DeSantis backs Florida surgeon general in urging residents against new Covid vaccines

KIlling off his own followers, SMH.

How did these science denying hacks get into positions of power? And make no mistake, that's exactly what they are doing. The survival rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is clear.

And I'm not speculating here. Republicans are dying more often than Democrats.

We still live in America last time I checked, so to state the obvious, we have a choice…

My cardiologist told me at a follow up visit with trepidation that he was forced to take a vaccine to keep his job.
I doubt this as well.

Any new COVID vaccines aside, anyone that had their child vaccinated with the original vaccines from Pfizer,Moderna or J&J were not utilizing common sense. My wife is a physician and guess what, our kids did not get the COVID vaccine. They have had every other one and we are not anti-vax by any stretch. Both had COVID, along with us and they had flu symptoms for about 1 day. Just about all their friends had it as well with the same result except some were asymptomatic. The risk of giving them an unproven vaccine and it‘s potential long term affects far outweighed them getting very sick from COVID.

You would be very surprised to know how many physicians lost trust in the COVID vaccines for healthy adults once data was released and once cardiologists starting seeing anomalies in their patients who had received them. Just like in the science community with regards to various heavily politicized topics , they are typically pretty quiet about their real feelings for fear of being ostracized.
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Some GOP asshole saying some shit does NOT change what the CDC said about the current strain and previous vaccinations.

You fuckers are lying

When you have to lie to make a point you have no point
Ah, I see. The incompetence, false claims, political influence and mismanagement that characterized the CDC last year has all been magically corrected.

“what the CDC said about previous vaccinations” was a clown show.

You are certainly welcome to despise anyone who doesn’t accept your compulsive demands that they will take the clot shot… or else, but my healthcare decisions are made outside of your screeching tirades.
Any new COVID vaccines aside, anyone that had their child vaccinated with the originail vaccines from Pfizer,Moderna or J&J were not utilizing common sense. My wife is a physician and guess what, our kids did not get the COVID vaccine. They have had every other one and we are not anti-vax by any stretch. Both had COVID, along with us and they had flu symptoms for about 1 day. Just about all their friends had it as well with the same result except some were asymptomatic. The risk of giving them an unproven vaccine and it‘s potential long term affects far outweighed them getting very sick from COVID.

You would be very surprised to know how many physicians lost trust in the COVID vaccines for healthy adults once data was released and once cardiologists starting seeing anomalies in their patients who had received them. Just like in the science community with regards to various heavily politicized topics , they are typically pretty quiet about their real feelings for fear of being ostracized.
So for all that, given the number of injections there have been...bodies should be piling up in the streets and hospitals should be overflowing with people affected by the vax.

None of that is happening
Ah, I see. The incompetence, false claims, political influence and mismanagement that characterized the CDC last year has all been magically corrected.

“what the CDC said about previous vaccinations” was a clown show.

You are certainly welcome to despise anyone who doesn’t accept your compulsive demands that they will take the clot shot… or else, but my healthcare decisions are made outside of your screeching tirades.

Fuck I want you NOT to get vaxxed. You won't be missed

Dear me. This man is in a position that requires a responsible adult. His anti vax antics might be politically useful but people are going to die in Florida.

Ditching scientific advice for "stuff" he read on the internet must be covered by some laws, even in the US.

As pixie boots once said - “These vaccines are saving lives. They reduce mortality"
Of course they do.
What doesn't go on in Florida should stay in Florida.

I'm ok with that.
AND HERE is what the CDC said

Current Risk Assessment​

Based on what CDC knows now, existing tests used to detect and medications used to treat COVID-19 appear to be effective with this variant. BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines. Scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine. CDC’s current assessment is that this updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization. At this point, there is no evidence that this variant is causing more severe illness. That assessment may change as additional scientific data are developed. CDC will share more as we know more.

BA.2.86 MAY be more dangerous to BOTH those who have previously had covid AND those vaccinated.

Previous vax does NOT make you more susceptible according to the CDC.

Saying otherwise is a LIE
KIlling off his own followers, SMH.

How did these science denying hacks get into positions of power? And make no mistake, that's exactly what they are doing. The survival rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is clear.

And I'm not speculating here. Republicans are dying more often than Democrats.

No MAGA patriot should ever take a damned guvment vaccine!

Fuck I want you NOT to get vaxxed. You won't be missed

I know. Why are you stuttering? You wrote that screeching tirade before.

Who made you the Clot Shot Czar and politburo mouthpiece?
So for all that, given the number of injections there have been...bodies should be piling up in the streets and hospitals should be overflowing with people affected by the vax.

None of that is happening

We don’t now the long term affects yet.

A cardiologist friend took both initial shots and was on board. He started seeing a trend in his patients who had also been vaccinated and refused to take any more or be boosted. This is a real world example from a real physician who treats and performs heart procedures on patients.

I am not slamming all vaccines or even saying that there was anything nefarious going on with these vaccines, just that there wasn’t enough time to fully test the long term effects. For people with certain underlying health conditiions or the ederly, it made some sense with the old, more virulent strain of COVID because they were effective in diminishing the severity of the disease, but for otherwise healthy people and children with no underlying health condition, I’m not so sure.
Obviously YOU do...
You’re typically befuddled. I’m not demanding anyone get the clot shot. Healthcare decisions are between individuals and their doctors. You reject that. You insist the government knows best and all must obey.

You should read what you post. You are absolutely incensed that you are not the Clot Shot Ayatollah who can force the shot on others.

Fuck I want you NOT to get vaxxed. You won't be missed

This just stupid. Do you really believe that everyone that doesn’t get vaccinated is going to die, particularly with these new, much less virulent, strains of COVID?
This just stupid. Do you really believe that everyone that doesn’t get vaccinated is going to die, particularly with these new, much less virulent, strains of COVID?
Nope. But the chances of death or major health issues are much greater. Please don’t vax…
I know. Why are you stuttering? You wrote that screeching tirade before.

Who made you the Clot Shot Czar and politburo mouthpiece?
Nothing screeching about it. I’m on your side. Don’t get vaxxed.

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