Will house Dems pass a bill that gives billions to the rich?

You must have some one else do your taxes. Say it isn’t true. As soon as we have to talk real numbers it always looses the far right.
I don't live in a high tax state and will benefit from the raising if the SALT deduction as will many wealthier Republicans from low tax red states. In blue states where property taxes are exorbitant, the SALT benefit trickles down to the middle class's.

Though I would benefit, I'm not for it being raised beyond 10k. I fail to understand why Democrats would be for it seeing is it mainly helps the wealthy, who they claim they want to force to pay their "fair share."
I don't live in a high tax state and will benefit from the raising if the SALT deduction as will many wealthier Republicans from low tax red states. In blue states where property taxes are exorbitant, the SALT benefit trickles down to the middle class's.

Though I would benefit, I'm not for it being raised beyond 10k. I fail to understand why Democrats would be for it seeing is it mainly helps the wealthy, who they claim they want to force to pay their "fair share."
You have to look at the entire tax structure. The Fed can easily decide winners and losers. The real estate developers including Trump are helped immensely. Be also,aware that 1.4/trillion was cut out of Medicaid. These are medical funds for the poor that the state has primary control over. You think that’s going to,not affect state income, property and sales taxes ?

Overall, I know it’s cool to just say, everyone got a tax cut. It seems it’s not balanced and the middle class cuts sunset while then top 1% cuts are permaren’t till passed by congress.

The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains​

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You have to look at the entire tax structure. The Fed can easily decide winners and losers. The real estate developers including Trump are helped immensely. Be also,aware that 1.4/trillion was cut out of Medicaid. These are medical funds for the poor that the state has primary control over. You think that’s going to,not affect state income, property and sales taxes ?

Overall, I know it’s cool to just say, everyone got a tax cut. It seems it’s not balanced and the middle class cuts sunset while then top 1% cuts are permaren’t till passed by congress.

The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gain​

The point is that Democrats are pushing for further tax cuts for predominately weather families via an increase in the SALT deduction from Trump levels. Why are Democrats ok with that but not ok with Trump cutting taxes on the "rich"? My guess is because it helps wealthier Democrats from blue states immensely. As I said, it helps me too, but I fail to see the consistency in the Democratic argument.
Both parties want this no matter what the GOP says in public...ruling is more attractive to elected officials than governing....we are surfs forever now....until the new revolution begins....and that won't be for a long time....it took decades of British abuse before Americans had had enough...
Often change happens rapidly. For example as the following article mentions the USSR fell apart overnight. I hope the United States will survive the current storm but the level of corruption in our nation worries me. Plus we have a liberal media that has sacrificed all the ethics of good journalism and generates fake news and propaganda for the Democratic Party.

The Soviet Union collapsed overnight. Don’t assume western democracy will last for ever | Paul Mason

But perhaps there is still hope. The Washington Post recently admitted it was wrong about some stories involving the Steele Dossier. If we do split apart I feel it is likely the Chinese will end up ruling the world with an iron fist.

I loved the tax cuts for the lower/working classes. Progs do not do that. They play games with specific groups in those income levels.
How much of a tax cut did the poor get considering they have a zero net tax level?
I loved the tax cuts for the lower/working classes. Progs do not do that. They play games with specific groups in those income levels.
Ridiculous. You don’t know what you are talking about. The working poor pay more taxes as a percent of their wages then wealthy people do. All you think about is federal income tax. Are you that simple. Everyone pays payroll taxes except for the wealthly who can avoid it. Everyone pays flat rate state and sales taxes and property taxes. All together, the working poor pay a higher percent of their total worth then rich people do because they are purchasing a higher percent of their taxed income then the Rich. They can’t afford to save or invest as much as the rich dufus, so they enter the taxable income stage much quicker.
Ah, so you are saying that Trump increased taxes on the rich while giving them a tax cut?
No( What I’m saying Is that Biden wants the IRS to spy 🕵️‍♀️ on us if we spend more then $600( think it’s higher now) but he’s giving tax cuts to the rich? Free Junior College, Health Care? Child Care,etc Who’s going to pay for it ?!
No( What I’m saying Is that Biden wants the IRS to spy 🕵️‍♀️ on us if we spend more then $600( think it’s higher now) but he’s giving tax cuts to the rich? Free Junior College, Health Care? Child Care,etc Who’s going to pay for it ?!
We already have free jr. colleges.
Normally the people who pay for it are the taxpayers as an investment in their future which has been occurring since the continental railroad was built and before that it was free land.
No( What I’m saying Is that Biden wants the IRS to spy 🕵️‍♀️ on us if we spend more then $600( think it’s higher now) but he’s giving tax cuts to the rich? Free Junior College, Health Care? Child Care,etc Who’s going to pay for it ?!
Ha ha..Trump wanted who you voted for sent to agencies like the IRS to determine who was going to get audited. You’re complaining cause Dems want educational opportunity equalized while you guys like to jail and fine political opponents.
Ha ha..Trump wanted who you voted for sent to agencies like the IRS to determine who was going to get audited. You’re complaining cause Dems want educational opportunity equalized while you guys like to jail and fine political opponents.
HaHa. Re; Your first claim( prove it, Biden wants ordinary Americans to get audited while Bezos spends over $44,000,000 on a luxury yacht, Pelosi gets rich 🤑 from her insider trading and Drug addicted Biden Jr and Father get rich from their inside dealings with 🇨🇳 China. You’re complaining because Republicans don’t want open borders, reduced crime, illegal immigration and drugs pouring into the Country, Sanctuary Cities.etc. Etc
We already have free jr. colleges.
Normally the people who pay for it are the taxpayers as an investment in their future which has been occurring since the continental railroad was built and before that it was free land.
I was referring to free Community Colleges for everybody At the present ,This is not the case

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