Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
The Klan wasn’t engaged in vigilante justice. They used terror, violence and the threats of terror to oppress people that threatened the DNC power structure in the South and surrounding areas. If people fought back they were beat amd killed. The same tactics used by the modern day DnC brownshirts like BLM and Antififa. What they tried to do to Kyle

The only people murdered that night in Kenosha were murdered by Kyle.

In fact, many of the people killed during the course of TRUMP RIOTS(TM) were either killed by police or by right wing counter-protesters.

Kyles acquittal scares the hell out of the dims. Its just that simple. They are pissed because they have been put on notice that people don't have to be victims. They are ALLOWED TO FIGHT BACK when they are attacked by the cowardly mob!!

Kyle's acquittal should scare the hell out of anyone. It essentially sets a precedent that you can claim self defense in any situation, even a situation you instigated.

Imagine if you are in a bar, and someone says something rude about your mother... you go to confront the guy, and he pulls out a gun and shoots you. Hey, self defense, I reasonably feared for my life.

If Kyle didn't want to be a victim of a mob, there was a simple solution to that.

Stay the fuck home in Antioch.

Gee, video I saw, was an active shooter shooting into a crowd, but okay.

Rosenbaum was only convicted of having sex with one child, ten years earlier, when he was barely a child himself. Not that this mattered, because Rittenhouse shot him IN THE BACK when he was on the ground. That kind of nullifies any "self-defense" argument.

Racist white jury acquits racist... We haven't made much progress since the 60's, have we?

Except we didn't have an honest jury, we had a jury where anyone who might have found him guilty was excluded.

Actually, the ONLY people shot that night were shot by Active Shooter Rittenhouse. If he stayed home, it would have been a footnote in the riots of 2020.

Everything you just posted has zero basis in fact, truth, reality or what was actually presented in court……

he didn’t shoot the rapist when he was on the ground, there was a black man on the jury, and part of the jury selection in Wisconsin is a random pick of juror numbers….6 in total…..that were removed from the pool……

Nothing you posted is even remotely true or accurate… are still a vile, disgusting piece of filth….
The Klan wasn’t engaged in vigilante justice. They used terror, violence and the threats of terror to oppress people that threatened the DNC power structure in the South and surrounding areas. If people fought back they were beat amd killed. The same tactics used by the modern day DnC brownshirts like BLM and Antififa. What they tried to do to Kyle
I grew up in Alabama during the 60s and 70s. Don't try to tell me what the Klan actually was.
Kyles acquittal scares the hell out of the dims. Its just that simple. They are pissed because they have been put on notice that people don't have to be victims. They are ALLOWED TO FIGHT BACK when they are attacked by the cowardly mob!!

Yep….guns are the only reason that the democrats haven’t ordered BLM/antifa to attack surburban himes and businesses…..the suburbs have lots of guns………the democrats have only been able to order the police to stand down in the cities they control……. cities where their gun control laws have allowed BLM/Antifa to burn, loot and kill in primarily black and minority neighborhoods…….

Kyle’s verdict means that normal people can still hope to be able to legally defend themselves against the democrat party brown shirts…the New Democrat party klan….
The only people murdered that night in Kenosha were murdered by Kyle.

In fact, many of the people killed during the course of TRUMP RIOTS(TM) were either killed by police or by right wing counter-protesters.

1) they weren’t murdered. They were killed attacking and trying to kill someone who defended himself

2) haha the Trump riots? well i guess you can call it that, the DNC brownshirts started their terror campaign on election night in 2016 and keep it up. Funded in part by members of the current admin
Gee, video I saw, was an active shooter shooting into a crowd, but okay.

Rosenbaum was only convicted of having sex with one child, ten years earlier, when he was barely a child himself. Not that this mattered, because Rittenhouse shot him IN THE BACK when he was on the ground. That kind of nullifies any "self-defense" argument.

Racist white jury acquits racist... We haven't made much progress since the 60's, have we?

Except we didn't have an honest jury, we had a jury where anyone who might have found him guilty was excluded.

Actually, the ONLY people shot that night were shot by Active Shooter Rittenhouse. If he stayed home, it would have been a footnote in the riots of 2020.
1. Post the video of Kyle shooting into a crowd. You can't LIAR.

2. Trying to defend a "sociopath pedophile"? Sickening. Here is the article again. I notice you never post links backing-up your lies.
"Court records reveal that Joseph Don Rosenbaum, the convicted sex offender whom Kyle Rittenhouse shot to death on August 25 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was a pervert who molested five small kids, two of whom were brothers."

3. What was "racist" about the acquittal? There were no blacks involved, DUH. Grasping at "racist" straws that aren't even real? Your "narrative" is as empty as your posts. Just LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE......

4. Prove that the jury was rigged. You can't. That's just another lie. Was the all white jury in GA racist too? Idiot. Jurys are supposed to follow the law, not support a "narrative".

5. The only people shot were the vicious criminal rioters who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse, who he had to shoot in "self-defense", so said the jury, and the LAW.
it’s tragic that you still support the party that they worked for
They are all republican Trump supporters these days. Not sure how you hate the Klan when they were Dixiecrats and support them now that they love your dear leader.
Democrats on the Sunday morning shows, as well as many others want laws changed so that law abiding citizens can't defend themselves from criminals.
In SF gangs of looters emptied Louis Vitton and other high-end stores. What if Louis hired a few armed vigilantes?
In Philadelphia, a mom and baby were killed coming home from a baby shower,

NYC Mayor DeBlasio said the Rittenhouse verdict "sends a horrible message"...
De Blasio joins NY’s left in raging over Kyle Rittenhouse — as NYPD on alert for potential unrest
“This verdict is disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country. Where is the justice in this,” de Blasio tweeted after the 18-year-old defendant was cleared of all charges in the deaths of two men and the wounding of a third during racially charged violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020."

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tweeted, “It’s time to dismantle systemic racism & fundamentally transform our broken justice system.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom worried about the precedent set by the Rittenhouse case.
“America today: you can break the law, carry around weapons built for a military, shoot and kill people, and get away with it,” the Democrat tweeted. “That’s the message we’ve just sent to armed vigilantes across the nation.”

What if neighborhoods organized vigilantes to shoot criminals in their neighborhoods, today's version of a "well regulated militia"? Would urban gang shootings stop?

Lets take a poll on what should happen when pols and DAs stop police from arresting and prosecuting violent criminals.

Should vigilantes fill the gap and protect neighborhoods from criminals?

[The OP and thread title are now better aligned, sorry for the closure of the first thread discussion]

The Democraps are removing the last remaining doubts that they are clearly on the side of subhuman criminal filth, and against that of actual human beings.

For over a year, now, the Democraps have been openly calling for the police to be increasingly weakened and rendered impotent. They aren't even trying to hide what they stand for in that regard.

People have the right to have their safety and their property protected. That's one of the most important reasons that we invented governments in the first place, and one of the most basic and essential functions of government. If government refuses to perform this duty, then the right and responsibility reverts to the people directly. Vigilantism is the natural and inevitable result of government failing to do its job.

So, having made considerable progress and gutting law enforcement, and allowing subhuman criminal filth to run amok, the Democraps now want to go after vigilantes who step in to fill the hole that the Democraps are intentionally creating.

So what exactly to the Democraps really propose to do, here? If they truly want formal law enforcement rendered powerless, what do they propose to do about vigilantes?

Or is it their intent that police should just look the other way as subhuman criminal filth commit actual crimes, and just go after vigilantes who intervene to try to stop these crimes?
I don't get what reason that animal had to kill the pregnant woman. Attempted robbery?
No one said what the reason was. No suspects have been taken into custody yet, even with a $50,000 reward for info. I don't think it was robbery, but who knows.
They are all republican Trump supporters these days. Not sure how you hate the Klan when they were Dixiecrats and support them now that they love your dear leader.
yes once the dem strong hold was broken in the south due to the GOP finally getting strong laws passed to break the Klan, and they were enforced, the dems lost power. It took awhile. Most folks now don’t support the dems…the party moved on and continued its reign in places like Detroit, Baltimore, Portland, Cali, cities in Wisconsin etc
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Typical fascist mass murder fantasy.

It's only murder if you intentionally kill a human being, in the absence of any sufficient justification for doing so.

Subhuman criminal pieces of shit who are rioting and looting and burning do not count as human beings. Killing them is the moral and ethical equivalent of stepping on cockroaches.

You wouldn't get this, of course, because you are rather obviously a subhuman criminal piece of shit yourself, based on the side you consistently take.
Everything you just posted has zero basis in fact, truth, reality or what was actually presented in court……

he didn’t shoot the rapist when he was on the ground, there was a black man on the jury, and part of the jury selection in Wisconsin is a random pick of juror numbers….6 in total…..that were removed from the pool……

Nothing you posted is even remotely true or accurate… are still a vile, disgusting piece of filth….

The Judge let Rittenhouse choose the jurors who would deliberate. He said it was because it gave the accused more control and made them feel good
It's only murder if you intentionally kill a human being, in the absence of any sufficient justification for doing so.

Subhuman criminal pieces of shit who are rioting and looting and burning do not count as human beings. Killing them is the moral and ethical equivalent of stepping on cockroaches.

You wouldn't get this, of course, because you are rather obviously a subhuman criminal piece of shit yourself, based on the side you consistently take.

So you like vigilantes? The protesters had gone home because of the curfew.
Yep, then they whine about "food deserts" and "pharmacy deserts", and that turns to "urban blight" and then the coxuckers try to tell us what failed policies we need to implement.

Have you seen the news about so many major chains closing their stores in the Than Fwanthithco area? Than Fwanthithco used to be a thriving, beautiful community, but LIbEralism has all but destroyed it. It should serve as an example and a warning as to what LIbEralism threatens to do to the entire country, if it isn't stopped.
Have you seen the news about so many major chains closing their stores in the Than Fwanthithco area? Than Fwanthithco used to be a thriving, beautiful community, but LIbEralism has all but destroyed it. It should serve as an example and a warning as to what LIbEralism threatens to do to the entire country, if it isn't stopped.
Yep, its so bad that Republicans have given up and not registered or not voted in the last few elections. Here's hoping that Republicans have a "get out the vote" effort to see if CA can be saved, or will it be another democrat "shithole"'
There is no legal way to murder people for their beliefs.

Nobody here is advocating or otherwise discussing murdering anyone for their beliefs.

What is under discussion is human beings putting down violent, destructive, subhuman animals to stop their violence and destruction.
The Judge let Rittenhouse choose the jurors who would deliberate. He said it was because it gave the accused more control and made them feel good

Again….you guys are liars……..according to standard Wisconsin practice Kyle picked 6 juror numbers out of a Bingo style cage…..they were kicked off of the jury…you dumb fuck………..they do this in all trials in Wisconsin you idiot.

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