Dems in full panic mode over Abbot stopping Illegal immigration


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
And still he won't address the businesses hiring them. You don't want to bite the hand that feeds you.
Please link to the businesses hiring them in Martha's Vineyard, NYC, etc. Seems, we taxpayers are being forced to put them up in five star hotels in NYC. How does the vegetable describe the likes of you? Lying, dog-faced pony soldier? Sounds appropriate.
Please link to the businesses hiring them in Martha's Vineyard, NYC, etc. Seems, we taxpayers are being forced to put them up in five star hotels in NYC. How does the vegetable describe the likes of you? Lying, dog-faced pony soldier? Sounds appropriate.

The people you are speaking about are not here illegally. We have covered this hundreds of times but I don't really expect it to ever sink in.
Wrong....we have covered this a thousand times. US law says to apply for asylum you can do so after arriving illegally or not.

But you'll never learn.
US law says you seek asylum in the FIRST country that they come to. The majority of these ILLEGALS are not from Mexico--and even if they were, what political persecution would they be escaping. Try again, moron, you're grasping at straws.
Link it moron. You won't because it does not exist.

Can I Still Apply for Asylum Even if I Am in the United States Illegally?
Yes. You may apply for asylum with USCIS regardless of your immigration status if:

You are not currently in removal proceedings

You file an asylum application within 1 year of arriving to the United States or demonstrate that you are within an exception to that rule

Questions and Answers: Affirmative Asylum Eligibility and Applications | USCIS.

Now quit replying to topics you are ignorant on.
No it doesn't. Educate yourself.
Follow your own directions, moron.
Effective May 11, 2023, the U.S. government will generally presume individuals who unlawfully enter the United States through its southwest land border or adjacent coastal borders are ineligible for asylum, unless they can demonstrate an exception to the rule or rebut the presumption.
Follow your own directions, moron.
Effective May 11, 2023, the U.S. government will generally presume individuals who unlawfully enter the United States through its southwest land border or adjacent coastal borders are ineligible for asylum, unless they can demonstrate an exception to the rule or rebut the presumption.

Are they being put up in hotels or not?

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