made many things better;

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country
divorce is easy to get
interracial relationships are common
blacks and gays and women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, government, the military, business, entertainment
gays are out everywhere!
gays are getting married!
we just had a black president
women and gays are running for president
even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman

in many ways things have gotten much better!

FNC’s Carlson:
Dems Have Promised If Elected Your Life Improve — Has Life Improved in Democrat-Run Cities?

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jeff Poor

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson posed the question: With Democrats in charge of most of America’s major cities, has life improved the people that live in them?
Carlson offered the promises that have been made throughout this week’s Democratic National Convention and argued that life throughout many places that are controlled by elected Democratic Party officials does not back that up.

Tucker has provided moral clarity and critical thinking to the Democrat Party's commie fest this whole week. The man is a shining light in a world of leftist propaganda.
Life has absolutely not improved in Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat commies continue to destroy the schools, churches, healthcare and the family unit in every big blue city and they will continue to do so as long as they are re-elected.
By voting for Joey B, he promises to bring you the benefits to the citizens of Main Street America the advantages of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York whether you like it or not.
Like his friend Bernie Joey B will improve the lives of criminals who want victims without guns and without a police to protect them...
As long as you have PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists in power of the cities and Federal government you will have a weak military and police forces to protect you and if the PMS/DSA has their way they will take your First and Second Amendment rights from you and make you more vulnerable to their terrorist and criminal groups.

liberal-democratic policies have made many things better;

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country
divorce is easy to get
interracial relationships are common
blacks and gays and women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, government, the military, business, entertainment
gays are out everywhere!
gays are getting married!
we just had a black president
women and gays are running for president
even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman

in many ways things have gotten much better!

liberal-democratic policies have made many things better;

pot is being decriminalized and legalized all over the country - In the much larger picture the costs very well could out-wiegh the benefits. For starts it contributes to Zombieland and stupidity (clearly), and that's how the Demonicrats like it.

divorce is easy to get - Worked well for black communities huh? Oh that's right, they generally don't marry and the result often produces thugs. Somehow we were a better people when divorce was uncommon and surely kids had more respect, but you claim this is an improvement.

interracial relationships are common I have no issues. You're assuming conservatives aren't liberal however. The common use of the term is a misnomer, it's just a label.

blacks and gays and women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, government, the military, business, entertainment Does help to explain why we've pussified as a country, and why there's so much turmoil and confusion. How's that female filled congress doing these days anyway? I for one am VERY happy there isn't so much gay TV. It was a fad, a thing, and couldn't carry it's own weight because most people just aren't into it.

gays are out everywhere! Not so much as before. Many of the idiots entertaining their mental health conditions with "I'm gay & it's hip" have moved onto something else.

gays are getting married! A clear sign our morals and idea of normal behavior had approached idiocracy. Homosexuality is a contradiction, why pretend it's on the same level as heterosexuality? I'll bet fewer heterosexuals marry now, the meaning was somewhat tainted.

we just had a black president Neat

women and gays are running for president Neat

even conservatives would vote for a black or a woman. Fuck off, it's PROGS who entertain racism.

in many ways things have gotten much better! In most ways it hasn't
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