Denmark Shuts Bernie Down: "No, We're Not Socialist. Stop Calling Us That."


Silver Member
Oct 26, 2012

Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen has spoken out about U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders calling Denmark socialist.

The Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."

While speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware "that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism."

"Therefore," he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."

Thank you, Lars.

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs
Oy----Bernie had a chance before he developed foot in mouth disease----he acts like an aged HIPPIE LEFT OVER FROM THE 60s

Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen has spoken out about U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders calling Denmark socialist.

The Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."

While speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware "that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism."

"Therefore," he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."

Thank you, Lars.

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs

True, they're not a socialist country, they're a monarchy.

"Bills may be initiated by the Government or by members of parliament. All bills passed must be presented before the Council of State to receive Royal Assent within thirty days in order to become law."
Denmark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not any better though.
Denmarks is a social democracy!

Social democracy = a nation that regulates the economy and has a private and public sector.

Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen has spoken out about U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders calling Denmark socialist.

The Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."

While speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware "that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism."

"Therefore," he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."

Thank you, Lars.

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs
All of Europe is socialist, Lars needs a dictionary.
Den marks economy sucks...
Denmark is a social democratic economy with a government of democratic monarchy.

Oh look the chain of idiots on here know more about Denmark then their own Prime minister ...
There's no such this as a social democratic economy.

If you want to get technical..

A Social democracy is a political ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy.
There's no such this as a social democratic economy.

If you want to get technical..

A Social democracy is a political ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy.
Thank you for proving that there is a social democratic economy.
Well, compared to us, Denmark is a bunch of damn commies.

We were calling them "socialists" just to be nice.

What is "right of center" politician in Europe? Someone who promises not to take more than 50% of your income?
In Denmark, people get "free" education, they don't have to pay the doctor or hospital, some students even get paid to study. It sounds great.

However, things that usually get omitted when promoting such things are.

Lowest personal income tax is 40%.
On the top of VAT (sales) tax that is only 25%, there are many fees and duties.
A gallon of gas is around $10.
Tax on cars is 180%. (Honda of $20K in US cost Danes $48K).
Highest taxed nation in the world.
Highest private debt in the world.
Everyone who makes above $80K pays 68% personal income tax.
Suicide rate average is 20.8 per 100,00 people in last 5 decades, with highest rate of 32 (US suicide rate never exceeded 12.7).
According to UN, Danes are happiest nation in the world. With over 11% of adult Danes on antidepressants, of course they're happy.

You wanna know more about Denmark? Free book on

Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed is the utmost controversial exposé and carefully detailed description of the awful emotional mind game that facilitates communism, socialism, fascism, and social-liberalism, known as collectivism.

The book exposes Denmark, the supposed happiest nation on earth, for what it truly is: collectivism's biggest propaganda hoax. Danish author Mikkel Clair Nissen tells the hidden facts and realities of life in Denmark’s democratic-socialism that they never want you to know.
In Denmark, people get "free" education, they don't have to pay the doctor or hospital, some students even get paid to study. It sounds great.

However, things that usually get omitted when promoting such things are.

Lowest personal income tax is 40%.
On the top of VAT (sales) tax that is only 25%, there are many fees and duties.
A gallon of gas is around $10.
Tax on cars is 180%. (Honda of $20K in US cost Danes $48K).
Highest taxed nation in the world.
Highest private debt in the world.
Everyone who makes above $80K pays 68% personal income tax.
Suicide rate average is 20.8 per 100,00 people in last 5 decades, with highest rate of 32 (US suicide rate never exceeded 12.7).
According to UN, Danes are happiest nation in the world. With over 11% of adult Danes on antidepressants, of course they're happy.

You wanna know more about Denmark? Free book on

Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed is the utmost controversial exposé and carefully detailed description of the awful emotional mind game that facilitates communism, socialism, fascism, and social-liberalism, known as collectivism.

The book exposes Denmark, the supposed happiest nation on earth, for what it truly is: collectivism's biggest propaganda hoax. Danish author Mikkel Clair Nissen tells the hidden facts and realities of life in Denmark’s democratic-socialism that they never want you to know.
And they don't do illegal immigrants :thup:
Lars is a member of a center-right party, so no wonder his feelings are hurt.

Oh look the chain of idiots on here know more about Denmark then their own Prime minister ...

Disclosure: One of Sanders' main speech writers is a liberal Dane, who is an old friend of mine. That's why there's so much Denmark in Sanders' rhetoric.

I'm guessing my old friend knows quite a bit about Denmark. He was born and raised there, and lived there for the better part of his life. Though, the "better part" of his life is starting to catch up to him. A few more years and he's going to hit the 50/50 point.
Lars is a member of a center-right party, so no wonder his feelings are hurt.

It's worth noting that Denmark has been trending more to the right in recent years. They are embracing a more American-esk economic style. This coincides with an increase in many of the challenges that differentiate the American economy from the Danish economy. Inequality is increasing, safety nets are shrinking. Whether one of these facts cause the other is open to speculation. But my opinion is that Denmark's swing to the right is a reaction to their economy slipping, but is failing to curb the tide. Which underscores my long standing position that these problems are systemic developments in natural evolution, and that there is little government policy can do about it.
And they don't do illegal immigrants :thup:
True. In fact their immigration policy is rather strict. The fact is Denmark is a very nice place to live. It is peaceful and their society is not driven by greed. Based on everything I've heard from people who have distant relatives there and who like to visit Tivoli Gardens, the Danes are a basically happy people.

While they do invite tourists to visit, becoming a Danish citizen is not easy. Right now they are having a problem with Muslim immigrants but I'm quite sure they will take care of that when their law-enforcement agencies decide it's time to be more aggressive.

There is some internal political conflict there, deriving mainly from a group of unhappy conservative extremists who are motivated by capitalist ambitions but are frustrated by Denmark's basically socialist political and economic structure. But the majority of Danes pay little to no attention to this angry faction.

The bottom line in my argument is there is no poverty in Denmark!

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