Dem's want to replace "White" people.

Thats an odd question considering you just admitted that lies are being told

Of course I am neither of those
Well then what are you worried about. They obviously aren’t talking about you and even for the wingnuts that were, why do you care. I get called a commie traitor all the time. It’s just white noise
Haha, is that right? My white cousin and sister with newborns stopped having children?! You sound super smart
---Generation Z will be the last generation of Americans with a white majority, according to census data.---

Well then what are you worried about. They obviously aren’t talking about you and even for the wingnuts that were, why do you care. I get called a commie traitor all the time. It’s just white noise
They are talking about me and everyone else standing in the if the leftist agenda
The 1950s called, they want their paranoia back.
Where do you think our rich are going to go, exactly? Most civilized countries tax the rich at a far higher rate than ours does.
Or we can just tax at a sensible rate and manage entitlements properly. We spend far more on Middle Class Entitlements for white people than we do on poverty relief.
Gee, Stock Market is at record highs, unemployment is at record lows, inflation is under control. All you guys have is "SCARY BROWN PEOPLE" To run on.
1. Like I said, I'm a truth teller. Your policies are communist more than capitalist.

2. The rich didn't get rich by being stupid. As Leona Helmsley so famously said "only little people pay taxes". There are many tax shelters available around the world. Now that bitcoin is a currency no one can trace their money movements. Poof no Federal revenue.

3. You don't SPEND anything on entitlements, they were earned and paid for and owed. Poverty relief is charity.

4. We have runaway inflation to run on. Been to the grocery store lately? Inflation compounds, just because its down to 3% or so, the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk is much more than it was a few years ago, wages have not been keeping up.
Biden's inflation cost US families about $709 a month more. Good luck in November.

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Other than the Duggars, white people have stopped having children. This is a real problem for America.
And college is unaffordable. So if you have kids and you make less than $100K, best you can hope for is a plumber. Or a wife of a plumber. MAGA.
Let’s review the record. Trump massively escalated the country’s existing wars in multiple theaters, leading to skyrocketing casualties. In Yemen, he escalated both U.S. counter terrorism activities and support for the devastating Saudi-led war against the Houthis. According to the United Kingdom’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there were 2,243 drone strikes in just the first two years of Trump’s presidency, compared with 1,878 in the entire eight years of the Obama administration.

Trump also came very close to tweeting the country into a nuclear war with North Korea in late 2017 and early 2018, a completely self-inflicted incident that seems to have been bizarrely memory-holed. Trump “didn’t merely threaten to attack North Korea if it possessed the ability to strike the U.S.,” wrote the Intercept’s Jon Schwarz. “He ordered the Pentagon to develop new plans, over the resistance of then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, to do so.” According to former Pentagon official and Asia security expert Van Jackson, who wrote a book about the crisis, “The world was closer … to nuclear war, at that time than any time, since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And it was totally avoidable.”

In 2018, Trump bowed to Washington’s neoconservative hawks and withdrew from a working nonproliferation agreement with Iran, resulting in Iran scaling up both its provocative activities in the region and its nuclear program. According to current U.S. assessments, Iran could now make enough fissile for one nuclear bomb in under two weeks, should it decide to do so. Under the agreement Trump abandoned, it would’ve taken Iran at least a year.

The list goes on: Trump put the U.S. on a path to “great-power competition” with China, incited a failed coup in Venezuela, and increased support for reckless, repressive clients around the world. Indeed, Trump was seen as such a dangerous interventionist that Congress passed the first war powers resolution in history to try to end his support for the Yemen war. Less than a year later, Congress passed a second resolution to brush him back from a potential war with Iran after he OK’d the assassination of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Qassem Soleimani. Both measures passed with Republican support, making opposition to Trump’s militarism one of the very few areas of bipartisan agreement during his administration.
You seriously need to stop watching CNN and you need to stay away from the Daily Kos.....because it's frying your brain.

Explain how giving billions to Iran is going to keep them from building nukes?

No, honey, it's called treason.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Don't worry uncle Joe's got this

Biden orders strikes on Iranian group in Iraq after 3 US service members wounded​

We should listen to you? If you were in charge, you'd use this as justification to invade

The Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran and several world powers, including the United States, in July 2015. Under its terms, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief.

In retaliation for the U.S. departure and for deadly attacks on prominent Iranians in 2020, including one by the United States, Iran has resumed its nuclear activities. UN inspectors reported in early 2023 that Iran had enriched trace amounts of uranium to nearly weapons-grade levels, sparking international alarm.

President Joe Biden said that the United States would return to the JCPOA if Iran came back into compliance, but after more than two years of stop-and-go talks, the countries are nowhere near a compromise, and as of late 2023, provisions of the agreement have started to expire.

Way to go Trump you fucking idiot. Ignorant and dangerous.
The meme that black people are downtrodden failures because mean old white people wont let them succeed is pretty worn out

You folks need to think up a fresh lie
It is true, because of "WHITE" Marxists/Demofascist, the blackman is always to be held back, how else can the blacks be so dependent on them for their needs. LBJ was correct when he said "I'll have those N*******s voting Demofascists for 200 years" after i have destroyed their nuclear families.
Don't worry uncle Joe's got this

Biden orders strikes on Iranian group in Iraq after 3 US service members wounded​

We should listen to you? If you were in charge, you'd use this as justification to invade

The Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran and several world powers, including the United States, in July 2015. Under its terms, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief.

In retaliation for the U.S. departure and for deadly attacks on prominent Iranians in 2020, including one by the United States, Iran has resumed its nuclear activities. UN inspectors reported in early 2023 that Iran had enriched trace amounts of uranium to nearly weapons-grade levels, sparking international alarm.

President Joe Biden said that the United States would return to the JCPOA if Iran came back into compliance, but after more than two years of stop-and-go talks, the countries are nowhere near a compromise, and as of late 2023, provisions of the agreement have started to expire.

Way to go Trump you fucking idiot. Ignorant and dangerous.
All Uncle Joe is doing is running around Camp David buck naked.

And what they're doing is stirring up trouble, not fixing anything.
---Generation Z will be the last generation of Americans with a white majority, according to census data.---
And why would that be a bad thing?

You seriously need to stop watching CNN and you need to stay away from the Daily Kos.....because it's frying your brain.

Explain how giving billions to Iran is going to keep them from building nukes?
It isn't. What's going to keep them from building nukes if they stop feeling threatened.
1. Like I said, I'm a truth teller. Your policies are communist more than capitalist.

Actually, you are a retard. America wouldn't survive without some socialism.

2. The rich didn't get rich by being stupid. As Leona Helmsley so famously said "only little people pay taxes". There are many tax shelters available around the world. Now that bitcoin is a currency no one can trace their money movements. Poof no Federal revenue.

Uh... Leona Helmsley WENT TO PRISON FOR NOT PAYING HER TAXES! And the Bitcoin scam came and went. No one is going that or NFTs or any of the other things you rubes went for.

3. You don't SPEND anything on entitlements, they were earned and paid for and owed. Poverty relief is charity.

Nope. They aren't earned, and never were. What you paid in went to someone else. If you are lucky enough to live long enough and Republicans don't give all that money away to Billionaires, someone else will be paying your way.

If you live to be 72, you will get back everything you paid into Social Security. If you have one serious illness, you will get back everything you paid into Medicare. If you are unemployed for more than a month, you will get back everything your employer paid into Unemployment

White People Welfare. Deal with it.

4. We have runaway inflation to run on. Been to the grocery store lately? Inflation compounds, just because its down to 3% or so, the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk is much more than it was a few years ago, wages have not been keeping up.
Biden's inflation cost US families about $709 a month more. Good luck in November.
Didn't you say the same thing in 2022?

Most Americans realize that inflation has little to do with any one president. Biden got inflation under control without crashing the economy.

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