Yup, communists have tried to shove their ideology down people's throats a LOT haven't they?
Like America's actions in Viet Nam, Cuba, Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan...
I noticed none on your list WERE VOTED into power were they? Always by force of violence - wonder why?
Many were marxists and did not have the capital to buy an election or a brother running a state where the vote was contested
Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAdvocacy of proletarian revolution In order to overcome the fetters of private property the working class must seize political power internationally through a social revolution and expropriate the capitalist classes around the world and place the productive capacities of society into collective ownership. Upon this, material foundation classes would be abolished and the material basis for all forms of inequality between humankind would dissolve.
The socialist party of ireland has had several members elected, if I recall.
Hell, Bush wasn't elected, either. JFK also lost the popular vote. So much for the consent of the governed...
Of course the first thing they have to do - IF they succeed - is disarm their own people, spy on their own people, and do everything within their power to protect their new government from the people they govern.
you mean the patriot act, illegal operations by the CIA on American soil, the 1968 Democratic Convention, Nixon's spies and anti-hippie activities...
The difference is that you keep citing nations without socialist or communist systems (merely speaking Marxi's name doesn't magically make fidel anything other than a dictator) whereas the system you advocate... well, just take a look