Dems: Party of Death


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Oh My the horror...

May 8, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The Dems have one talking point. Death.

From Bernie to Nancy to whatever random crazy people are released on leave long enough to grab a chair in an MSNBC studio, rant for 90 seconds, before being hauled away with butterfly nets, the Dems have one message.





Dems: Party of Death

The republicans want to KILL millions of people with their stupid healthcare bill, send our troops into war after war and you say the democrats are the party of death? Damn.
The racist views of the Left's favorite icon.
May 10, 2017

Walter Williams

May Day celebrations were held all across the fruited plain, with leftist radicals and unionists worshipping the ideals of communism. Communism is an ideology calling for government control over our lives. It was created by Karl Marx, who — along with his collaborator, Friedrich Engels — wrote a pamphlet called "Manifesto of the Communist Party." In 1867, Marx wrote the first volume of "Das Kapital." The second and third volumes were published posthumously, edited by Engels. Few people who call themselves Marxists have ever even bothered to read "Das Kapital." If one did read it, he would see that people who call themselves Marxists have little in common with Marx.


Despite the fact that in the 20th century alone communism was responsible for more than 100 million murders (DEATH BY GOVERNMENT: GENOCIDE AND MASS MURDER), much of the support for communism and socialism is among intellectuals. The reason they do not condemn the barbarism of communism is understandable. Dr. Richard Pipes explains: "Intellectuals, by the very nature of their professions, grant enormous attention to words and ideas. And they are attracted by socialist ideas. They find that the ideas of communism are praiseworthy and attractive; that, to them, is more important than the practice of communism. Now, Nazi ideals, on the other hand, were pure barbarism; nothing could be said in favor of them." That means leftists around the world will continue to celebrate the ideas of communism.

What Do Leftists Celebrate?
May 18, 2017
Extortion 17: Biden, Panetta Leaks Doomed SEAL Team 6
By Daniel John Sobieski



It was the kind of general information and concerns that the Russians tried to share with President Obama about the Tsarnaev brothers before the Boston Marathon bombings. If President Obama had “colluded” with the Russians the way Trump is said to have done, the Boston Marathon bombing would never have happened. As Investor’s Business Daily editorialized:


Collusion with the Russians in this case would have saved American lives, but Obama refused Russian assistance in fighting these terrorists. Is Trump “colluding” with the Russians to save lives from ISIS terrorists a bad thing? Did we forget that the Russians had a plane blown out of the sky over the Sinai by terrorists?

Panetta himself, it would seem, is the one who needs to be surrounded by adults to keep his loose lips in check, having put the lives of those who took out Osama bin Laden at risk. As Breitbart reported:


Then there is Joe Biden, whose loose lips got members of Seal Team 6 targeted for revenge in an Afghan mission known as Extortion 17. As Investor’s Business Daily recounted on May 28, 2013:


Read more: Articles: Extortion 17: Biden, Panetta Leaks Doomed SEAL Team 6

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