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Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...

RIddle me this..................who squandered the oil for food UN program in Iraq during those years. Your happy to blame our sanctions for the deaths when the international community set up a system to prevent this.

Why are you so engaged to blame it all on us instead of the leader of Iraq during that time..................

Are you willing to also state the starving in N. Korea is our fault as well...........That gov't spends most of it's money on weapons and proxies not the people. The same people they throw into prison or kill should they say anything against the gov't.

We are NOT RESPONSIBLE for the actions of a leader who is more concerned for his own power than that of his people.
Saddam and Iraq's Hungry Children

Oil-for-Food Programme - Wikipedia

That oil for food program came at the very end of things -- and WAY too late to prevent the destruction of the country and the death toll. And it was a candy ass to TRUST the UN to carry it out. That's where the corruption and the grafts and the freaking KICK-BACKS from Saddam himself came in. It came at a point where the EU wanted to drop sanctions. And Germany and France were already holding trade fairs with the Iraqis. And that last round of UN actions on inspections was falling to bits. Were only a handful of American politicians with the guts to turn Iraq loose. And Kucinich was one of them. And in the end, we had destroyed enough of Iraq and its military and infrastructure where it was no threat to anyone. And dropping containment was the right thing to do.

When your leftist buds complain about Bush invading Iraq -- they tacitly are giving APPROVAL to continuing the failed containment for another decade. Because most ALL of the Lefties would never have the guts to END that horrible policy.

And when you conservatives list all the PHONEY reasons to invade Iraq and topple Saddam -- the one LEGIT excuse you NEVER used -- was to end the embargo and the awful damage it was doing to the people of Iraq.

As a 3rd party outsider -- I'd have to give the hand to Bush for doing SOMETHING to end that -- even if the phoney excuses about atomic, biological and chemical weapons were used instead of ADMITTING that the US fucked up by IGNORING a bad policy for TOO damn long.
Oil for food program was posted in 1995. I posted that information. He lived in palaces as the people starved. Again you ignore those facts and pick and choose the ones you agree with. He had options and chose to make his people suffer for them. Warehouses of UN food were found in the Iraq War that should have been fed to the people.......Yet he chose not to.

In regards to the invasion of Iraq...............I was never on board..........I argued if he had weapons do surgical strikes and not commit to an occupation before it ever started.......I got in an disagreement with my own brother over it as I stated that if we go in there we would get stuck.........because I understood that their culture is not like ours........it is ruled by religion.................I was right and my brother was wrong,.

When Bush decided to Invade I supported the actions in the hope that I was wrong............but that didn't pan out...........

This whole dang region is quicksand..........has been since 700.........the British and the French finally left after WWI because the violence never ended.....they tired of it..........Israel has given ground and attempted appeasement over the years and it never works..........because the fanatics or ISIS the DOOMS DAY CULT will never change..........If we haven't changed those types in over a 1000 years what the hell makes us think we can change that ideology now........we can't but we can also not ignore the spread of these radical elements..........and because of these elements their have been tyrants leading nations over there......because only the ruthless ones seem to survive..............

It is a shit hole that has caused leaders to fail on options for a 1000 years.............yet you don't blame that mindset...you only blame those trying to stop the DOOMSDAY CULTS.

The DOOMSDAY cult of the week -- ISIS -- got it's leadership from Iraqi jails that were initially under US Military control. Al Bagdhadi was in one of them. And due to the "diplomacy" angles, somehow the Iraqis were given control and released that leadership. Then that leadership scared the shit out of the Iraqi army and STOLE and the armor, artillery, and small weapons that the US BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. THAT -- is the origin of the "doomsday cult of the week". Am I "blaming" anyone for that? Probably not. And CERTAINLY not the US military.

But it was time to drop the charade of "democratizing" Iraq when the regime at that time was NOT the "secular, democratic, principled govt that WE would have preferred. So according to the Dems, THEY kicked US out by refusing to sign a continuing SOForces agreement. I'm pretty sure, Obama/Clinton didn't try very hard to convince them otherwise.

The BLAME is on the continuing fucked up POLITICAL policies and expectations.
From BOTH sides of your "name brand parties"..
Those prisoners were released by the Iraqi Gov't AGAINST THE ADVICE OF THE U.S. military. Iraq let them go NOT US.They were warned not to let them go but chose to do so otherwise..........and that decision unleashed them into the origination of ISIS.

Exactly. Like I said I'm not casting blame on the specifics. It's the BIG picture policy repeated mistakes that PROVOKE all this insanity.. And the US military -- I'm SURE -- was not happy with the dippies who arranged Iraqi control of all those radical insurgents the US had captured. But that's the reality of TRYING to prop up a govt that doesn't have the stones it takes to RUN a MidEast country.
And when we left cold turkey..............without leaving them at least the intel community to find and kill them.......how did that help the weak assed gov't of Iraq.............It didn't...............before they were dealing with precision strikes and intel from our military........and our military was cleaning their clock.........which is exactly why they chose Syria because they couldn't set up command and control in Iraq..........by leaving cold turkey we allowed them to just march right back in ensuring the bloodshed and lost territory in Iraq......forcing them to go to Iran for help.........guaranteeing a change in the balance of power between the Sunni's and Shiites.
I served during the first Gulf War...........I served in Tanker Escort Missions during the Iran Iraq War.........I served in Somalia.............

In regards to Iraq..........they were given every option to withdraw from Kuwait and avoid a War...........They choose not to.........and thus were driven out......

In regards to Somalia.......we were there to save starving people and food shipments being stolen by the Warlords who kept it all for themselves and let others starve. When we secured it and no longer allowed them to steal the food and threaten it ended in a fight.

We weren't the bad guys there. The bad guys were the ones stealing food from starving people including women and children.

You like to blame us for the chaos there..............but show no blame to those responsible for their own actions.............Had Saddam not invaded Kuwait there would have been no War. Had he withdrawn from Kuwait......there would have been no War........Had Saddam used the oil for food program the people wouldn't have starved...........He choose that path during the time frame you quoted...........Not us.

Oh hell. Not blaming the military. I'm blaming the juvenile expectations that were written in POLICY about how to fix "theiving warlords" or "despotic dictators". Took us 3 or 4 failed attempts to make those countries "democracies like us". And we still didn't learn --- when trying to topple Assad the lesson. For the 3rd time ----

In that neck of the woods -- you NEED despotic mean ruthless SOBs to run those countries to keep the tribes from killing each other and prevent radicalized insurgencies.

You would think that by the time BOTH DEMs and REPs REPEATEDLY made those same mistakes, that we'd not spend 3 years and several 100 $MILL trying to recruit and train "freedom fighters" that never MADE IT to the Syrian frontlines to topple Assad. But ALAS --- we're THAT STUPID. And possibly, our leadership doesn't DESERVE to have the finest military on the planet when those mistakes are repeated OVER and OVER and OVER again. .
Yes ruthless despots are the only ones who keep a lid on pandora's box.................and these ruthless leaders also starve, torture, and rape their own people. The same thing you didn't add to your original complaints about how we are at fault for everything there.

What else did think would happen when we create massive smoking voids in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, maybe Afghanistan and Syria? It's really pretty predictable given that "lesson" I've been pounding. You don't topple despotic regimes there. You might attempt to "domesticate them a bit" for the good of human rights and trade.

You look at the way the Iraq economy was ALWAYS run. It was oil money parsed out in crony deals and patronage. And that REQUIRES a couple palaces and a shotgun toting madman to make it work. One that would keep the Shia, Kurd and Sunni from killing each other over OWNERSHIP of the major industry.
Then stop with the arguments that we starved the Iraqi people. We didn't...........Saddam did.............the UN didn't.........Saddam did......In Somalia......the War Lords did it.........Not us..........

Stop putting the blame on us for their actions...........which you were doing before we got into the despots and why they were there discussion.

Once you take the keys to the economy AWAY from a sovereign government. I don't care if it's Saddam or Martin Luther King -- and start bombing them daily and destroying their infrastructive and starving them of vitals ----- Things are gonna go horribly wrong. That's the part you're missing. Yes -- we locked 40Million Iraqis up with a mad man for 11 years without the means to survive. How would that EVER ----- go right?
So in your view we should have let Saddam keep Kuwait and invade Saudi Arabia????????????? Or we should have killed his ass in the first Gulf War.......when we had enough forces to maintain the place.

What is your position there.......................let them keep Kuwait......let them invade Saudi Arabia........Invade Iraq then............where do you stand there..........
Oh hell. Not blaming the military. I'm blaming the juvenile expectations that were written in POLICY about how to fix "theiving warlords" or "despotic dictators". Took us 3 or 4 failed attempts to make those countries "democracies like us". And we still didn't learn --- when trying to topple Assad the lesson. For the 3rd time ----

In that neck of the woods -- you NEED despotic mean ruthless SOBs to run those countries to keep the tribes from killing each other and prevent radicalized insurgencies.

You would think that by the time BOTH DEMs and REPs REPEATEDLY made those same mistakes, that we'd not spend 3 years and several 100 $MILL trying to recruit and train "freedom fighters" that never MADE IT to the Syrian frontlines to topple Assad. But ALAS --- we're THAT STUPID. And possibly, our leadership doesn't DESERVE to have the finest military on the planet when those mistakes are repeated OVER and OVER and OVER again. .
Yes ruthless despots are the only ones who keep a lid on pandora's box.................and these ruthless leaders also starve, torture, and rape their own people. The same thing you didn't add to your original complaints about how we are at fault for everything there.

What else did think would happen when we create massive smoking voids in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, maybe Afghanistan and Syria? It's really pretty predictable given that "lesson" I've been pounding. You don't topple despotic regimes there. You might attempt to "domesticate them a bit" for the good of human rights and trade.

You look at the way the Iraq economy was ALWAYS run. It was oil money parsed out in crony deals and patronage. And that REQUIRES a couple palaces and a shotgun toting madman to make it work. One that would keep the Shia, Kurd and Sunni from killing each other over OWNERSHIP of the major industry.
Then stop with the arguments that we starved the Iraqi people. We didn't...........Saddam did.............the UN didn't.........Saddam did......In Somalia......the War Lords did it.........Not us..........

Stop putting the blame on us for their actions...........which you were doing before we got into the despots and why they were there discussion.

Once you take the keys to the economy AWAY from a sovereign government. I don't care if it's Saddam or Martin Luther King -- and start bombing them daily and destroying their infrastructive and starving them of vitals ----- Things are gonna go horribly wrong. That's the part you're missing. Yes -- we locked 40Million Iraqis up with a mad man for 11 years without the means to survive. How would that EVER ----- go right?
So in your view we should have let Saddam keep Kuwait and invade Saudi Arabia????????????? Or we should have killed his ass in the first Gulf War.......when we had enough forces to maintain the place.

What is your position there.......................let them keep Kuwait......let them invade Saudi Arabia........Invade Iraq then............where do you stand there..........

Just told you -- I had NO issue with honoring a request for aid from a TRUSTED govt like Kuwait. And we laid waste to a full 1/3 of the Iraqi army and COULD HAVE run all the way to Baghdad. Kinda glad we didn't. But what happened AFTER that was ignored and mismanaged for 11 years. Until SOMETHING HAD to be done. And at least, the invasion ended that horrible neglect and policy based on lies about WMDs. Would have been REALLY happy if Bush & Co just laid it out honestly and said we cannot continue to torture 40 Million people with living on the edge of existence for that long. But the REALITY WAS -- very damn few political critters would ever ADMIT how badly those 11 years were handled.

My party -- has ALWAYS understood that neo-con dreams of "democratizing" the neighborhood was a fantasy. But BOTH of your brand name parties called us "pansy-ass doves" for that. And only guys like Kucinich and Paul and a SMALL cadre of others had the guts to "walk away" and call it done. And let the evil SOB get some order and control back into that country. We've been entirely consistent on "toppling dictators" in that regions. UNLESS -- there is a trusted party that REQUESTS our aid AND has the capacity to actually govern and control a country in that region..
I actually think the Repubs are stone stupid for sticking with the "manufactured story" about WMDs and Saddam's continuing ability to threaten ANYbody.. Would have much easier and better to TRUST the American people and lay out the case from humanitarian grounds. That the containment HAD to end. And that Bush had decided not to "walk away" without removing Saddam from power. No WMD fairytale required. Level with the voters. They probably would "get it"...
I'll get into the weeds with this and probably shouldn't do it but -- I PERSONALLY BELIEVE that there are OTHER reasons that Saddam needed to be removed. Reasons that the American people probably never would know. Because in that period between the Kuwaiti adventure and the end of the embargo -- there were SEVERAL high profile "sketchy" deals that came up. One being those US "anthrax" attacks. Traced back to a MILITARIZED version of the crap. Two being the 1st WTC bombing and the 3rd being the Flight 800 out of NY that blew up.

It's POSSIBLE that any one or more of those is attributable to Saddam. He WAS caught trying to assassinate Bush Sr on a post Prez visit to the Mid East. And PERHAPS, removing him had LESS to do with WMDs or his brutality and everything to do with punishing him for "attacking back" on any of "other issues"..
Yes ruthless despots are the only ones who keep a lid on pandora's box.................and these ruthless leaders also starve, torture, and rape their own people. The same thing you didn't add to your original complaints about how we are at fault for everything there.

What else did think would happen when we create massive smoking voids in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, maybe Afghanistan and Syria? It's really pretty predictable given that "lesson" I've been pounding. You don't topple despotic regimes there. You might attempt to "domesticate them a bit" for the good of human rights and trade.

You look at the way the Iraq economy was ALWAYS run. It was oil money parsed out in crony deals and patronage. And that REQUIRES a couple palaces and a shotgun toting madman to make it work. One that would keep the Shia, Kurd and Sunni from killing each other over OWNERSHIP of the major industry.
Then stop with the arguments that we starved the Iraqi people. We didn't...........Saddam did.............the UN didn't.........Saddam did......In Somalia......the War Lords did it.........Not us..........

Stop putting the blame on us for their actions...........which you were doing before we got into the despots and why they were there discussion.

Once you take the keys to the economy AWAY from a sovereign government. I don't care if it's Saddam or Martin Luther King -- and start bombing them daily and destroying their infrastructive and starving them of vitals ----- Things are gonna go horribly wrong. That's the part you're missing. Yes -- we locked 40Million Iraqis up with a mad man for 11 years without the means to survive. How would that EVER ----- go right?
So in your view we should have let Saddam keep Kuwait and invade Saudi Arabia????????????? Or we should have killed his ass in the first Gulf War.......when we had enough forces to maintain the place.

What is your position there.......................let them keep Kuwait......let them invade Saudi Arabia........Invade Iraq then............where do you stand there..........

Just told you -- I had NO issue with honoring a request for aid from a TRUSTED govt like Kuwait. And we laid waste to a full 1/3 of the Iraqi army and COULD HAVE run all the way to Baghdad. Kinda glad we didn't. But what happened AFTER that was ignored and mismanaged for 11 years. Until SOMETHING HAD to be done. And at least, the invasion ended that horrible neglect and policy based on lies about WMDs. Would have been REALLY happy if Bush & Co just laid it out honestly and said we cannot continue to torture 40 Million people with living on the edge of existence for that long. But the REALITY WAS -- very damn few political critters would ever ADMIT how badly those 11 years were handled.

My party -- has ALWAYS understood that neo-con dreams of "democratizing" the neighborhood was a fantasy. But BOTH of your brand name parties called us "pansy-ass doves" for that. And only guys like Kucinich and Paul and a SMALL cadre of others had the guts to "walk away" and call it done. And let the evil SOB get some order and control back into that country. We've been entirely consistent on "toppling dictators" in that regions. UNLESS -- there is a trusted party that REQUESTS our aid AND has the capacity to actually govern and control a country in that region..
LOL Like praising the Arab Spring and the growth of Democracies in the region by Obama..........THAT DOG DOESN'T HUNT WITH ME...........and neither does the screw ups in Libya and Yemen policies OF YOUR BELOVED PARTY...........

You say your party understood all these things but under the Obama administration their MAIN POLICY was the REMOVAL OF ASSAD........so much so that they were GUN RUNNING weapons to the Rebels to OVERTHROW HIS ASS...........those weapons ended up into the terrorists hands and they didn't care because their primary goal was the removal of Assad.

So, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining on your PARTY'S GRAND UNDERSTANDING...........because you had control of the policy for 8 years and that policy goes directly against what you were just telling me............

The best thing that could have happened was that Assad.........a POS retook the region and stabilized it......our policy...and that of all the parties involved have insured the fight there because all sides are throwing money, weapons and people into the arena.........including us, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others............

We should have closed all borders and starved all weaponry into the dang place........kinda hard to do when Turkey wants him gone and is supplying.....and when Iraq can't hold it's country either.
I actually think the Repubs are stone stupid for sticking with the "manufactured story" about WMDs and Saddam's continuing ability to threaten ANYbody.. Would have much easier and better to TRUST the American people and lay out the case from humanitarian grounds. That the containment HAD to end. And that Bush had decided not to "walk away" without removing Saddam from power. No WMD fairytale required. Level with the voters. They probably would "get it"...
During the 1st Gulf War Sarin Gas monitors were going off on the Marines chemical weapons detectors...........Not 1 but many..........so it wasn't a malfunction.......

Question is whether our bombing the living shit out of their ammo dumps released the gas into the air to set off the monitors.............he had WMD's back then.....PERIOD.......he used them on the Kurds.............what happened to them..............did we destroy them all in the 1st Gulf War is the main question.........He said he destroyed them all.....yet got caught in lies time and again...............Nobody trusted the liar.........BOTH PARTIES agreed INCLUDING THE DEMS.....No need to revisit that.

But he was contained...............weak..............but contained..............but again.........don't use partisan politics here........both sides guilty of the actions no matter how the information is scewed.
LOL Like praising the Arab Spring and the growth of Democracies in the region by Obama..........THAT DOG DOESN'T HUNT WITH ME...........and neither does the screw ups in Libya and Yemen policies OF YOUR BELOVED PARTY...........

Not my "beloved party" chief. I've been dedicated to 3rd party building and ballot access since Mary Matalin and James Carville were caught shacking up in cheap motels on the campaign trail in 1992. :banana: That's why I'm ENTIRELY objective about all of this.. Because the LParty has been consistently RIGHT on foreign policy for over 30 years and NEVER changed.

So all the rest of that "your party" is pretty comical. If you THOUGHT I might be "one of them" :D That's why it hurts so much to watch the hypocrisy and the finger pointing. If you realized how ridiculous all that looks from where I've been sitting for nearly 30 years -- you'd be blushing.. :p

But in full disclosure -- I'm a reformed leftist turned ethical Capitalist with a great LOVE for the US Constitution, limited Fed Govt and ALL of the Bill of Rights.
LOL Like praising the Arab Spring and the growth of Democracies in the region by Obama..........THAT DOG DOESN'T HUNT WITH ME...........and neither does the screw ups in Libya and Yemen policies OF YOUR BELOVED PARTY...........

Not my "beloved party" chief. I've been dedicated to 3rd party building and ballot access since Mary Matalin and James Carville were caught shacking up in cheap motels on the campaign trail in 1992. :banana: That's why I'm ENTIRELY objective about all of this.. Because the LParty has been consistently RIGHT on foreign policy for over 30 years and NEVER changed.

So all the rest of that "your party" is pretty comical. If you THOUGHT I might be "one of them" :D That's why it hurts so much to watch the hypocrisy and the finger pointing. If you realized how ridiculous all that looks from where I've been sitting for nearly 30 years -- you'd be blushing.. :p

But in full disclosure -- I'm a reformed leftist turned ethical Capitalist with a great LOVE for the US Constitution, limited Fed Govt and ALL of the Bill of Rights.
Well then we agree far more than it appears as I agree on limited Gov't and principles of the Constitution..but your left side did show in your comments as you were pushing the points on how the Republicans were to blame mostly.......even though you added in some to the left.................

Regardless on how we got to this point the radical Islamic movements are on the march around the world..........and we need a solution on how to end it now that pandora's box has been opened...................

It will not be done through diplomacy.
LOL Like praising the Arab Spring and the growth of Democracies in the region by Obama..........THAT DOG DOESN'T HUNT WITH ME...........and neither does the screw ups in Libya and Yemen policies OF YOUR BELOVED PARTY...........

Not my "beloved party" chief. I've been dedicated to 3rd party building and ballot access since Mary Matalin and James Carville were caught shacking up in cheap motels on the campaign trail in 1992. :banana: That's why I'm ENTIRELY objective about all of this.. Because the LParty has been consistently RIGHT on foreign policy for over 30 years and NEVER changed.

So all the rest of that "your party" is pretty comical. If you THOUGHT I might be "one of them" :D That's why it hurts so much to watch the hypocrisy and the finger pointing. If you realized how ridiculous all that looks from where I've been sitting for nearly 30 years -- you'd be blushing.. :p

But in full disclosure -- I'm a reformed leftist turned ethical Capitalist with a great LOVE for the US Constitution, limited Fed Govt and ALL of the Bill of Rights.
Well then we agree far more than it appears as I agree on limited Gov't and principles of the Constitution..but your left side did show in your comments as you were pushing the points on how the Republicans were to blame mostly.......even though you added in some to the left.................

Regardless on how we got to this point the radical Islamic movements are on the march around the world..........and we need a solution on how to end it now that pandora's box has been opened...................

It will not be done through diplomacy.

You'll hardly ever catch me being partisan. Other than I've never had SERIOUS issues with Libertarian principles. At least MY party still has some consistency in principles.

The real way to end the sectarian violence and radicalization is to deny them habitat. We've INCREASED their livable range by blasting voids into Mid East power structures. Time to quit the neo-con (grown from Dem party) fairy tales and promote the kind of governance that keeps the region stable.

Even me (as a pansy-ass dove) appreciates that Assad has now stepped in it. But REPLACING him should be the lessor priority. And IMO -- 3 or 4 years ago, the Arab League, UN, NATO and others should have building in "safe zones" in the neighborhood. It's a neighborhood solution. As is the Israel/Pali issue and mutual security. And to that end --- Israel for example has CONSTANTLY been in talks with Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon about mutual security issues. That kind of cooperation could have PREVENTED the streaming million refugees who don't WANT to be French or Belgium or German or American. They just want to survive.
LOL Like praising the Arab Spring and the growth of Democracies in the region by Obama..........THAT DOG DOESN'T HUNT WITH ME...........and neither does the screw ups in Libya and Yemen policies OF YOUR BELOVED PARTY...........

Not my "beloved party" chief. I've been dedicated to 3rd party building and ballot access since Mary Matalin and James Carville were caught shacking up in cheap motels on the campaign trail in 1992. :banana: That's why I'm ENTIRELY objective about all of this.. Because the LParty has been consistently RIGHT on foreign policy for over 30 years and NEVER changed.

So all the rest of that "your party" is pretty comical. If you THOUGHT I might be "one of them" :D That's why it hurts so much to watch the hypocrisy and the finger pointing. If you realized how ridiculous all that looks from where I've been sitting for nearly 30 years -- you'd be blushing.. :p

But in full disclosure -- I'm a reformed leftist turned ethical Capitalist with a great LOVE for the US Constitution, limited Fed Govt and ALL of the Bill of Rights.
Well then we agree far more than it appears as I agree on limited Gov't and principles of the Constitution..but your left side did show in your comments as you were pushing the points on how the Republicans were to blame mostly.......even though you added in some to the left.................

Regardless on how we got to this point the radical Islamic movements are on the march around the world..........and we need a solution on how to end it now that pandora's box has been opened...................

It will not be done through diplomacy.

You'll hardly ever catch me being partisan. Other than I've never had SERIOUS issues with Libertarian principles. At least MY party still has some consistency in principles.

The real way to end the sectarian violence and radicalization is to deny them habitat. We've INCREASED their livable range by blasting voids into Mid East power structures. Time to quit the neo-con (grown from Dem party) fairy tales and promote the kind of governance that keeps the region stable.

Even me (as a pansy-ass dove) appreciates that Assad has now stepped in it. But REPLACING him should be the lessor priority. And IMO -- 3 or 4 years ago, the Arab League, UN, NATO and others should have building in "safe zones" in the neighborhood. It's a neighborhood solution. As is the Israel/Pali issue and mutual security. And to that end --- Israel for example has CONSTANTLY been in talks with Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon about mutual security issues. That kind of cooperation could have PREVENTED the streaming million refugees who don't WANT to be French or Belgium or German or American. They just want to survive.
Safe havens are an answer but can only be done with troops on the ground to make them safe.......and would also require no fly zones in direct conflict with Assad and Russia....................

Most of the population of Syria has left..........to Europe and MASS refugee camps in Jordan..............

This policy requires direct military intervention.............Means taking ground and directly opposing Russia's stance in the region.......It is still dangerous..........and doesn't mean it will end the fight..........
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

No, that doesn't justify the US slaughtering Thousands of Civilians around the world. The reality is, the US has killed far more Civilians in recent decades, than the 3,000 US Civilians killed on 9/11. It's not even close.

You destroy two of our buildings, we destroy two of your countries...

You kill 3,000 of ours...

We kill 300,000 of yours..

You keep killing us, and our friends...

We shift to proactively looking for excuses to slaughter you by the bushel-basket full...

Starting with your leaders...

100-to-1 kill ratios are most excellent results...

Phukk 'em...
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

No, that doesn't justify the US slaughtering Thousands of Civilians around the world. The reality is, the US has killed far more Civilians in recent decades, than the 3,000 US Civilians killed on 9/11. It's not even close.

You destroy two of our buildings, we destroy two of your countries...

You kill 3,000 of ours...

We kill 300,000 of yours..

You keep killing us, and our friends...

We shift to proactively looking for excuses to slaughter you by the bushel-basket full...

Starting with your leaders...

100-to-1 kill ratios are most excellent results...

Phukk 'em...

Yeah, y'all Warmongers are pretty messed up. Yet you truly believe you're right. :cuckoo:
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria --- what part did they play in that attack? Seems we haven't "democratized" Saudi or Quatar yet -- want to give it a go??
Merely seeking out and destroying additional refuges for such mindsets and their manifestations...
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

No, that doesn't justify the US slaughtering Thousands of Civilians around the world. The reality is, the US has killed far more Civilians in recent decades, than the 3,000 US Civilians killed on 9/11. It's not even close.

You destroy two of our buildings, we destroy two of your countries...

You kill 3,000 of ours...

We kill 300,000 of yours..

You keep killing us, and our friends...

We shift to proactively looking for excuses to slaughter you by the bushel-basket full...

Starting with your leaders...

100-to-1 kill ratios are most excellent results...

Phukk 'em...

Yeah, y'all Warmongers are pretty messed up. Yet you truly believe you're right. :cuckoo:
Perhaps we should send you over there as the Ambassador Without Portfolio in Charge of Serving-Up Your Backside to The Enemy...
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria --- what part did they play in that attack? Seems we haven't "democratized" Saudi or Quatar yet -- want to give it a go??
Merely seeking out and destroying additional refuges for such mindsets and their manifestations...

Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. Yet they're still considered our 'Good Friends.' Something's definitely wrong with this picture.
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria --- what part did they play in that attack? Seems we haven't "democratized" Saudi or Quatar yet -- want to give it a go??
Merely seeking out and destroying additional refuges for such mindsets and their manifestations...

Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. Yet they're still considered our 'Good Friends.' Something's definitely wrong with this picture.
We won't attack the Saudis until we're prepared to take on the entire Islamic domain simultaneously... unless, of course, they screw-up and we can prove they were behind it.
Dennis Kucinich: Why Do Civilians Killed By US Bombers Count Less?...


Next contestant, please...

No, that doesn't justify the US slaughtering Thousands of Civilians around the world. The reality is, the US has killed far more Civilians in recent decades, than the 3,000 US Civilians killed on 9/11. It's not even close.

You destroy two of our buildings, we destroy two of your countries...

You kill 3,000 of ours...

We kill 300,000 of yours..

You keep killing us, and our friends...

We shift to proactively looking for excuses to slaughter you by the bushel-basket full...

Starting with your leaders...

100-to-1 kill ratios are most excellent results...

Phukk 'em...

Yeah, y'all Warmongers are pretty messed up. Yet you truly believe you're right. :cuckoo:
Perhaps we should send you over there as the Ambassador Without Portfolio in Charge of Serving-Up Your Backside to The Enemy...

Y'all Warmongers need a timeout. You're like petulant children throwing an endless temper tantrum. You see a new 'Enemy Boogeyman' every day.

Next contestant, please...

No, that doesn't justify the US slaughtering Thousands of Civilians around the world. The reality is, the US has killed far more Civilians in recent decades, than the 3,000 US Civilians killed on 9/11. It's not even close.

You destroy two of our buildings, we destroy two of your countries...

You kill 3,000 of ours...

We kill 300,000 of yours..

You keep killing us, and our friends...

We shift to proactively looking for excuses to slaughter you by the bushel-basket full...

Starting with your leaders...

100-to-1 kill ratios are most excellent results...

Phukk 'em...

Yeah, y'all Warmongers are pretty messed up. Yet you truly believe you're right. :cuckoo:
Perhaps we should send you over there as the Ambassador Without Portfolio in Charge of Serving-Up Your Backside to The Enemy...

Y'all Warmongers need a timeout. You're like petulant children throwing an endless temper tantrum. You see a new 'Enemy Boogeyman' every day.
You conflate Warmongering with Overwhelming Vengeance... but Snowflakes usually do...

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