DeSantis beats Trump in straw poll

Well, it certainly won't be Biden or Hillary and Harris only if they have gone totally insane which means, possibly.

[*]A crack team of known, good people behind him for his administration that this time won't butt heads with him, leak behind his back, or go RINO on him.
[*]His ability to get covered by a media to get his message out which has demonstrated a willingness to practically try to cut him totally from all media.
Are you kidding. Trump already picked all the best people during his first administration. Now he's down to the second stringers, and and affirmative action MAGA wanna be's.

It will be like watching the apprentice auditions.
Oh c'mon. Trump was on such fire in 2015-2016 that he literally got a billion dollars of free coverage. He used to tell people to sit down, shut up, or for folks to throw disrupters out and that he'd even cover their fees if they got in trouble for doing it. People ate up that outspokenness.

That was old stuff from 10-15 years ago not really relevant to his being in office. Close to 20 years now.
i know it was from years ago and I myself didn't make a big deal of it... b ut a candidate should appeal to a wide range of people/groups..
Oh...and all The Donald's wives speak well of him. NOT one bad mouthed him.
That's because along with a pre-nup, they had to sign an NDA like the rest of his employees, which means they're enjoined from saying anything bad about Trump, his family, or his businesses.

They couldn't even say anything bad about Trump University, or the Trump charity which were corrupt criminal enterprises.
DeSantis in 24, and Trump doing 5-10
Maybe not, but most of the baggage was CREATED by the Left. And DeSantis doesn't have Trump's charisma and popularity, but either way, either one of them is a REAL BAD DAY for democrats.

The left isn't responsible for Trump's history or lies or arrogance. He did all that on his own.
How do I charge thee. Let me count the ways.

Bank fraud
Tax evasion
Conspiracy of election fraud
Conspiracy of sedition
Violation of National Security
Violation presidential records act
Guilty because you TDS whackos and Adam Schiff say so…right?
The National archives literally caught Trump in violation of National Security.
failure to secure TOP SECRET information
Violation of the presidential records act.

Just to name two.
I’m certain you have him right where you want him this time.
Will you hire Robert Mueller to prove you wrong again?
Like Trump, Desantis has the hair. But it's not orange.
Other then that he's a self indulgent, thin skinned jerkoff who when critisized reacts like a spoiled brat out for revenge.
Are there any Trump Party candidates running for national office who aren't flaming assholes?
Look at the democrat candidates for 2024.
1. A sick pedo named Joe Biden
2. ??????????????
Well, it certainly won't be Biden or Hillary and Harris only if they have gone totally insane which means, possibly.
Whether Trump wins reelection (assuming he runs and I'm pretty sure he will) will depend entirely on two things:
  1. How Trump reemerges onto the political scene next year following the Midterms.
  2. How successfully Trump repackages himself as Trump 2.0, if he is smart enough to do it, which will include:
  • Convincing voters he still has all the successful attributes of his first term but without the worst baggage which he picked up along the way.
  • Giving the voters a frank accounting of his failures and mistakes, along with what really happened, concisely, to steal the election from him in 2020.
  • A clear assessment of what the democrats have really been doing and why.
  • SPEAKING LESSONS, so that he can clearly enumerate his talking points, clearly and cogently, without always going in circles and repeating everything three times as if we forgot.
  • A CLEAR PLAN OF ACTION of what he will do in office to fix things while avoiding the pitfalls he was handed the first time around.
  • A crack team of known, good people behind him for his administration that this time won't butt heads with him, leak behind his back, or go RINO on him.
  • His ability to get covered by a media to get his message out which has demonstrated a willingness to practically try to cut him totally from all media.
I trust Donald has been reflecting on if not working on all of this since January 2021.
If Trump wants to win in 2024 I agree he needs to polish his act.
Trump 2.0 needs to do the following:
1. No petty Twitter dialogue, no 2am "COFFEFFEEs" again, no name calling, and NO BULLYING. His bullying, especially in the 1st debate cost him my wife's vote. ACT PRESIDENTIAL, not petty, like with the size of the inauguration crowd.
2. The clear plan of action should be the GOPs "Contract With America 2.0" to win the Senate and keep the House
3. Trump needs to know that every vote matters. Do not alienate any voters. Be nice to minorities and patient with women's issues, even though they hate him.
4. Do not think out loud, like drinking Clorox. Stick to the approved script in the teleprompter.
How do I charge thee. Let me count the ways.

Bank fraud
Tax evasion
Conspiracy of election fraud
Conspiracy of sedition
Violation of National Security
Violation presidential records act
All lies, 0 - 7. Thanks for playing.

Or did you intend those for Joe and Hunter Biden? Then I agree.
If Trump wants to win in 2024 I agree he needs to polish his act.
Trump 2.0 needs to do the following:
1. No petty Twitter dialogue, no 2am "COFFEFFEEs" again, no name calling, and NO BULLYING. His bullying, especially in the 1st debate cost him my wife's vote. ACT PRESIDENTIAL, not petty, like with the size of the inauguration crowd.
2. The clear plan of action should be the GOPs "Contract With America 2.0" to win the Senate and keep the House
3. Trump needs to know that every vote matters. Do not alienate any voters. Be nice to minorities and patient with women's issues, even though they hate him.
4. Do not think out loud, like drinking Clorox. Stick to the approved script in the teleprompter.
5. Keep his mouth shut so that people won't know that he's crazier then a shithouse rat.
6. Don't stuff his head back up Putin's ass until AFTER the election.
His bullying, especially in the 1st debate cost him my wife's vote. ACT PRESIDENTIAL, not petty,
Well, in all fairness, they BEGAN the debate with a question so disrespectful that they have never asked any other candidate such a question and asked him about some disagreement with Rosie O'Donnell, then the NEXT question was something about comparing the size of one's hands to the size of your penis.

4. Do not think out loud, like drinking Clorox. Stick to the approved script in the teleprompter.
Well, I like Trump's candor and would never want to lose that but your comment aligns in with mine about speaking lessons and not repeating oneself.

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