Dem's want to replace "White" people.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
here are a number of “woke” articles depicting that White people are “replaceable.” For obvious reasons, many are finding these kinds of stories to be offensive and hateful. We are currently living in the 21st century and mindsets like these should be abolished. Furthermore, conservatives are wondering why liberals show so much hostility towards White people?
An old opinion piece from the New York Times states that America’s White conservatives are now a minority in the country and they’re “clinging” to whatever they can hold on to. Statements like these would most definitely be deemed as offensive and outrageous if it were to be said about another racial group.
This piece was done before the illegal migrant crisis America is suffering through thanks to the liberal ideology. Prior to that, a significant portion of the White conservatives are against having illegal migrants coming into the country. However, today, the same opinion is shared among Americans of all races.
I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
There is no other reason.
1. Obama was deporter-in-chief to protect lower income workers and raise their standard of living
2. Biden and the progressives controlling him want a strategic win by flooding the US with democrat voters

Lower income workers are now toast. The Federal Budget can't handle more Welfare or Medicaid recipients.
The wealthy will never pay more taxes. They always find a way to avoid paying taxes.
MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
All you have to do is stop white kids from dating brown people. And have lots of kids.

There is no other reason.
1. Obama was deporter-in-chief to protect lower income workers and raise their standard of living
2. Biden and the progressives controlling him want a strategic win by flooding the US with democrat voters

Lower income workers are now toast. The Federal Budget can't handle more Welfare or Medicaid recipients.
The wealthy will never pay more taxes. They always find a way to avoid paying taxes.
Do you enjoy being the bitch of rich people?

Seems like it. You are more upset about poor people who have less than you do than rich people who have more than they ever need.
There is no other reason.
1. Obama was deporter-in-chief to protect lower income workers and raise their standard of living
2. Biden and the progressives controlling him want a strategic win by flooding the US with democrat voters

Lower income workers are now toast. The Federal Budget can't handle more Welfare or Medicaid recipients.
The wealthy will never pay more taxes. They always find a way to avoid paying taxes.
Yet the wealthy always pays the most in federal taxes...why is that?

Maybe it is time to have a "FAIR" tax where everyone who buys something must pay a sales tax, and get rid of the income tax. Then everyone has skin in the game, even illegals....

MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
This is classic projection. Corporations want to replace you because you ask for too much. You only show up to work if they pay you union wages. If not, no whites show up. Don't blame us. Blame the corporations who refuse to pay white wages to whites. So they turn to blacks, women, immigrants, who all traditionally work for less. And work harder.

So you are easily replaced. This is what happens when you run a country like a corporation you whiny little bitch. Now get back in line you fool.
What solution do Republicans have for the shortage of workers we have in assisted living places? Pay more to attract white people who will NEVER do that job? Or, pull from the border.

In this industry alone, Michigan needs 4000 workers

According to preliminary numbers, just over 16,000 of the 20,204 allocated MI Choice slots were filled
*** Of course, I do not know whether most Democrats want Caucasians to be "replaced."

*** BUT I -- and everyone else -- know that Caucasians are being replaced.

*** Some very sincere and nice people feel that when that happy day comes when Caucasians are down to, say, 30%, this will be a much better nation for everyone.

*** Other people respectfully disagree. They point to cities where Caucasians are already around 30% (such as here in Los Angeles) and genuinely ask: "Should the United States become a Los Angeles writ large?"

*** BOTTOM LINE: Your descendants in the next century will be astonished by what the United States was like way back in 2023.
The "white replacement theory" is a made up meme, intended to distract attention from the Democrats' plan to import tens of millions of third-world wretches who will be largely dependent on government handouts, and will, once naturalized, become loyal, mindless Democrat votes.

This is why our beloved not-Black Vice President always seems to bring up, "a path to citizenship" when queried on the subject.

Seriously, you would have to be an idiot to not see what is going on.
MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
You magas are always the victim, aren't you?
MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
So the 2/3 of the Democratic Party that are White are trying to replace themselves? Somehow that doesn't seem to pass the smell test.
So the 2/3 of the Democratic Party that are White are trying to replace themselves? Somehow that doesn't seem to pass the smell test.
Seems trump is having more problems passing the smell test. The long known but rarely mentioned subject of trump's odor is getting more attention lately. Most have been willing to just ignore his lack of hygene, but his announcement that people in California stink was just more than people could ignore, in light of his own odor..
There is no other reason.
1. Obama was deporter-in-chief to protect lower income workers and raise their standard of living
2. Biden and the progressives controlling him want a strategic win by flooding the US with democrat voters

Lower income workers are now toast. The Federal Budget can't handle more Welfare or Medicaid recipients.
The wealthy will never pay more taxes. They always find a way to avoid paying taxes.
That's why Reagan gave them amnesty huh Quasimodo?
There is no other reason.
1. Obama was deporter-in-chief to protect lower income workers and raise their standard of living
2. Biden and the progressives controlling him want a strategic win by flooding the US with democrat voters

Lower income workers are now toast. The Federal Budget can't handle more Welfare or Medicaid recipients.
The wealthy will never pay more taxes. They always find a way to avoid paying taxes.
#2 above is wrong. Trump has done more to increase the number of Democratic voters than anyone else.
The "white replacement theory" is a made up meme, intended to distract attention from the Democrats' plan to import tens of millions of third-world wretches who will be largely dependent on government handouts, and will, once naturalized, become loyal, mindless Democrat votes.

This is why our beloved not-Black Vice President always seems to bring up, "a path to citizenship" when queried on the subject.

Seriously, you would have to be an idiot to not see what is going on.
Or a Joe Bidumb voter.

Bidenet.png<----think having millions of diseased illegals in the country is a good thing...

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