DeSantis backs Florida surgeon general in urging residents against new Covid vaccines

If this is true than Desantis is a total asshole
The people that "refused to obey", and not get the poison (in America) were treated worse than any other group of Americans in my lifetime. Think about it, they were shamed, ridiculed, fired, kicked out of the military, not allowed to fly, not allowed in many establishments, etc.. I challenge anyone to name a subset of Americans that has been treated worse in modern history. They are known now as "Pure bloods". I will never forget being denied entrance into a thrift store, simply because I was a "Pure blood". Profoundly frightening.

lololol worse than any group of americans on your lifetime? you must be very young.
Please tell me rampart in your life time has any group of Americans ever been denied the ability to get on an airplane, or enter a burger joint. Or been fired, or been kicked out of the military ?....
Pure bloods remember how they were mistreated for their convictions to common sense. And so do the people that pushed hard to force them to take the poison, that they now must realize was exactly that... poison...especially for healthy young people.
Emmense pressure was put on every single Pure blood. Family, friends, T.V, MSM, popular celebrities etc...all telling them that they were selfish, cowards, that did not care about killing the elderly. And then there was the decision to stand by your beliefs or have your career ruined. And set aside as a second class American that should be shunned, vilified and separated as a group, and even denied health care.....Those nasty "pure bloods".
Now let us consider the very young "pure bloods". The new "vaccine/poison" for children has already beed made ready. Once you inject this into a six month old child, that child is no longer a "pure blood". Of course that infant has little to fear from Covid.....but we can't have that get in the way of big Pharma. If a child is given this poison,,,well,,,one less "pure blood" in America.
I agree with your quack doctor (if he exists). You should not get the vax. You will NOT be missed

I would bet that neither you nor Hollie have ever actually seen or worked with a genuine VAX.

I did most of my college coursework on one, when I was majoring in Computer Science in the 1980s.

Anyway, I would have to agree with you on one point, that unless Hollie is seriously into collecting obsolete, vintage computers, she shouldn't get a VAX. Neither should you, for that matter.
How many unknows are about the virus... Could you show us the test results on getting COVID....

It's a common cold. It's been around for about a long as mankind has; for as long as Mankind has existed, we've been catching the latest version of the cold, from time to time, and the vast majority of us recover in a few days, with no lasting effects.

The only meaningful difference between this instance, and every previous instance of the cold, is in the way that this was has been exaggerated, hyperbolized, and weaponized for political purposes.
I would bet that neither you nor Hollie have ever actually seen or worked with a genuine VAX.

I did most of my college coursework on one, when I was majoring in Computer Science in the 1980s.

Anyway, I would have to agree with you on one point, that unless Hollie is seriously into collecting obsolete, vintage computers, she shouldn't get a VAX. Neither should you, for that matter.
Ha! Got me.

I had to read your post twice then look up Vax computer.

It's a common cold. It's been around for about a long as mankind has; for as long as Mankind has existed, we've been catching the latest version of the cold, from time to time, and the vast majority of us recover in a few days, with no lasting effects.

The only meaningful difference between this instance, and every previous instance of the cold, is in the way that this was has been exaggerated, hyperbolized, and weaponized for political purposes.
A million Americans don't die of the common cold in two years jackass
No. It’s not that simple. The past several years have shown just how badly the CDC performed. They made poor decisions, reversed themselves and were under the boot heel of the corrupt Dem / Socialist politburo.

History shows who the most at-risk group is and it’s not children who should be at school or young, healthy adults.

I'm supposedly at high risk. I'm old, I'm diabetic, and at the time that the #CoronaHoax2020 was taking root, I was recovering from a serious inquiry, and my immune system was much weaker than usual.

I'm exactly one of these that the Brach Covidians would have been closes to reasonable in telling me that I should be scared of this disease. But I wasn't. I saw right through the lies, the exaggerations, the hyperbole, and the fearmongering, right from the beginning.

I correctly any firmly recognized, right away, that this disease posed no credible threat to my health or well-being, nor the the health and well-being of the overwhelming vast majority of people.

I also correctly called it that the extreme measures that we were being told that we needed to take in response to this disease were going to cause far more harm than the disease itself ever could have.

I can understand how some of the less intelligent among us could have fallen for this hoax the first time.

What is amazing and disturbing to me is how many among us are stupid enough to still be falling for this bullshit, after all that we have seen.
I correctly any firmly recognized, right away, that this disease posed no credible threat to my health or well-being, nor the the health and well-being of the overwhelming vast majority of people.
It killed a million Americans. Some I knew well.

You got lucky

Too bad. They should still be here and you gone. They were better people than you
A million Americans don't die of the common cold in two years jackass

All that you prove with that remark is that you are so damned stupid that you believe the lies and exaggerations that Big Brother has been telling you about this cold outbreak.

You don't even have the capacity to try to see or think for yourself, to question the truth of the lies that you are being told. You just mindlessly, stupidly believe and obey whatever Big Brother tells you.

By whatever name you call it, a million Americans •DID NOT• die from it. Even the CDC admitted, at one point, that the claimed rate of deaths from this disease were exaggerated by a factor of roughly two dozen. The way they put it was that 94% of claimed COIVID deaths involved “comorbidities”.
All that you prove with that remark is that you are so damned stupid that you believe the lies and exaggerations that Big Brother has been telling you about this cold outbreak.

You don't even have the capacity to try to see or think for yourself, to question the truth of the lies that you are being told. You just mindlessly, stupidly believe and obey whatever Big Brother tells you.

By whatever name you call it, a million Americans •DID NOT• die from it. Even the CDC admitted, at one point, that the claimed rate of deaths from this disease were exaggerated by a factor of roughly two dozen. The way they put it was that 94% of claimed COIVID deaths involved “comorbidities”.
Still with the lies Covidiot

Go away
KIlling off his own followers, SMH.

How did these science denying hacks get into positions of power? And make no mistake, that's exactly what they are doing. The survival rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is clear.

And I'm not speculating here. Republicans are dying more often than Democrats.

Good. It’s MAGA voters are the ones dying. Great advice from the surgeon general.
Good. It’s MAGA voters are the ones dying. Great advice from the surgeon general.

I'm not dying. When I do eventually die, as everyone must eventually, it's not going to be from a politically-hyperbolized cold./flu bug.

I was exposed to it once, when I was at my weakest, a few months after my injury. it didn't do do shit to me. My wife got mildly ill from it, but I did not. The only reason we know I was exposed to it is that my wife had it, and there's no way that either my wife or I can have a contagious disease without the other being exposed to it.

I did get sick from it, when I was exposed to it again, a few years later. But it's just a fucking cold. I've had worse colds many times in my life than this one.

You, and far too many other gullible idiots like yourself, have stupidly allowed a corrupt system of government and media to lie to you, to deceive you into being deathly afraid of a fucking cold. You've stupidly let them create this fear in you, and then use this fear to control you, to manipulate you, to their gain, but to your harm.

How fucking stupid is that?


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