Dems. petition OBAMA to remove Trumps name from a DC hotel

The nasty little clown is making the rounds. ignore trolls
and notice they send the petition TO OBAMA. as if he's our DICKtator or something.

wake up people. Kick this nasty party out of our lives come 2016 and Forever after that

take back your country
and notice they send the petition TO OBAMA. as if he's our DICKtator or something.

wake up people. Kick this nasty party out of our lives come 2016 and Forever after that

take back your country

There are not enough trailer dwelling crackers to take anything back, your ilks time is finished with the demographic shift
The Rep
and notice they send the petition TO OBAMA. as if he's our DICKtator or something.

wake up people. Kick this nasty party out of our lives come 2016 and Forever after that

take back your country

There are not enough trailer dwelling crackers to take anything back, your ilks time is finished with the demographic shift
The Republicans' demographic is the middle-class.

Democrats' demographic is Gays, illegals, welfare cases, and Elitist North Easterners. I would say Hollywood but they left California a few years back because of the flood from Mexico and Central America.
The demographic shift, IF current immigration levels are maintained, won't happen for another 50 years. If planned parenthood kills off enough of the minority children, it will take longer than that.

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