DeSantis backs Florida surgeon general in urging residents against new Covid vaccines

How many unknows are about the virus... Could you show us the test results on getting COVID....

Truth is, areas of high vaccination have less excess deaths than areas of low vaccination. That's how simple it is...

I'll listen to our children's pediatrician thank you.

Certainly not some left loon moonbat

Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... The got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. The called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
DeSantis got himself the nickname The Angel of Death for his reckless mishandling of the COVID pandemic.
DeSantis is in the grip of his blood lust again.
Pretty silly. “Reckless” described Dem / Socialist Cuomo in New York who put elderly Covid patients in nursing homes.

Who’s dying from reckless mishandling of Covid de jour in Florida?

Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... The got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. The called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
Trump's vaccine got the country going again you retard

Dear me. This man is in a position that requires a responsible adult. His anti vax antics might be politically useful but people are going to die in Florida.

Ditching scientific advice for "stuff" he read on the internet must be covered by some laws, even in the US.

As pixie boots once said - “These vaccines are saving lives. They reduce mortality"
Of course they do.
Good for Desantis. STFU commie brit.

Nope. You were told it would be like the seasonal flu shot.

Keep lying

"But I also want to be clear: 100 million shots in 100 days is not the endpoint; it’s just the start. We’re not stopping there. The end goal is to beat COVID-19. And the way we do that is to get more people vaccinated, which means we have to be ready, after we hit the ground [sic] — after we hit the goal of 100 million shots in 100 days."


"But I also want to be clear: 100 million shots in 100 days is not the endpoint; it’s just the start. We’re not stopping there. The end goal is to beat COVID-19. And the way we do that is to get more people vaccinated, which means we have to be ready, after we hit the ground [sic] — after we hit the goal of 100 million shots in 100 days."

Thank you for pointing out how quickly Biden got shots in arms to get the country moving again.

He did a phenomenal job

Now you were saying something about never having to get a booster? Who said that?
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Thank you for pointing out how quickly Biden got shots in arms to get the country moving again.

He did a phenomenal job

Now you were saying something about never having to get a booster? Who said that?
Trump was doing over a million shots per day when he left office. Biden simply continued the pace.

Not much of an accomplishment. Rather mediocre.
Bullshit. He got 20 million vaccinations in well over a month
Whoop dee doo....

January 21, 2021, 11:19 AM EST
Vaccinations in the U.S. began Dec. 14 with health-care workers, and so far 17.2 million shots have been given, according to a state-by-state tally by Bloomberg and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the last week, an average of 912,497 doses per day were administered.
More Than 12.7 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Tracker

Over one million per day in Trump's final couple days.

The Pfizer vaccine was approved Dec 11. The Moderna one on Dec. 24.

As of Jan 20th 2021 06:00 EST, over 16.5M doses had been administered.

You didn’t know they were forcing all of their staffs to take the vaccine? Explains a lot…
You people think you're so clever, deliberately misinterpreting everything I say.

Ten year olds manage that, you know.
It's called freedom a difficult concept for some on the left to grasp. No one is being prevented from getting vaccine nor is anyone being forced to that choice is being left up to the Indvidual as it should be.
The people that "refused to obey", and not get the poison (in America) were treated worse than any other group of Americans in my lifetime. Think about it, they were shamed, ridiculed, fired, kicked out of the military, not allowed to fly, not allowed in many establishments, etc.. I challenge anyone to name a subset of Americans that has been treated worse in modern history. They are known now as "Pure bloods". I will never forget being denied entrance into a thrift store, simply because I was a "Pure blood". Profoundly frightening.
A gang of low informaton internet trolls is one thing. A man who aspires to be Prez is quite another.
God help America if he gets in.
desantis sees himself as a minitrump. trump on the the other hand, with his bully's sense for weakness, knows better.

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