DeSantis backs Florida surgeon general in urging residents against new Covid vaccines

Sick fuck says what?
Nice job following DeScumtis leading you by the nose who again pulled his finger out of his ass to see which way the idiots are blowing, just like he did at the debate. He's a bobbleheaded fucktard.
I agree with your quack doctor (if he exists). You should not get the vax. You will NOT be missed
Such an angry little man. If the pretend Biden Dem / Socialist politburo tries to again force the clot shots on people, you should, as a sign you’re a good drone, get several.

I’ll trust my doctor for medical advise, not the Dem / Socialist politburo or internet (im)posters.
I always find it bizarre that the same morons would deny healthcare to immigrants. Like they want people going around spreading disease..
Cut your nose off maga morons.

Look moron, if they weren't paying them to come here they wouldn't be coming.
If they put them into quarantine for 6 months they'd stop coming here.
Nobody wants to spend half a year being locked up in prison.

Dear me. This man is in a position that requires a responsible adult. His anti vax antics might be politically useful but people are going to die in Florida.

Ditching scientific advice for "stuff" he read on the internet must be covered by some laws, even in the US.

As pixie boots once said - “These vaccines are saving lives. They reduce mortality"
Of course they do.

You do understand that we now know about the vaccines? They didn't stop the spread, they didn't keep you from getting the Chinese Flu, and they are showing to have side effects that very likely are killing know that...right?
Such an angry little man. If the pretend Biden Dem / Socialist politburo tries to again force the clot shots on people, you should, as a sign you’re a good drone, get several.

I’ll trust my doctor for medical advise, not the Dem / Socialist politburo or internet (im)posters.
You’ve repeated that about five times now. How long have you had that mental stutter?
Our children's pediatrician told us not to get the kids vaxed.

She said they could tolerate the virus and there are unknowns about the so called vaccine
How many unknows are about the virus... Could you show us the test results on getting COVID....

Truth is, areas of high vaccination have less excess deaths than areas of low vaccination. That's how simple it is...
You’ve repeated that about five times now. How long have you had that mental stutter?
Responding to your stuttering and mumbling.

You’re incensed that anyone would have the audacity to make their own decisions about healthcare matters. Not everyone is weak and compliant when it comes to the government telling them what to do.

Why can’t you find the courage to make your own decisions? Being a grown up means you take responsibility. While you may confuse the government with your mommy and daddy, I make choices based on tangibles such as risk vs. reward, probable outcome, past experience, professional guidance, etc.

Being just another duck in the government row makes you something of a target in a carnival game.
How many unknows are about the virus... Could you show us the test results on getting COVID....

Truth is, areas of high vaccination have less excess deaths than areas of low vaccination. That's how simple it is...
No. It’s not that simple. The past several years have shown just how badly the CDC performed. They made poor decisions, reversed themselves and were under the boot heel of the corrupt Dem / Socialist politburo.

History shows who the most at-risk group is and it’s not children who should be at school or young, healthy adults.
Responding to your stuttering and mumbling.

You’re incensed that anyone would have the audacity to make their own decisions about healthcare matters. Not everyone is weak and compliant when it comes to the government telling them what to do.

Why can’t you find the courage to make your own decisions? Being a grown up means you take responsibility. While you may confuse the government with your mommy and daddy, I make choices based on tangibles such as risk vs. reward, probable outcome, past experience, professional guidance, etc.

Being just another duck in the government row makes you something of a target in a carnival game.
I’m incensed?

You just spent three fucking paragraphs whining about what? Me agreeing with your stupid decision not to get a vaccination?

You have issues honey
I’m incensed?

You just spent three fucking paragraphs whining about what? Me agreeing with your stupid decision not to get a vaccination?

You have issues honey
You’re clearly incensed. You have stuttered and mumbled expressing your outrage that people are making informed choices about their healthcare. You launched into tirades when I wrote that my healthcare choices were my own. You have carried on in sweaty, hand-wringing agony, several pages now, where you insist that the government is your be-all, end-all for decisions you’re not allowed to make.

It’s as though you’re auditioning for the role of a mini-tyrant that defined so many Dem / Socialist mayors and governors who used their authoritarian inner Stalin to lock down schools and businesses while exceptions for liquor stores were “essential personnel”.

It was always a running joke to see which Dem / Marxist mayor or governor would be photographed at large gatherings without the face diaper they demanded their minions had to wear.

As you need help and assistance with grownup choices you’re unable to make, I’ll expect a complete itinerary of your anticipated clot shot schedule. I’ll make the choices for you as to manufacturer, date, time and frequency. I know what’s best for you.
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You’re clearly incensed. You have stuttered and mumbled expressing your outrage that people are making informed choices about their healthcare.

It’s as though you’re auditioning for the role of a mini-tyrant that defined so many Dem / Socialist mayors and governors who used their authoritarian inner Stalin to lock down schools and businesses while exceptions for liquor stores were “essential personnel”.

It was always a running joke to which Dem / Marxist mayor or governor would be photographed at large gatherings without a mask as they demanded their minions had to follow orders.

As you need help and assistance with grownup choices you’re unable to make, I’ll expect a complete itinerary of your anticipated clot shot schedule. I’ll make the choices for you as to manufacturer, date, time and frequency. I know what’s best for you.
And here you are mentally stuttering yet again.

Too funny and not very self aware
And here you are mentally stuttering yet again.

Too funny and not very self aware
And here you are, feverish and sweaty, as you can’t accept rejection of your silly government mandates.

DeSantis backs Florida surgeon general in urging residents against new Covid vaccines​

As well he should as it's not like these vaccines actually prevent infection or transmission as flagrantly lied about by MSNBC'S Madcow.
As well he should as it's not like these vaccines actually prevent infection or transmission as flagrantly lied about by MSNBC'S Madcow.
They keep you from getting really sick or dying.

There's a certain amount of value in that no?
KIlling off his own followers, SMH.

How did these science denying hacks get into positions of power? And make no mistake, that's exactly what they are doing. The survival rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is clear.

And I'm not speculating here. Republicans are dying more often than Democrats.

The Angel of Death is at it again in Florida
At what? Did you fall down and bump your head again?
DeSantis got himself the nickname The Angel of Death for his reckless mishandling of the COVID pandemic.
DeSantis is in the grip of his blood lust again.
KIlling off his own followers, SMH.

How did these science denying hacks get into positions of power? And make no mistake, that's exactly what they are doing. The survival rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is clear.

And I'm not speculating here. Republicans are dying more often than Democrats.

We told everyone there would be never-ending boosters.

They labeled us conspiracy theorists.

They said if everyone gets a vaccine, we can eradicate the virus. They said that. They knew it was false.

Now, we have found that the shots don't even prevent one from getting what the shots are supposed to prevent one from getting.

Big Pharma scored another win. $100 per shot, times tens of millions of people is huge sums of money.

Paid for mainly by taxpayers. Then, Big Pharma passes along lots of that money in terms of political donations and MSM advertisements.

In exchange, Congress provides for immunity to vaccine makers, and the media encourages everyone to get the new experimental medication.

Two weeks to flatten the curve they told us. Now, 3-1/2 years later, it's get your new mRNA shot, cases are rising again.

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