Dems May Lose NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Vote for Biden's Build Back Better Package If Family Leave Not Included

Biden will gain some success with his 'build back better' but it will be so watered down that the right will be able to call it their own victory.

And that means ordinary Americans will continue to suffer and America will decline into ruin even more.

The reality is that they won't get Manchin onside without a huge watering down of Biden's initiatives, and they aren't even trying to consider Sinema yet.

Biden will be faced with the task of spinning his defeat into some kind of make believe victory.
No matter what they do they are hopeless, yes.

But at the end of the day, if there is a way to blow trillions and trillions of dollars, they will find a way to do it!

So no worries.
America needs to spend trillions and trillions of dollars. Remember that when it doesn't happen.
You'll be constantly reminded as you hit each pothole along your way.
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All the DC swine are lined up at the trough and everyone wants to fatten up on their share of the PORK spending.
America needs to spend trillions and trillions of dollars. Remember that when it doesn't happen.
You'll be constantly reminded as you hit each pothole along your way.
For what we all pay in Federal, DOT taxes, fees and fines for roads and bridges, this should be not an issue. But a lot of that money goes into the general fund. The infrastructure bill should be just that.

I don't believe anyone is saying we should remove the Child Tax Credit, just that it shouldn't have been made fully refundable and paid to those that don't pay income taxes. That is just another handout. No doubt this is being spun that they want to remove the credit altogether.
For what we all pay in Federal, DOT taxes, fees and fines for roads and bridges, this should be not an issue. But a lot of that money goes into the general fund. The infrastructure bill should be just that.
Infrastructure is a part of it that's the easiest to understand by those who stubbornly continue to oppose what's needed.
But there is so much more that needs to be taken care of in order to catch America up for the benefit of the American people.

The political right will never accept spending on climate change and there's huge resistance to any social improvements. Infrastructure should come easy in a normal situation, but contrary attitudes could prevent even that!
Should Republicans win control of either chamber of Congress next year, they could kill much of Democrats’ expansion of the provision without even having to take a vote by simply allowing it expire.

Not just that.

The administration proposal threatens to subject Democrats to awkward questions about why they would only extend their biggest legislative achievement thus far, one they’ve spent months trumpeting, for a single year.

Until recently, few things had united Democrats like the child credit.

As for paid leave, the White House informed lawmakers last weekend that it wanted to drastically pare down those provisions in Democrats' party-line social spending package. Though the administration first proposed 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave for all workers funded at $225 billion, the president is now supportive of four weeks of paid leave for lower-income workers funded at $100 billion, five sources familiar with the conversations said Friday.

That’s nearly one-fifth of what the House approved for paid leave earlier this year: $494 billion. It’s even less than what the Senate has been pushing since this summer: $300 billion.

The benefits, disbursed on an income-based scale, would expire after an estimated three to four years, one source said — a nonstarter for most paid leave advocates, who say that the benefit’s permanence is critical to encouraging employers and states to participate in the program.

“A temporary paid leave program is insufficient,” said Molly Day, executive director of Paid Leave for the United States. “It is imperative that the final bill meets the desperate needs of working families with a permanent federal framework.”

The White House said Friday morning that it was considering cutting paid leave from the package, one source familiar with the conversations said.

Now, paid leave advocates are up in arms over what they see as an unwillingness by the White House to fight hard enough for even the slashed version of a reform that Biden campaigned heavily on, particularly as the U.S. recovers from a public health crisis that disparately affected women.

“It is inconceivable and unconscionable to me that there is any risk for a paid leave being on the chopping block, considering the ongoing pandemic, the women's jobs crisis, the care tsunami, the birth rate issues — all of the combined and overlapping crises deepening racial and gender inequality,” said Dawn Huckelbridge, director of Paid Leave for All. “The fact that something this administration has run on and Congress has championed would not be a priority to me is unbelievable.”

The White House has mostly deferred the blame for the paid leave cutbacks to Manchin, one source familiar with the conversations on the Hill said. Manchin himself has yet to go on record about whether the policy is a priority for him.

“I want to know whether [Biden] is putting his weight behind [paid leave] when he’s behind closed doors with Sen. Manchin and others that he’s negotiating with,” said Vicki Shabo, who studies paid leave at New America.

A spokesperson for Manchin did not respond to a request for comment Friday

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