Deportation Raids Reportedly Ongoing Across U.S.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I read where one raid netted 160 on Southern California.

From the Washington Post:

Immigration activists said Friday that they had documented ICE raids of unusual intensity in the last 48 hours in Vista, Pomona and Compton, Calif.; Austin, Dallas, and Pflugerville, Texas; Alexandria and Annandale, Va.; Charlotte and Burlington, N.C.; Plant City, Fla.; the Hudson Valley region of New York; and Wichita, Kan.

There were also reports of ICE checkpoints, targeting immigrants for random ID checks, in North Carolina and in Austin.

More @ Deportation Raids Reportedly Ongoing Across U.S.

Protests erupt over Trump administration’s sweeping deportation raids @ Protests erupt over Trump administration’s sweeping deportation raids

And the protests won't stop those caught from being sent bye bye.
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

Who is ripping apart families? A mother would never leave her child behind if she was deported.
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

American families have been ripped apart for 50 years to pay for this nonsense. Both parents forced to work, stuck in 1.5hr commutes, kids left alone or brainwashed in leftist union loony bins at "school" while freeloaders sit home and screw out govt dependents watching soaps and filling out govt paperwork. "It don't make no sense holmes".
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

You commit grand theft auto, your going to spend some time away from your family. Sell drugs and you will spend time away from your family. Commit insider trading and you will spend time away from your family. I therefore don't see what all the bitching is about when we deport those who come here illegally. There are a number of nonviolent crimes that carry hefty prison sentences. I don't see why illegal immigration should be that different. The question is what the law has to say about it. Not how some snowflake leftist felt when the law was enforced. Besides, who said the family must stay in the US? They are free to leave like any one else if they so desired. The splitting up families argument is nothing more than an appeal toward emotion in order to convince people to ignore the law and look beyond the millions of impoverished immigrants giving birth to state dependent children who grow up to vote democrat. The lefts immigration policy is 10% empathy and 90% ensuring a steady flow of poverty for plenty of impoverished votes. The Left hates this country and since they cannot change the culture of the country they hate their best bet is to import another unamerican culture for the prospect of future electoral victories.

You can either have open boarders and no welfare state or a welfare state with tight borders. You cannot have both.
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

How many convicted murderers in various cities over the years have ripped apart families? What about those involved and convicted of drunk driving? Are you suggesting some form of "justification" in breaking the law?
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

How many convicted murderers in various cities over the years have ripped apart families? What about those involved and convicted of drunk driving? Are you suggesting some form of "justification" in breaking the law?

Yes, you can send fathers to jail for most of their lives for insider trading, grand theft auto, and drug dealing, but don't you dare separate a family when the father snuck in here illegally.
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

How many convicted murderers in various cities over the years have ripped apart families? What about those involved and convicted of drunk driving? Are you suggesting some form of "justification" in breaking the law?

Yes, you can send fathers to jail for most of their lives for insider trading, grand theft auto, and drug dealing, but don't you dare separate a family when the father snuck in here illegally.

So appears to be the mindset of liberals when they base their decision upon emotions.
So, how many housewives did you imprison today?

Congrats on the ripping apart families thing. Bet it makes you feel all tingly, eh?

How many convicted murderers in various cities over the years have ripped apart families? What about those involved and convicted of drunk driving? Are you suggesting some form of "justification" in breaking the law?

Yes, you can send fathers to jail for most of their lives for insider trading, grand theft auto, and drug dealing, but don't you dare separate a family when the father snuck in here illegally.

You really should do a bit of research before posting. However, that would run counter to the talking points you receive from your leaders.

As you know, former President's Clinton and Obama did exactly the same thing. Over 90 percent of those 160 picked up in California were felons. Please explain your sympathy for these felons to the victims of those crimes.
Over 90 percent of those 160 picked up in California were felons.

Well, yes, being that immigration violations can be a felony.

Please explain your sympathy for these felons to the victims of those crimes.

Please explain who the victim of an immigration crime is.

You tried to pretend those people were violent felons. Was that deliberate dishonesty on your part, or were you merely brainlessly parroting some propaganda that you believed without question?
Criminal courts allow defense of the criminal. Immigration courts don't allow defense of the immigrant.
Over 90 percent of those 160 picked up in California were felons.

Well, yes, being that immigration violations can be a felony.

Please explain your sympathy for these felons to the victims of those crimes.

Please explain who the victim of an immigration crime is.

You tried to pretend those people were violent felons. Was that deliberate dishonesty on your part, or were you merely brainlessly parroting some propaganda that you believed without question?

Man, you definitely let your elephant mouth overload your butterfly ass, don't you?

150 of the 160 arrested in California were convicted felons.

The remaining 10 were illegals who had been deported at least once, returned, were caught, and had outstanding deportation orders against them.

Who is the victim of an immigration crime? Me. And you.
Over 90 percent of those 160 picked up in California were felons.

Well, yes, being that immigration violations can be a felony.

Please explain your sympathy for these felons to the victims of those crimes.

Please explain who the victim of an immigration crime is.

You tried to pretend those people were violent felons. Was that deliberate dishonesty on your part, or were you merely brainlessly parroting some propaganda that you believed without question?

Wrong again. I did not say violent felons. You did.

Operation leads to nationwide arrests
ICE in Los Angeles said it had conducted a five-day operation targeting criminals and fugitives, and said that the vast majority of those arrested had criminal histories.

Seeking to push back on reports of indiscriminate raids, ICE released the results of the operation from its Los Angeles office, saying about 160 foreign nationals were arrested during the week. Of those, 150 had criminal histories, and of the remaining arrests, five had final orders of removal or were previously deported. Ninety-five percent were male, they said.

Democrats, advocates question ICE enforcement raids -
I read where one raid netted 160 on Southern California.

From the Washington Post:

Immigration activists said Friday that they had documented ICE raids of unusual intensity in the last 48 hours in Vista, Pomona and Compton, Calif.; Austin, Dallas, and Pflugerville, Texas; Alexandria and Annandale, Va.; Charlotte and Burlington, N.C.; Plant City, Fla.; the Hudson Valley region of New York; and Wichita, Kan.

There were also reports of ICE checkpoints, targeting immigrants for random ID checks, in North Carolina and in Austin.

More @ Deportation Raids Reportedly Ongoing Across U.S.

Protests erupt over Trump administration’s sweeping deportation raids @ Protests erupt over Trump administration’s sweeping deportation raids

And the protests won't stop those caught from being sent bye bye.


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