Dem's want to replace "White" people.

If they are "white" then the US population of whites is increasing and the OP is an idiot.
What's weird is all of the Whites in Argentina aren't trying to sneak into America.

Most of the folks invading the US are black and brown......and they all have their hand out demanding that Biden give them something.
Roads, Entitlements, police forces, fire departments, etc. etc. Probably your mental health meds, judging by your posts.

Except no one was "willing to kill"... and the IRS will still hire those agents. Tax havens aren't all you think they are. The rich WILL pay their fair share.

Except they weren't paid for, that's the point.

And if Trump could deport the undocumented, why didn't he do so the first time he slimed the Oval Office?

You go with that, buddy. You go with that.

Not sure where you are getting that number from, it would imply that people were already spending tens of thousands every month on groceries.
1. I pay taxes for all those items. Socialism is getting something for nothing, like welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc.

2. The original ad said "willing to use deadly force". All 87,000 are gone.

3. We paid for SS and Medicare, period. Stop lying, that's the point. We have reports from SS listing the benefits earned and p[id for dumbass. We should require everyone to go into SS, no more local government pensions.

4. Trump deported millions

5. I'm sure dems will beat the abortion drum every chance they get.

6. $709 a month more is from CNN and many other sources
Some people imagine that the correct response is to turn the other cheek.

Others might sing, “Onward Christian Soldiers” and blow up a mosque or two.

Do you have Alzheimer's?

I never said that.

I think my point is that you leftist Aholes are turning our kids into crazies.

You're intentionally screwing them up.
Or you can't focus properly to discuss a thread's actual topic.

Its ok though, you are being replaced. 🥴
Some people imagine that the correct response is to turn the other cheek.

Others might sing, “Onward Christian Soldiers” and blow up a mosque or two.
Thats a religion, not a race though.

Also, its Nigeria.

Mudwhistle has gone Stupid 2.0
1. I pay taxes for all those items. Socialism is getting something for nothing, like welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, etc.

That's socialism, buddy. Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but that's the definition of socialism. You pay taxes, you get government services you couldn't afford on your own.

2. The original ad said "willing to use deadly force". All 87,000 are gone.


3. We paid for SS and Medicare, period. Stop lying, that's the point. We have reports from SS listing the benefits earned and p[id for dumbass. We should require everyone to go into SS, no more local government pensions.

Uh, how do you think those are going to be paid, dummy? OTHER PEOPLE ARE GOING TO PAY THEM, NOT YOU! Just like you paid for other people. There's not an account with your name on it where the money is waiting for you.

4. Trump deported millions
No, he really didn't. In fact, he deported less people than Obama did.

5. I'm sure dems will beat the abortion drum every chance they get.
Damn straight, and they should. Women should know exactly what your religious crazies have planned for them.
6. $709 a month more is from CNN and many other sources
Another article you clearly didn't understand.
That's socialism, buddy. Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but that's the definition of socialism. You pay taxes, you get government services you couldn't afford on your own.


Uh, how do you think those are going to be paid, dummy? OTHER PEOPLE ARE GOING TO PAY THEM, NOT YOU! Just like you paid for other people. There's not an account with your name on it where the money is waiting for you.

No, he really didn't. In fact, he deported less people than Obama did.

Damn straight, and they should. Women should know exactly what your religious crazies have planned for them.

Another article you clearly didn't understand.
1. I own my property and pay taxes to government for government services. Dumbass.
Socialism is "governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods".

2. Yep, those 87,000 new IRS agents are gone.

3. SS and Medicare have been working the same fucking way since 1948, current workers pay for retirees, duh. No one claimed we all pay into private IRA or 401k accounts dumbass.

4. Ok, Trump deported 800,000 and Obama 1.2m, but Obama had 8-years and Trump only 4-years. Do the math.
Biden let in 8m so Trump will need to deport as many as he can.

5. Republicans need to know what to say about abortions or they will get clubbed again...Nikki knows what to say. I hope others learn fast.

6. What didn't I understand? Be specific. Because I know exactly what the article said. It said

US inflation means families are spending $709 more per month than two years ago​

US inflation has had a snowballing effect on family budgets.
The typical American household spent $709 more in July than they did two years ago to buy the same goods and services, according to Moody’s Analytics.

Biden's inflation is killing family budgets. That is what it is saying.
1. I own my property and pay taxes to government for government services. Dumbass.
Socialism is "governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods".

What do you think property taxes are? What happens when you don't pay your property tax? That's socialism, buddy, and it's a good thing.

2. Yep, those 87,000 new IRS agents are gone.
No, they aren't. They'll still be hired. Again, not sure why you are so worried about the rich paying their fair share.
3. SS and Medicare have been working the same fucking way since 1948, current workers pay for retirees, duh. No one claimed we all pay into private IRA or 401k accounts dumbass.

So it's WELFARE. Thanks for admitting that.

4. Ok, Trump deported 800,000 and Obama 1.2m, but Obama had 8-years and Trump only 4-years. Do the math.
Biden let in 8m so Trump will need to deport as many as he can.
Actually, Obama deported closer to 3 million. All in a vain hope that he could get Republicans to sign on to even minimal reforms.
5. Republicans need to know what to say about abortions or they will get clubbed again...Nikki knows what to say. I hope others learn fast.

Here's what they need to say.

"The Decision to terminate a pregnancy should only belong to a woman and her primary caregiver. We don't know what we were thinking allowing politicians witn no medical expertise to have a say in this matter. We are going to roll back all restrictions and codify Roe into Federal Law. We apologize for our stupidity in this matter and beg your forgiveness."

Anything other than that, women will take the bastards to the woodshed again.

6. What didn't I understand? Be specific. Because I know exactly what the article said. It said
You clearly didn't understand the parts about wage increases that matched it. But there's a lot you don't understand, I have to conclude you just aren't very bright.

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