The Coming Outlawing Of The Republican Party


Look at this: Even solid conservative Rich Lowry is laughing at you:

Trump has created a dynamic for his supporters where the more seemingly victimized he is, the better.

Heā€™s a victim because heā€™s strong and has stirred the hornetā€™s nest in a way no one else would dare.

Heā€™s a victim because the system is rigged against him and anyone who challenges it.

Heā€™s a victim because heā€™s so closely identified with his supporters, who have been, likewise, allegedly treated unfairly by large-scale economic and social forces. ā€œWe will be attacked,ā€ he told his fans at his announcement. ā€œWe will be slandered. We will be persecuted just as I have been.ā€

In other words, Trumpā€™s self-described victimhood accords with his populism, which tends to see people, writ large, as being victimized by a corrupt elite.

Weak. Wimps.
its no republicans fault biden is a senile and completely corrupt old Stalin wannabee
An idiot -gram ^^^ that has no comprehension of history and current events. Having hate built on ignorance is the problem the GOP needs is to educate the biddable and toss the Republican Pols out of any office of trust, as the good and educated people did when voting in the elections of 2020 and 2022.

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