Dems sound so pleased with our nation going brown & forcing taxpayers to pay for Mexico’s healthcare

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Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I find that so’s as if they are privy to information we have not yet seen.
I’m wondering why not a single one of them can offer a single statistic that proves such things are good for America and Americans...Conversely, there is a shit-ton of statistics to prove that a browner nation is a more criminal nation, a less productive nation, a nation where wages stay stagnant within brainless employment, a nation closer to shithole status, a nation with a worse education system, a nation with a shittier healthcare system...etc etc
So tell us Mexicrats....why should America embrace Mexico’s passive, backdoor takeover of the United States?
Considering how ecstatic most of you appear to be this should be a very simple request for you to fulfill.....GO!
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If Dems can’t offer us any proof that we benefit should we believe they are only compelled to encourage and embrace the takeover for the constituency alone?
The US is not responsible for Mexico or any South or Central American countries' problems. Those individual countries are solely responsible for they own situation, The US should not be helping out in any way. Not our monkeys not our circus
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