Dems Say No State Funding For Your Schoolkids If School Mascot Offends Indian Tribes


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
A bunch of drunken serial welfare bums laying around on a reservation have to ok your mascot now!!

Dems Try to Kill Funding for Schools with Native American Mascots - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

sep 12 2014
Political correctness is apparently more important than educating children. At least that’s the message Itake away from a Colorado Democrat’s plan to defund schools that have “unauthorized” mascots. Wielding the self-righteous tomahawk of political correctness, Democrat Joe Salazar has decided to leverage Colorado’s pawns kids as a bargaining chip in his effort to rid the world of “offensive” Native American mascots.

Under the Thornton legislator’s plan, schools will be required to seek permission from Native American tribes for their western-themed mascots, or go without any state funding.
More stupid by white people trying to pretend to be someone they are not and show their compassion for something that is not an issue.
Screw the indians. Why do we worship these useless deadbeats? And why do we apologize for what we did to them?. They chose to go to war with americans and they lost the war. If they had won the war they'd still be celebrating.
Here is who I am for you folks that think we Indians are deadbeats.
I was born and raised in north eastern South Dakota on a farm close to a little town called Peever. I am the son of a man whom married a 'halfbreed' grandson to a man who was all Sisseton Waupeton Dakota Sioux. I served 21 years in the United States Army, I am a Ranger. I now am the operations manager of the second largest coal fired facility in the WECC. That would the be the western energy coordinating council for those too stupid to know where their electricity comes from. The men and women that work at our facility power the greater north west. I am a staunch conservative. I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in elk hunting, and a PHD in destroying stupid people.

Next clown please.
Here is who I am for you folks that think we Indians are deadbeats.
I was born and raised in north eastern South Dakota on a farm close to a little town called Peever. I am the son of a man whom married a 'halfbreed' grandson to a man who was all Sisseton Waupeton Dakota Sioux. I served 21 years in the United States Army, I am a Ranger. I now am the operations manager of the second largest coal fired facility in the WECC. That would the be the western energy coordinating council for those too stupid to know where their electricity comes from. The men and women that work at our facility power the greater north west. I am a staunch conservative. I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in elk hunting, and a PHD in destroying stupid people.

Next clown please.

HAHAHA. If you had any brains you'd know it's stupid to list your accomplishments on the internet. No one believes a word of it.
Here is who I am for you folks that think we Indians are deadbeats.
I was born and raised in north eastern South Dakota on a farm close to a little town called Peever. I am the son of a man whom married a 'halfbreed' grandson to a man who was all Sisseton Waupeton Dakota Sioux. I served 21 years in the United States Army, I am a Ranger. I now am the operations manager of the second largest coal fired facility in the WECC. That would the be the western energy coordinating council for those too stupid to know where their electricity comes from. The men and women that work at our facility power the greater north west. I am a staunch conservative. I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in elk hunting, and a PHD in destroying stupid people.

Next clown please.

HAHAHA. If you had any brains you'd know it's stupid to list your accomplishments on the internet. No one believes a word of it.

^ jealous because he has no accomplishments.

Sorry man, making it through the day without shitting yourself doesn't count.
Here is who I am for you folks that think we Indians are deadbeats.
I was born and raised in north eastern South Dakota on a farm close to a little town called Peever. I am the son of a man whom married a 'halfbreed' grandson to a man who was all Sisseton Waupeton Dakota Sioux. I served 21 years in the United States Army, I am a Ranger. I now am the operations manager of the second largest coal fired facility in the WECC. That would the be the western energy coordinating council for those too stupid to know where their electricity comes from. The men and women that work at our facility power the greater north west. I am a staunch conservative. I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in elk hunting, and a PHD in destroying stupid people.

Next clown please.

HAHAHA. If you had any brains you'd know it's stupid to list your accomplishments on the internet. No one believes a word of it.

Well I will not comment on your amount of brains or lack there of. I will say this, when one paints with such a broad brush, one deserves to get it shoved up his arse. Sideways.

At any point you wish to 'test' anything I have just said, my accomplishments are a matter of public record and with that, I am sure you can tell me just what a bunch of welfare bums, we Indians are.

I will not argue that we as a people are in a welfare state. In fact if you wish to actually have a logical discussion on how it came to that and what we as a people need to do to get out of it, I would be happy to engage you. Keep on as you are and I will simply crush you with your own level of stupidity.

Just because one is a moron, does not mean one should demonstrate it openly for the entire world.
Well that was a pretty stupid response.

As usual, all the liberals have is personal attacks.

Calling me a liberal is almost as stupid as calling me a useless deadbeat.

Ignore ShootSpeeders, he's most likely retarded.

Or just a bigoted moron. :D How is ya Bear?

I'm good, how are you? Career Army myself here. Retire in 10 days after 25 years and some change.
Shoot speeders, do you have any idea how much you suck?

Seriously, if the Indians on the res are the kind of the people you paint them to be then you might ask yourself how they got there?

Nevertheless, the dems should be shot for this kind of pc terrorism. You would think that people have better things to concern themselves with like the run up to WWIII for example!
I'd be honored if I had a kid who played for a team named the "braves". Redskins? Not so much, but it is still not that big a deal and definitely not any of the federal government's biz.

I wonder if black Americans would be offended if an all black professional team was named the "Zulus". Obviously not a very American name but one they'd probably be proud of.
I'd be honored if I had a kid who played for a team named the "braves". Redskins? Not so much, but it is still not that big a deal and definitely not any of the federal government's biz.

I wonder if black Americans would be offended if an all black professional team was named the "Zulus". Obviously not a very American name but one they'd probably be proud of.

Imagine how much they would freak out if we still had the Negro League

I'd be honored if I had a kid who played for a team named the "braves". Redskins? Not so much, but it is still not that big a deal and definitely not any of the federal government's biz.

I wonder if black Americans would be offended if an all black professional team was named the "Zulus". Obviously not a very American name but one they'd probably be proud of.

Well I had a kid that played hockey for the 'Fighting Sioux' does that count? And yes I am proud. There was actually a HS team once called the 'Slaves' but that town actually dried up in the early 80's and went away or rather the school did. Merged with a larger school in southern Missouri. I don't recall the uprising then. Being an 'Indian', the Pro team names offend me NOT at all. In fact I am a Cleveland Indian fan. Not a Skins fan, but that is because they suck. GREEN BAY!

However I am a Black Hawks fan from hell.

This is all much ado about nothing and most of 'us' do not feel this way at all. We actually do not give a rats ass.

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