DeSantis backs Florida surgeon general in urging residents against new Covid vaccines

Whatever this quack says… is NOT what the CDC said
“What the CDC said”, was a chronic bad joke.

“More consequentially, CDC’s guidance reflected the agency’s preferred policy outcomes or political considerations.

“At its worst, CDC released guidance that was influenced by teachers’ unions and was a significant signal to states that they weren’t fully confident in schools’ ability to return to school safely, despite earlier versions of the guidance suggesting otherwise.

“Our children are paying a terrible price academically, physically, and emotionally for the CDC’s shortcomings.

“Bad science in CDC guidance, when used to justify mandates, destroyed lives.

“CDC public communications on COVID-19 vaccines were just as bad. Simply put, CDC overpromised when it should have known better.

“CDC leadership told the public that vaccines prevented transmission while the agency was receiving reports of breakthrough infections among the vaccinated“

But beside that, trust me. I know whats best for you.
Because you shitheads were upset at those who saw through your totalitarian crapfest, so you used it to divide?

No. It's because death rates were so much higher in red areas where vaccine uptake was lower. And most of those deaths were unvaccinated folks.
I READ the actual CDC statement. This quack is LYING AND YOU ARE AS WELL BY REPEATING HIS LIES

"Like other Omicron strains, EG.5 tends to infect the upper respiratory tract, causing a runny nose, sore throat, and other cold-like symptoms, as opposed to lower respiratory tract symptoms..."

So, why are you freaking out? Could it be hysteria to hopefully get election cheating done again?
No, you haven't. You've watched too many crazy youtube videos and tiktoks, that's all.
I'm just repeating their own words.
And then watching them spin and change tactics the moment it becomes politically expedient..

You forget....we have computers that allows us to go back and see what they said in the past.

TikToc is for people who like tits & ass and stupidity.
And YouTube is censored.

No. It's because death rates were so much higher in red areas where vaccine uptake was lower. And most of those deaths were unvaccinated folks.
You don't care about that....Hell, If it is even true, you and your ilk would be cheering that, and were....
Fuck some bullshit video. Read the CDC report.

I did and it doesn’t say you are worse off if you had a previous vax
That's exsactly what it says. It says if you had covid, or the old jab, you're more likely to catch the new covidx. Better get in line for the new jab, out September 15th. I knew about it mid August... because PLANdemic.
“What the CDC said”, was a chronic bad joke.

“More consequentially, CDC’s guidance reflected the agency’s preferred policy outcomes or political considerations.

“At its worst, CDC released guidance that was influenced by teachers’ unions and was a significant signal to states that they weren’t fully confident in schools’ ability to return to school safely, despite earlier versions of the guidance suggesting otherwise.

“Our children are paying a terrible price academically, physically, and emotionally for the CDC’s shortcomings.

“Bad science in CDC guidance, when used to justify mandates, destroyed lives.

“CDC public communications on COVID-19 vaccines were just as bad. Simply put, CDC overpromised when it should have known better.

“CDC leadership told the public that vaccines prevented transmission while the agency was receiving reports of breakthrough infections among the vaccinated“

But beside that, trust me. I know whats best for you.
Some GOP asshole saying some shit does NOT change what the CDC said about the current strain and previous vaccinations.

You fuckers are lying

When you have to lie to make a point you have no point
YOu do know how to dodge a question.

Wanna try again?
That was one world class waffle. Do you know why your preferred slogan is false?

What’s with this compulsive need you have to try and force the clot shot on others.

Dear me. This man is in a position that requires a responsible adult. His anti vax antics might be politically useful but people are going to die in Florida.

Ditching scientific advice for "stuff" he read on the internet must be covered by some laws, even in the US.

As pixie boots once said - “These vaccines are saving lives. They reduce mortality"
Of course they do.
More vaccinated folks die than unvaccinated people.
That was one world class waffle. Do you know why your preferred slogan is false?

What’s with this compulsive need you have to try and force the clot shot on others.
Still dodging.

It's OK though. I explained it for another fella. All you gotta do is go up the thread a bit. You'll find it.
So, more propaganda....Got it...

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