Dem's want to replace "White" people.

What do you think property taxes are? What happens when you don't pay your property tax? That's socialism, buddy, and it's a good thing.

No, they aren't. They'll still be hired. Again, not sure why you are so worried about the rich paying their fair share.

So it's WELFARE. Thanks for admitting that.

Actually, Obama deported closer to 3 million. All in a vain hope that he could get Republicans to sign on to even minimal reforms.

Here's what they need to say.
"The Decision to terminate a pregnancy should only belong to a woman and her primary caregiver. We don't know what we were thinking allowing politicians with no medical expertise to have a say in this matter. We are going to roll back all restrictions and codify Roe into Federal Law. We apologize for our stupidity in this matter and beg your forgiveness."
Anything other than that, women will take the bastards to the woodshed again.

You clearly didn't understand the parts about wage increases that matched it. But there's a lot you don't understand, I have to conclude you just aren't very bright.
1. I own my property, so its not socialism, duh.
Socialism is "governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods".

2. I showed you the article. 87,000 are gone. Do the Bidens pay their fair share? ANS: NO.

3. I PAID for my SS benefits. WELFARE recipients DON'T PAY for their charity. Welfare folks get something for nothing.

4. It was your fucking link I quoted...Obama 1.2m in 8-years, Trump 800,000 in 4-years.

5. All Republicans need to say is "abortion is a State issue and not a Federal issue, next question."

6. You have reading comprehension issues, must be a public school product, and are still living with your mother since you have no clue how expensive groceries have become.
1. I own my property, so its not socialism, duh.
And you pay taxes on it to pay for services you couldn't afford yourself. Socialism.
2. I showed you the article. 87,000 are gone. Do the Bidens pay their fair share? ANS: NO.
Nope. They are coming for your money. Deal with it.
3. I PAID for my SS benefits. WELFARE recipients DON'T PAY for their charity. Welfare folks get something for nothing.
Nope, someone else paid for them, assuming that the Republicans don't give all your benefits to rich people.

5. All Republicans need to say is "abortion is a State issue and not a Federal issue, next question."
And no one will buy that shit. You guys will take another drubbing next year over it.
And you pay taxes on it to pay for services you couldn't afford yourself. Socialism.

Nope. They are coming for your money. Deal with it.

Nope, someone else paid for them, assuming that the Republicans don't give all your benefits to rich people.

And no one will buy that shit. You guys will take another drubbing next year over it.
1. Socialism is government ownership. Not what we have.

2. I showed you the link, show me a later one. OR, are you counting on them via the coming Budget battle?

3. Current workers always pay for SS retirees, that's the way SS works.

4. I know the dems will be lying their asses off about abortion again, but will it work this time?
1. Socialism is government ownership. Not what we have.

2. I showed you the link, show me a later one. OR, are you counting on them via the coming Budget battle?

3. Current workers always pay for SS retirees, that's the way SS works.

4. I know the dems will be lying their asses off about abortion again, but will it work this time?
3. Current workers always pay for SS retirees, that's the way SS works.
Biggest Ponzi Scheme ever, and makes Bernie Madoff look like a Jr Varsity team...
3. Current workers always pay for SS retirees, that's the way SS works.
That's welfare, buddy.

Someone else will be paying your way.

4. I know the dems will be lying their asses off about abortion again, but will it work this time?

Sure it will. All we need are a few horror stories of 12 year old girls having to cross state lines to get rid of their rapist's fetus. Buh-bye Republicans, again.
So now you want to take the vote away from white people?

How is your vote being taken away by people of color being allowed to vote?

The sad thing is, you stupid white people keep voting for Republicans, keep scratching your big monkey craniums wondering why you don't have the standard of living your parents enjoyed because they disbanded the unions, gutted workers rights and signed bad trade treaties.

But don't worry, they'll scream and point at some black trans kid, and you'll fucking lose what little mind you have.
That's welfare, buddy. Someone else will be paying your way.

Sure it will. All we need are a few horror stories of 12 year old girls having to cross state lines to get rid of their rapist's fetus. Buh-bye Republicans, again.
1. We paid for our SS benefits. Welfare people don't.
2. I didn't like the TX case, so I'm sure there will be horror stories. If we can get Nikki instead of Trump that will cancel some of those.
1. We paid for our SS benefits. Welfare people don't.

Actually, most people on welfare are only welfare for only a few years before they are back in the workforce. Many people receiving SNAP and Section 8 benefits have at least one household member with a job.

MEANWHILE, A person on social security uses up everything he put in by age 72, and the average lifespan in 78.


2. I didn't like the TX case, so I'm sure there will be horror stories. If we can get Nikki instead of Trump that will cancel some of those.

Or we can get Biden and a Democratic House and codify Roe into national law, which frankly, is something Democrats should have done years ago.
Actually, most people on welfare are only welfare for only a few years before they are back in the workforce. Many people receiving SNAP and Section 8 benefits have at least one household member with a job.

MEANWHILE, A person on social security uses up everything he put in by age 72, and the average lifespan in 78.

Dumbest faux analysis in many a year.
Actually, most people on welfare are only welfare for only a few years before they are back in the workforce. Many people receiving SNAP and Section 8 benefits have at least one household member with a job.
MEANWHILE, A person on social security uses up everything he put in by age 72, and the average lifespan in 78. WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE.

Or we can get Biden and a Democratic House and codify Roe into national law, which frankly, is something Democrats should have done years ago.
1. Bullshit. Welfare queens earned that title.
2. If the money we put into SS our working lives was invested, like our 401k, we would be owed money when we die. Not welfare.
1. Bullshit. Welfare queens earned that title.

Nope, that was a lie Ronald Reagan made up, and you fell for it. (It actually described ONE WOMAN, who was convicted of fraud.)

2. If the money we put into SS our working lives was invested, like our 401k, we would be owed money when we die. Not welfare.

Or you'd lose it all in a stock market crash like we had in 2008 or 2001.
MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...

Persecution Complex much?
They never can prove their lies with links.

I only do links when I feel like it.

Main reason, when I do provide a link, I've never heard a wingnut (or a moonbat when I used to be more conservative) ever say, "Wow, I did not know that, thank you for enlightening me!"

Instead, they either - pretend the link isn't valid because it's a source they don't like, or they pretend they didn't see it at all.

It will come as a surprise to you but it is not WHITE PEOPLE who exclusively use SS.

What must it be like to suffer from Dem /Socialist disease and spend your every waking moment in such a self-loathing pathology?

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