DENIED: Rand Paul Blocks Pro-Whistleblower Resolution Pushed by DemonRATS, Citing ‘Fake Outrage’

'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately."

Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, "I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president." Also that month, Zaid tweeted, "We will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters."

Amid a slew of impeachment-related posts, Zaid assured his Twitter followers that "as one falls, two more will take their place," apparently referring to Trump administration employees who defy the White House. Zaid promised that the "coup" would occur in "many steps."

The tweets, which came shortly after President Trump fired then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates for failing to defend federal laws in court, are likely to fuel Republican concerns that the anonymous whistleblower's complaint is tainted with partisanship. Trump's call with Ukraine's leader, which is the subject of the complaint, occurred in July 2019.

'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Hannity: Whistleblower lawyer is a Trump-hater
BTW, how did Zaid know what Strozk, Page, Brennan, Clapper, and McCabe were talking about when they were discussing launching their COUP "Operation Latitude" (The Insurance Policy) that they had planned for the 5 months prior and launched secretly in January 2017 during Trump's Inauguration? How did Zaid know to tweet that The COUP Was Started in January 2017 a full 5 months before Mueller was appointed as Fake Special Counsel for the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation?

#COUP #Rebellion #Impeachment #Resistance

BTW, here is a picture of the CIA-Democrat-Deep State Spy on Inauguration Day.

Eric Ciaramella Circled below. Look at all the SOUR ANGRY BITTER HATEFUL FACES of The Obama-Clinton Cult. Also note how he is standing next to Lying Susan Rice.


Take a Good Look at these people. Eventually you will find out many of them were involved in The COUP.
Replying to @seanmdav
He also bragged about his connections to John Podesta with an organization he set up for litigation.


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Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocate against the newest phase of the Democrats’ witch hunt to remove him from office...

...Democrats attempted to pass a pro-whistleblower resolution unanimously in the Senate today in order to build the case for this deep state operative...

...Schumer, who has supported the persecution of real whistleblowers like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and NSA leaker Edward Snowden, had the audacity to claim that he wanted to “send a message today that the Senate reaffirms our long standing tradition about defending whistleblowers.”

Paul was not having any of Schumer’s nauseating hypocrisy. He objected to passing the resolution unanimously, and instead proposed the passage of his legitimate bill that would protect authentic whistleblowers.

“I support whistleblowers and I do think they have a role to play in keeping government accountable … but what we have seen over the last few years is that we have a system that we should continue to refine,” Paul said.

Paul made note that his legislation would give the President the right to face his accuser. It would also apply to contractors and be retroactive, so that Snowden would be protected as well for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional spying program in 2013.

“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s hard to say, some of the others might have objected if Rand didn’t but the Demoncrats thought they were going along again with their insanity....where was Sen. Cruz and others? A libertarian the only one with balls....SAD!

Rand Paul is a punk and he had better look at what happened to Bevins. Suburban voters threw Bevins out. A President should not have the right to confront whistleblowers. It would discourage whistleblowers from coming forward because of fear of retaliation. Trump has suggested the whistleblower should be charged with treason. Rand Paul is a prime example of politicians who sell their values down the river for political expediency. Paul is a disgusting animal who deserves a good spanking like most brats should get.
"Rand Paul is a punk?" That's your argument? After changing the rules to allow hearsay, so-called "whistleblowers are now nothing more than gossip mongers. They deserve retaliation. They should be charged with treason because they are leakers who are trying to undermine the government.

You are a disgusting, sniveling, groveling animal.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocate against the newest phase of the Democrats’ witch hunt to remove him from office...

...Democrats attempted to pass a pro-whistleblower resolution unanimously in the Senate today in order to build the case for this deep state operative...

...Schumer, who has supported the persecution of real whistleblowers like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and NSA leaker Edward Snowden, had the audacity to claim that he wanted to “send a message today that the Senate reaffirms our long standing tradition about defending whistleblowers.”

Paul was not having any of Schumer’s nauseating hypocrisy. He objected to passing the resolution unanimously, and instead proposed the passage of his legitimate bill that would protect authentic whistleblowers.

“I support whistleblowers and I do think they have a role to play in keeping government accountable … but what we have seen over the last few years is that we have a system that we should continue to refine,” Paul said.

Paul made note that his legislation would give the President the right to face his accuser. It would also apply to contractors and be retroactive, so that Snowden would be protected as well for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional spying program in 2013.

“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s hard to say, some of the others might have objected if Rand didn’t but the Demoncrats thought they were going along again with their insanity....where was Sen. Cruz and others? A libertarian the only one with balls....SAD!

Rand Paul is a punk and he had better look at what happened to Bevins. Suburban voters threw Bevins out. A President should not have the right to confront whistleblowers. It would discourage whistleblowers from coming forward because of fear of retaliation. Trump has suggested the whistleblower should be charged with treason. Rand Paul is a prime example of politicians who sell their values down the river for political expediency. Paul is a disgusting animal who deserves a good spanking like most brats should get.
Read the Constitution. If this farce comes to impeachment, at that time the President has a right to face his accuser. The whistle blower is the accuser. True story.

View attachment 288459

impeachment is based on some type of criminal activity but it differs from a criminal trial as there is no jail time.

So there is no requirement that he has to face his accuser. There is no appeal

It is just a way to remove an elected official using the senate and HOR as the prosecution and jury.

The only thing that would happen is he would be removed from office

There is no jail time because of an impeachment. He would still be a free man

if the crime was serious enough then I suppose they could have a trial in which case it would go thru the normal channels of the judicial system. He would be tried as a citizen and not as a president. being removed from office
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocate against the newest phase of the Democrats’ witch hunt to remove him from office...

...Democrats attempted to pass a pro-whistleblower resolution unanimously in the Senate today in order to build the case for this deep state operative...

...Schumer, who has supported the persecution of real whistleblowers like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and NSA leaker Edward Snowden, had the audacity to claim that he wanted to “send a message today that the Senate reaffirms our long standing tradition about defending whistleblowers.”

Paul was not having any of Schumer’s nauseating hypocrisy. He objected to passing the resolution unanimously, and instead proposed the passage of his legitimate bill that would protect authentic whistleblowers.

“I support whistleblowers and I do think they have a role to play in keeping government accountable … but what we have seen over the last few years is that we have a system that we should continue to refine,” Paul said.

Paul made note that his legislation would give the President the right to face his accuser. It would also apply to contractors and be retroactive, so that Snowden would be protected as well for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional spying program in 2013.

“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s hard to say, some of the others might have objected if Rand didn’t but the Demoncrats thought they were going along again with their insanity....where was Sen. Cruz and others? A libertarian the only one with balls....SAD!

Rand Paul is a punk and he had better look at what happened to Bevins. Suburban voters threw Bevins out. A President should not have the right to confront whistleblowers. It would discourage whistleblowers from coming forward because of fear of retaliation. Trump has suggested the whistleblower should be charged with treason. Rand Paul is a prime example of politicians who sell their values down the river for political expediency. Paul is a disgusting animal who deserves a good spanking like most brats should get.
Read the Constitution. If this farce comes to impeachment, at that time the President has a right to face his accuser. The whistle blower is the accuser. True story.

View attachment 288459

impeachment is based on some type of criminal activity but it differs from a criminal trial as there is no jail time. There is no appeal.

It is just a way to remove an elected official using the senate and HOR as the prosecution and jury.

The only thing that would happen is he would be removed from office

There is no jail time because of an impeachment. He would still be a free man

if the crime was serious enough then I suppose they could have a trial in which case it would go thru the normal channels of the judicial system. He would be tried as a citizen and not as a president. being removed from office
The 6th amendment says a defendant can face his accuser, period.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.

The key word is criminal defendant which has the risk of jail time and even appeals. This make it a little different that an impeachment inquiry

Impeachment is a way to remove a person from office and he will not go to jail because of a impeachment.

whereas a criminal act is defined by law as offenses against the public which are punishable by jail time or they may be found not guilty.

whether remove one from office is a punishment can be debated but in reality there is no jail time

if there is jail time or a actual criminal trial then it will be up to another entity to bring criminal charges

Still impeachment follows a similar format

HOR does the investigation and then articles of impeachment will be brought before the HOR to vote on
with a simple Majority vote

The next step can be considered the trial. In the senate trial, then witnesses may be called and cross examination can occur. So trump accusers may be in the spotlight

The HOR is doing a prosecutor phase and witnesses identity are protected

The whistleblower may not need to be there as his information appears to be second hand info

If the senate has the original tape and plays that tape in an open hearing then there is no need for second hand testimony

Also whistleblowers do have rights also that are well defined

Still there well be plenty of people who will make statements under oath
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocate against the newest phase of the Democrats’ witch hunt to remove him from office...

...Democrats attempted to pass a pro-whistleblower resolution unanimously in the Senate today in order to build the case for this deep state operative...

...Schumer, who has supported the persecution of real whistleblowers like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and NSA leaker Edward Snowden, had the audacity to claim that he wanted to “send a message today that the Senate reaffirms our long standing tradition about defending whistleblowers.”

Paul was not having any of Schumer’s nauseating hypocrisy. He objected to passing the resolution unanimously, and instead proposed the passage of his legitimate bill that would protect authentic whistleblowers.

“I support whistleblowers and I do think they have a role to play in keeping government accountable … but what we have seen over the last few years is that we have a system that we should continue to refine,” Paul said.

Paul made note that his legislation would give the President the right to face his accuser. It would also apply to contractors and be retroactive, so that Snowden would be protected as well for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional spying program in 2013.

“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s hard to say, some of the others might have objected if Rand didn’t but the Demoncrats thought they were going along again with their insanity....where was Sen. Cruz and others? A libertarian the only one with balls....SAD!
Funny How Schummer wants to lock away Edward Snowden for revealing that Obama Spied on Everyone, but holds up Obama Administration Spies who are part of a COUP to overturn the Election as Heroes who spied on The Trump Administration.
What I’ve been saying
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocate against the newest phase of the Democrats’ witch hunt to remove him from office...

...Democrats attempted to pass a pro-whistleblower resolution unanimously in the Senate today in order to build the case for this deep state operative...

...Schumer, who has supported the persecution of real whistleblowers like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and NSA leaker Edward Snowden, had the audacity to claim that he wanted to “send a message today that the Senate reaffirms our long standing tradition about defending whistleblowers.”

Paul was not having any of Schumer’s nauseating hypocrisy. He objected to passing the resolution unanimously, and instead proposed the passage of his legitimate bill that would protect authentic whistleblowers.

“I support whistleblowers and I do think they have a role to play in keeping government accountable … but what we have seen over the last few years is that we have a system that we should continue to refine,” Paul said.

Paul made note that his legislation would give the President the right to face his accuser. It would also apply to contractors and be retroactive, so that Snowden would be protected as well for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional spying program in 2013.

“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s hard to say, some of the others might have objected if Rand didn’t but the Demoncrats thought they were going along again with their insanity....where was Sen. Cruz and others? A libertarian the only one with balls....SAD!
Rand is going to be President in 2024
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has emerged as President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocate against the newest phase of the Democrats’ witch hunt to remove him from office...

...Democrats attempted to pass a pro-whistleblower resolution unanimously in the Senate today in order to build the case for this deep state operative...

...Schumer, who has supported the persecution of real whistleblowers like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and NSA leaker Edward Snowden, had the audacity to claim that he wanted to “send a message today that the Senate reaffirms our long standing tradition about defending whistleblowers.”

Paul was not having any of Schumer’s nauseating hypocrisy. He objected to passing the resolution unanimously, and instead proposed the passage of his legitimate bill that would protect authentic whistleblowers.

“I support whistleblowers and I do think they have a role to play in keeping government accountable … but what we have seen over the last few years is that we have a system that we should continue to refine,” Paul said.

Paul made note that his legislation would give the President the right to face his accuser. It would also apply to contractors and be retroactive, so that Snowden would be protected as well for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional spying program in 2013.

“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s hard to say, some of the others might have objected if Rand didn’t but the Demoncrats thought they were going along again with their insanity....where was Sen. Cruz and others? A libertarian the only one with balls....SAD!

Rand Paul is a punk and he had better look at what happened to Bevins. Suburban voters threw Bevins out. A President should not have the right to confront whistleblowers. It would discourage whistleblowers from coming forward because of fear of retaliation. Trump has suggested the whistleblower should be charged with treason. Rand Paul is a prime example of politicians who sell their values down the river for political expediency. Paul is a disgusting animal who deserves a good spanking like most brats should get.

I am going to submit this as a nominee for stupid post of they ear.

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