Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
This couple (both democrats) defended their home from a mob that broke into their development.
Who did the DA prosecute, the couple or the rioting trespassing mob?


Having not yet read past this post, I know right away what Incel Joe's response will be.

It will be to excuse the behavior of the criminal filth who threatened these homeowners, and to condemn these homeowners as “racists” and/or “gun nuts” and/or other slurs, for attempting to defend themselves and their home form the mob of Incel Joe-type filth.

Incel Joe is very predictable, in that you can always count on it to openly take the side of criminals against that of human beings. Always.
Having not yet read past this post, I know right away what Incel Joe's response will be.

It will be to excuse the behavior of the criminal filth who threatened these homeowners, and to condemn these homeowners as “racists” and/or “gun nuts” and/or other slurs, for attempting to defend themselves and their home form the mob of Incel Joe-type filth.

Incel Joe is very predictable, in that you can always count on it to openly take the side of criminals against that of human beings. Always.

OK, not as strong a response as I expected, but certainly in that direction.

Okay, let's look at that. They actually do have frequent demonstrations.

They don't have our crime levels because they don't treat addiction as a crime, they treat it as a medical issue. They have extensive programs for treating the mentally ill instead of letting them wander the streets.

Well, the thing was , the demonstrators didn't break any laws. They walked on a public sidewalk in a common area.

The couple, however, illegally brandished weapons in a threatening manner, which is against the law. Also, they looked really fucking silly doing it.
I don't talk science with people who believe in talking snakes.

You mean as opposed to scientists that once believed in spontaneous generation and even went so far as modifying the results of experiments to uphold their belief? Yeah, you are being tricked with regards to climate change, but you it should make you feel better that you aren't the first and won't be the last.
I don't talk science with people who believe in talking snakes.
You mean as opposed to scientists that once believed in spontaneous generation and even went so far as modifying the results of experiments to uphold their belief? Yeah, you are being tricked with regards to climate change, but you it should make you feel better that you aren't the first and won't be the last.

You're trying to argue about science with a creature that believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Gun control doesn't work in AMERICA because we've never really tried it.

There is an old episode of the Rifleman that I saw on Pluto that dealt with exactly this. Criminals rode into town to find a new sheriff who had the brilliant idea of taking everyone's gun upon arrival and returning them once they left. The idea from their head honcho was quite prophetic. Paraphrasing..."This town is full of a bunch of sitting ducks. We will go to the sheriff and get our guns back tonight and tell him we are leaving town. We will be back in the morning to rob the bank." Yep, that is how it works and Democrats are just as gullible as that sheriff.
Okay, let's look at that. They actually do have frequent demonstrations.
They don't have our crime levels because they don't treat addiction as a crime, they treat it as a medical issue. They have extensive programs for treating the mentally ill instead of letting them wander the streets
Well, the thing was , the demonstrators didn't break any laws. They walked on a public sidewalk in a common area.
The couple, however, illegally brandished weapons in a threatening manner, which is against the law. Also, they looked really fucking silly doing it.
1. EU demonstrations are peaceful, unlike the many BLM fiery and deadly riots. Not comparable.
2. The EU doesn't have the number of gangs, flash mobs, and murderers that US cities have.
3. The St. Louis demonstrators broke into the gated community, aka "trespassing". The State said that the McClosky's didn't break any laws.

4. Actually the DA was wrong to prosecute.

5. Agreed that the democrat lawyers look silly brandishing guns. Republicans would have looked much cooler.
You mean as opposed to scientists that once believed in spontaneous generation and even went so far as modifying the results of experiments to uphold their belief? Yeah, you are being tricked with regards to climate change, but you it should make you feel better that you aren't the first and won't be the last.

Not sure which scientists you are talking about, unless you are referring to the Miller-Urey expirament, which was based on some faulty assumptions but also made some serious discoveries... (that in the right chemical environment, basic proteins can develop naturally.)

Of course, we don't have the answered on abiogenesis at this time. The theory is that chemicals combined to create proteins and proteins eventually combined to create life. A lot more plausible than "God Made the World in Six days and a talking snaked messed it up."

I don't need to be "tricked" on climate change, I can see it with my own eyes. I just compare what winters were like in Chicago when I was growing up in the 1970's to what they are like now.
1. EU demonstrations are peaceful, unlike the many BLM fiery and deadly riots. Not comparable.
2. The EU doesn't have the number of gangs, flash mobs, and murderers that US cities have.

Right- the EU doesn't have these problems because they actually address the issues that cause these problems.

We had 10 years to address the concerns of BLM. We didn't do it. Then we got riots, because white people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.

3. The St. Louis demonstrators broke into the gated community, aka "trespassing". The State said that the McClosky's didn't break any laws.
The DA felt differently. And, no, they were walking on a public street.... So, no crime committed.

The prosecutor was absolutely right to go after these two twits... for no other reason to discourage the next nut who might go out with a gun.
You're trying to argue about science with a creature that believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Mormon Bob's strange obsession with Caitlyn Jenner is amusing. How is she bothering you? Are you freaking out when you watch Jeopardy! the last couple of weeks.

Having not yet read past this post, I know right away what @Incel Joe's response will be.

It will be to excuse the behavior of the criminal filth who threatened these homeowners, and to condemn these homeowners as “racists” and/or “gun nuts” and/or other slurs, for attempting to defend themselves and their home form the mob of @Incel Joe-type filth.

@Incel Joe is very predictable, in that you can always count on it to openly take the side of criminals against that of human beings. Always.

Except the Demonstrators weren't breaking the law and the McColskey's were...

But let's be honest, whenevery you say "criminal", you really mean the N-word. You just can't say that openly.

Come on, say it openly, Bob... you'll feel better.
Right- the EU doesn't have these problems because they actually address the issues that cause these problems.
We had 10 years to address the concerns of BLM. We didn't do it. Then we got riots, because white people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
The DA felt differently. And, no, they were walking on a public street.... So, no crime committed.
The prosecutor was absolutely right to go after these two twits... for no other reason to discourage the next nut who might go out with a gun.
1. Wrong, the EU doesn't have these problems because they don't have the gangs, murderers, flash mobs, and other violent criminals that US cities have.

2. We only got BLM riots in democrat cities because democrats are generally tolerant of criminals. Now many law abiding citizens are leaving democrat cities for Republican ones. "The Great Migration - Part-2".
The top five states seeing a mass exodus are all Democrat-controlled. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Illinois lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019. Conversely, a recent study by U-Haul reported that the top five states to see the greatest influx of new residents include the Republican-led states of Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Arizona.

3. Breaking down a private gate is a crime. That gated community is PRIVATE PROPERTY. STOP LYING.
Based on the couple’s account, police labeled the incident a case of trespassing and assault by intimidation, according to the incident summary. No other police reports were filed that night, a department spokesperson told Fox News.
But let's be honest, whenevery [sic] you say "criminal", you really mean the N-word. You just can't say that openly.

No, I do not mean that. As is usual for you, you're lying, and you know damn well that you are lying.

When I say criminals, I mean creatures that commit crimes, that victimize human beings. Nothing at all to do with race.

You're the one who keeps tying race and criminal behavior together, implying that it is members of a certain race that are inherently criminal; and trying to paint it as “racist¨ to favor the interests of human beings over those of criminals.

You're the one who is openly displaying genuine, obvious racism, while absurdly trying to project your racism on me and on anyone else who disagrees with you.
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Having their insurance up to date is all any property owner needs to do. Hiring a goon squad has far more potential liability than most sensible business owners are willing to risk.
Sure. Because we all know insurance rates never jump up once claims are made to insurers.

In Left-World looters can steal and steal and steal because insurance companies will just pay and pay
and pay.
1. Wrong, the EU doesn't have these problems because they don't have the gangs, murderers, flash mobs, and other violent criminals that US cities have.

actually, what the EU doesn't have are cops who go around murdering black people. While US cops kill 1000 people a year, (about 30% of them black), Cops in the UK kill 2-5 suspects a year. So, yeah, they don't have demonstrations because that shit don't happen there.

2. We only got BLM riots in democrat cities because democrats are generally tolerant of criminals. Now many law abiding citizens are leaving democrat cities for Republican ones. "The Great Migration - Part-2".

Nope, we had BLM demonstrations all over the country. Very few of them were "riots".

3. Breaking down a private gate is a crime. That gated community is PRIVATE PROPERTY. STOP LYING.

Hate to break it to you, but no...

On September 30, 2020, police announced they were dropping charges of trespassing against protesters.[28]

The nine had been issued police summonses earlier this month, but City Counselor Michael Garvin said in a statement that “prosecution is not warranted” and charges would be refused.

Garvin wrote that the cases had been investigated by municipal court prosecutors, who reviewed video of the June incident, conducted interviews and examined property records of the street, Portland Place. He also said residents who are trustees of Portland Place made clear through their lawyer that they did not want to pursue trespassing charges.
No, I do not mean that. As is usual for you, you're lying, and you know damn well that you are lying.

When I say criminals, I mean creatures that commit crimes, that victimize human beings. Nothing at all to do with race.

Says the guy who belongs to a cult that..

calls black skin "The Curse of Cain"
Tried to bring Utah into the Union as a Slave State
Didn't allow Black people full membership until 1978.

You're the one who keeps tying race and criminal behavior together, implying that it is members of a certain race that are inherently criminal; and trying to paint it as “racist¨ to favor the interests of human beings over those of criminals.

Yet you never condemn white criminals like cops who use excessive force or the January 6 protestors... Funny how white criminals always get a pass from you, Mormon Bob.
Sure. Because we all know insurance rates never jump up once claims are made to insurers.

In Left-World looters can steal and steal and steal because insurance companies will just pay and pay
and pay.

Well, we could always try something as breathtakingly rational as reforming the police... but we won't.
Right. They were “mostly peaceful”.

The only people who died in the Kenosha riots were the ones Kyle "Shooty McFlopsweat" Rittenhouse murdered.

So... yeah, peaceful. Unless you are a person who values white people's property more than black people's lives.
The only people who died in the Kenosha riots were the ones Kyle "Shooty McFlopsweat" Rittenhouse murdered.

Those were not people. They were criminals.

The difference matters a great deal. And it was not murder. It was the ethical equivalent of stepping on a couple of cockroaches.

But once again, Incel Joe, being yourself a subhuman criminal piece of shit, of course you're going to claim that your kind are equivalent to actual human beings. They're not. You're not.
Those were not people. They were criminals.

The difference matters a great deal. And it was not murder. It was the ethical equivalent of stepping on a couple of cockroaches.

Again, Mormon Bob, you remind me why nobody considers Mormons to be real Christians.

Your above statement is 180 Degrees away from what Jesus said.

The only subhuman I see is someone who delights in anyone's death.
Again, Mormon Bob, you remind me why nobody considers Mormons to be real Christians.

Your above statement is 180 Degrees away from what Jesus said.

The only subhuman I see is someone who delights in anyone's death.

Like I or anyone else cares what a Godless subhuman piece of criminal shit thinks about my faith or my character.

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