Dem's want to replace "White" people.

Actually, you are a retard. America wouldn't survive without some socialism.
Uh... Leona Helmsley WENT TO PRISON FOR NOT PAYING HER TAXES! And the Bitcoin scam came and went. No one is going that or NFTs or any of the other things you rubes went for.

Nope. They aren't earned, and never were. What you paid in went to someone else. If you are lucky enough to live long enough and Republicans don't give all that money away to Billionaires, someone else will be paying your way. If you live to be 72, you will get back everything you paid into Social Security. If you have one serious illness, you will get back everything you paid into Medicare. If you are unemployed for more than a month, you will get back everything your employer paid into Unemployment White People Welfare. Deal with it.

Didn't you say the same thing in 2022? Most Americans realize that inflation has little to do with any one president. Biden got inflation under control without crashing the economy.
1. We survive just fine without socialism.
2. You deliberately missed the link to tax havens. Don't worry, the wealthy know where they are.
3. Moron, I have SS reports promising the SS benefits I earned and are owed. Welfare and Medicaid are "charity" for the lazy that needs to end.
4. 2022 was about women being pissed about Dobbs. Now that they are paying $709 a month more than before Biden democrats will have earned their wrath in November. Inflation isn't under control yet, its still above 2%.
1. We survive just fine without socialism.
Except for the socialism you benefit from.

2. You deliberately missed the link to tax havens. Don't worry, the wealthy know where they are.

Sorry, bud, there are no "Tax Havens" that can get you outside the reach of the IRS. Why do you think the rich are so upset about those 87,000 additional agents?

3. Moron, I have SS reports promising the SS benefits I earned and are owed. Welfare and Medicaid are "charity" for the lazy that needs to end.

Okay, but the point is, that's not because they are setting aside your money. It's because they are taxing people who are working now. This is why they will INEVITABLY legalize all those brown people you are worried about. Someone has to pay your White People Welfare.

4. 2022 was about women being pissed about Dobbs. Now that they are paying $709 a month more than before Biden democrats will have earned their wrath in November. Inflation isn't under control yet, its still above 2%.
Nope, they are still pissed off about Dobbs. If anything, having unwanted babies is going to cost them more.

Inflation is under control, buddy, deal with it. Biden wins again.
MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
Only the lazy ass fools
All you have to do is stop white kids from dating brown people. And have lots of kids.

View attachment 878866
MSN I have asked the Marxists/Demofascists of this board to show me on country that is run by either blacks or browns, where the people have a bill of rights, the ability to roam where ever they want without having to carry "papers", and walk into a store, not in a blue city of course, and be able to purchase what ever they need, because of what the "White" people of this country were able to get going back after the break away from the king. But the Marxists of the Soviet Socialist States of America, doesnt want people to be able to be free, they want people who need to be subjugated like in Africa and Latino countries, because it is all about power that the Marxist so love. Damn the people, damn the US, because millions of diseased illegals are here to replace not only "White People" but "Black People" also...
Biden damage combined.jpeg
Except for the socialism you benefit from.

Sorry, bud, there are no "Tax Havens" that can get you outside the reach of the IRS. Why do you think the rich are so upset about those 87,000 additional agents?

Okay, but the point is, that's not because they are setting aside your money. It's because they are taxing people who are working now. This is why they will INEVITABLY legalize all those brown people you are worried about. Someone has to pay your White People Welfare.

Nope, they are still pissed off about Dobbs. If anything, having unwanted babies is going to cost them more.

Inflation is under control, buddy, deal with it. Biden wins again.
1. What socialism do I benefit from? List it.
2. There are always tax havens. Those 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to kill" are gone, just ask Mike Johnson.
3. True. In a "unified budget" they took the SS surplus and put in IOUs. Point being the SS & Medicare benefits were paid for. If Trump wins most of those illegals will be deported. The only ones getting Welfare are the porch sitters.
4. No one has unwanted babies. They can go to a neighboring state if they need an abortion.
5. Inflation is costing families $709 a month. That is a big hit to the family budget. November can't come fast enough.
1. What socialism do I benefit from? List it.
Roads, Entitlements, police forces, fire departments, etc. etc. Probably your mental health meds, judging by your posts.
2. There are always tax havens. Those 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to kill" are gone, just ask Mike Johnson.

Except no one was "willing to kill"... and the IRS will still hire those agents. Tax havens aren't all you think they are. The rich WILL pay their fair share.

3. True. In a "unified budget" they took the SS surplus and put in IOUs. Point being the SS & Medicare benefits were paid for. If Trump wins most of those illegals will be deported. The only ones getting Welfare are the porch sitters.

Except they weren't paid for, that's the point.

And if Trump could deport the undocumented, why didn't he do so the first time he slimed the Oval Office?

4. No one has unwanted babies. They can go to a neighboring state if they need an abortion.

You go with that, buddy. You go with that.

5. Inflation is costing families $709 a month. That is a big hit to the family budget. November can't come fast enough.
Not sure where you are getting that number from, it would imply that people were already spending tens of thousands every month on groceries.

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