Dems pinning their hopes on Trump conviction

/----/ Oh, you mean the misdemeanor that had passed the statute of limitations, and was revived to be linked to an unknown and perhaps nonexistent felony?
Okay, if that's what they are telling you on Hate Radio.

I'm not sure why you think that a crime that was only delayed because of his office makes it less bad.

Did Trump have sex with Daniels? Absolutely.
Did Trump pay her off secretly? Without a doubt.
Did he falsify documents to hide the payment? Yup.
Was it done to influence the 2016 election? Only a fool would argue otherwise. It's certainly not because he cared about Melania's feelings.
Okay, if that's what they are telling you on Hate Radio.

I'm not sure why you think that a crime that was only delayed because of his office makes it less bad.

Did Trump have sex with Daniels? Absolutely.
Did Trump pay her off secretly? Without a doubt.
Did he falsify documents to hide the payment? Yup.
Was it done to influence the 2016 election? Only a fool would argue otherwise. It's certainly not because he cared about Melania's feelings.
/—-/ Hate radio? I don’t listen to CNN. Stormy is a whore who changed her story and you believe her or at least you want to. Neither one of us know what actually happened.
Stormy told her story under oath.
Trump... didn't.

Game. Set. Match.
/—-/ Was Stormy lying then or is she lying now? Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Cohen also lied under oath. That’s the problem with you people.

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