Dems propose requiring women to register for military draft.

Good lord, none of the women in my county will even be considered... they're cows! I think that there are only about 30 able bodied women in the county and they are nothing but baby makin' mamas on welfare.
Attn Democrats: I know you'd like to believe otherwise, but there there differences between men and women.

Let's see the little lady pick up a 190 pound wounded man with another 90-140 pounds of gear strapped to him, and carry him off the battlefield.

Plus there's the problem with "equal but separate" facilities. I don't think many of those female soldiers are gonna want to share a shower with someone having 10 pounds of meat hanging between legs.
Attn Democrats: I know you'd like to believe otherwise, but there there differences between men and women.

Let's see the little lady pick up a 190 pound wounded man with another 90-140 pounds of gear strapped to him, and carry him off the battlefield.

Plus there's the problem with "equal but separate" facilities. I don't think many of those female soldiers are gonna want to share a shower with someone having 10 pounds of meat hanging between legs.
Women have served in our military for decades
Try to keep up
I never thought that I would say this after the boondoggle of Vietnam, but I think that it is a good idea.

In an emergency, the nation needs all hands on deck. Registering for the draft will force women to think about their obligations as citizens. Moreover, some young women are housebound and don't meet a variety of people, and if they are called to serve, they will leave their homes, meet new people, learn new skills, and learn to be independent adults.

i like what the Israelis did. Requiring all people to perform national service, not just register, has strenghtened that nation and helped the young transition into adulthood.I loved the video that a proud Israeli couple posted on Youtube of their daughter being sworn in.

My aunt/godmother was a lifer who served in many overseas posts, including war-time Vietnam. I know the skills she tried to teach me, how to think on my feet, act as well as cry when something horrible occurs, take responsibility, read a lot and think. She always told me when I was a teenager and traveled with her that she did not care if I was wrong when she asked me to make a decision. The message was just do it!
This is one thing I am completely for. You wanna be equal? Go get your brains blown out in few banker wars. I bet you our foreign policy would change OVER NIGHT.
This is one thing I am completely for. You wanna be equal? Go get your brains blown out in few banker wars. I bet you our foreign policy would change OVER NIGHT.

You do know that the overwhelming majority of soldiers who serve in the U.S. military never get seriously injured, much less killed don't you?
Dems war on women!

Israel does it, and it works very well for them.

However, I believe every person between the age of 16 and 31 should register to serve our nation. Those who chose the armed forces, will have their choice to serve one year of ACDUTRA and two years of Active Duty in the service which best fits the needs after training of their one year of ACDUTRA.

Those who do not serve in the armed forces could serve in VISTA, Peace Corp or other civilian jobs which they are trained & fit to do.

Those who serve in our armed forces will get compensation in a GI Bill. Those who don't will not receive the same bill, but if they serve honorably they will have extra points on any Civil Service Job in which they have the Minimum Qualifications.



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