Deplorables in the hot seat ~ Explain this trump poll tweet


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2015
Deplorables in the hot seat ~ Explain this trump poll tweet


1) trump claims the polls are fake news

2) This tweet admits "freefall" and only 45% "rebound"

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

The ball is in your court. Enjoy!
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Deplorables in the hot seat ~ Explain this trump poll tweet

View attachment 143040

1) trump claims the polls are fake news

2) This tweet admits "freefall" and only 45% "rebound"

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

The ball is in your court. Enjoy!

There is no on-merit explanation for the tweet. Trump's approval has not rebounded to 45%.

If forced to attribute to something Trump's remark to that effect, I'd say it's due to the results obtained in a recent Zogby poll. Be that as it may, check out their methodology and you'll find that the quality of Zogby's polling leaves a good deal to be desired. (Or don't review their methodology and instead click here.) One hasn't enough fingers and toes to count the quantity of more rigorously conducted polls, but such things don't matter to Trump....It's "good news" so he'll repeat it regardless of how dubious it is.
Deplorables in the hot seat ~ Explain this trump poll tweet

View attachment 143040

1) trump claims the polls are fake news

2) This tweet admits "freefall" and only 45% "rebound"

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

The ball is in your court. Enjoy!

There is no on-merit explanation for the tweet. Trump's approval has not rebounded to 45%.

If forced to attribute to something Trump's remark to that effect, I'd say it's due to the results obtained in a recent Zogby poll. Be that as it may, check out their methodology and you'll find that the quality of Zogby's polling leaves a good deal to be desired. (Or don't review their methodology and instead click here.) One hasn't enough fingers and toes to count the quantity of more rigorously conducted polls, but such things don't matter to Trump....It's "good news" so he'll repeat it regardless of how dubious it is.
Zogby is a real poll especially when compared to this trump tweet nonsense online republican push-poll today.


Yes, the Zogby is an outlier poll when compared to RCP, but we cannot deny trump his poll. As with any polling, it is never one poll; it is the suite of polls.

The point, again, is that trump admits his numbers were in freefall and he is rebounding to only 45%. More than that, he, once again admits polling is truth.

I was shocked to see the tweet.
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poor old fart ... saw him being interviewed, and Guam came up .. two or three unrelated answers and what flows out of his mouth?

winning the election ... I shit you not..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ shaking head ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

he's mentally scripted, and programmed to say shit that feeds his base the horseshit that makes them drool. Why the hell do you think we hear the same crap here every damn day ?

poor old fart ... saw him being interviewed, and Guam came up .. two or three unrelated answers and what flows out of his mouth?

winning the election ... I shit you not..

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ shaking head ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

he's mentally scripted, and programmed to say shit that feeds his base the horseshit that makes them drool. Why the hell do you think we hear the same crap here every damn day ?


saw it again, his exact words ... " I was very popular, I got a lot of votes"

meanwhile back in the real world ................
Deplorables in the hot seat ~ Explain this trump poll tweet

View attachment 143040

1) trump claims the polls are fake news

2) This tweet admits "freefall" and only 45% "rebound"

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

The ball is in your court. Enjoy!

There is no on-merit explanation for the tweet. Trump's approval has not rebounded to 45%.

If forced to attribute to something Trump's remark to that effect, I'd say it's due to the results obtained in a recent Zogby poll. Be that as it may, check out their methodology and you'll find that the quality of Zogby's polling leaves a good deal to be desired. (Or don't review their methodology and instead click here.) One hasn't enough fingers and toes to count the quantity of more rigorously conducted polls, but such things don't matter to Trump....It's "good news" so he'll repeat it regardless of how dubious it is.
Zogby is a real poll especially when compared to this trump tweet nonsense online republican push-poll today.

View attachment 143047

Yes, the Zogby is an outlier poll when compared to RCP, but we cannot deny trump his poll. As with any polling, it is never one poll; it is the suite of polls.

The point, again, is that trump admits his numbers were in freefall and he is rebounding to only 45%. More than that, he, once again admits polling is truth.

I was shocked to see the tweet.
Yes, the Zogby is an outlier poll when compared to RCP, but we cannot deny trump his poll. As with any polling, it is never one poll; it is the suite of polls.

Well, I don't know whether Zogby is an outlier. I know only that it's a poll that, as I earlier alluded, variously has unsatisfactory methodological flaws or material presentational misrepresentations. Just as I know that, so too should Trump or at least one or more of his aides know it. Knowing that Zogby is a low quality poll, good judgment dissuades one from citing its results, regardless of whether they align with one's wishes.

Furthermore, citing it tacitly shows either (1) one's willingness to accept suboptimal rigor or (2) that one is completely in. Why? Because the results of materially higher quality polls are every bit as readily available, and those polls' results indicate something other than what the Zogby one does and the difference is statistically significant.

As with any polling, it is never one poll; it is the suite of polls. The point, again, is that trump admits his numbers were in freefall and he is rebounding to only 45%. More than that, he, once again admits polling is truth.
  • Among high quality polls, there is no preponderance of them indicating his approval rating have rebounded to 45%. One barely middling quality poll, Zogby, puts him at 45%, and another middling quality poll puts him at 44%. Consequently, at least right now, the notion that his approval rating has rebounded is dubious at best and publicly stating the result of just one poll of fleeting quality is dissembling.
  • It's sort of good that Trump admits his approval rating is/was in "freefall." More objective, thus better, would be to state what they are and were and refrain from using qualitatively conclusive terms like "freefall."
Trump is six months or so into his presidency. He's not running for office, he is an office holder. He needs to ignore the polls and just do and discus policy not polls and his approval rating(s). After all, the efficacy and effectiveness of his policies will garner all the approbation he needs and time will tell whether his policy choices are the right/best ones and his approval ratings will reflect as much.

As an aside, for it's clearly not part of this thread's discussion topic, I think it's not lost on Trump that of all the things that boost presidents' popularity, war is somewhere near the top. Given Trump's preoccupation with his own popularity, I can't help but think his approach to the DPRK situation is in part driven by his desire to have high, or at least above 50%, approval ratings.
Tell me when Trump lies about 4 deaths caused because of his incompetence. Then immediately flies to Vegas to golf.

Sure looks like you might have a problem with the word "immediately" How could he have made the Rose Garden Speech. I bet his plane didn't leave for several hours after the speech too.

10:43 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Every day, all across the world, American diplomats and civilians work tirelessly to advance the interests and values of our nation. Often, they are away from their families. Sometimes, they brave great danger.

Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi. Among those killed was our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, as well as Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith. We are still notifying the families of the others who were killed. And today, the American people stand united in holding the families of the four Americans in our thoughts and in our prayers.

The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We're working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I've also directed my administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.

Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.

Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya

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