Desantis' felon voting fraud case disintegrating: Some were told BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS they could vote

Rarely, rarely, rarely, do they suffer disciplinary action in the form of one week paid administrative leave.

We need real consequences like what you said. Real consequences. Pull your gun on a pregnant lady for no reason? Three years of pension gone. Like you said.
Well, its a start

Btw: who's opinion says it was for no reason?
Making government workers pay for their mistakes is the only motivation they have for not making mistakes

I think taking away 3 years of retirement eligibility would get their attention
Conservatives are no longer calling for jail time after realizing that the law says these felons had to "willfully" make a false statement in order to be convicted.
Now they're switching to "take away their retirement eligibility".
How many people you think want to work for a government with such putative policies?

Police wouldn’t.
The police are already under attack from liberals

Its time that other government employees get the same treatment

Conservatives are no longer calling for jail time after realizing that the law says these felons had to "willfully" make a false statement in order to be convicted.
Now they're switching to "take away their retirement eligibility".
That was my only comment so I did not switch from any previous position
Other government employees don’t kill people and lie about it.
Other government employees are not falsely accused of murder by radical lefties either

This has been a problem for the men in blue since the first black president spoke through his ass about an outstanding white cop in Boston
Other government employees are not falsely accused of murder by radical lefties either

This has been a problem for the men in blue since the first black president spoke through his ass about an outstanding white cop in Boston
Cops never falsely accused anyone of murder?
I will accept some criticism of the police

But not the blanket hate from the left for the sake of criminals
Who said anything about blanket hate? I just think that if a cop accuses someone of falsely committing a crime, they should get three years of their pension taken away, like you said for other mistakes.

That’s generous. If we were actually being fair it would be way more because the police can harm people’s lives mich more than almost every other government employee. You know, because of the power they have which makes them “Nazis” to people on the right.
Who said anything about blanket hate? I just think that if a cop accuses someone of falsely committing a crime, they should get three years of their pension taken away, like you said for other mistakes.
Technically speaking the cops do not accuse people of committing crimes

They just gather evidence and present it to the DA
Technically speaking the cops do not accuse people of committing crimes

They just gather evidence and present it to the DA
DA could never file charges without the cops feeding them the info.

Every time they get it wrong, three years off their pension. It’s the only way to get government employees to stop making mistakes. Like you said.
DA could never file charges without the cops feeding them the info.
Thats the cops job

But I get the point you are trying to make

Unfortunately the anti cop crowd led by obama is so far left they are impossible to compromise with
Thats the cops job

But I get the point you are trying to make

Unfortunately the anti cop crowd led by obama is so far left they are impossible to compromise with
And sometimes the cops get it wrong so let’s punish them!

You are the anti-government crowd and you are so far right that you are impossible to compromise with.

You have two standards. One for government employees you hate and one for cops that you protect.
And sometimes the cops get it wrong so let’s punish them!

You are the anti-government crowd and you are so far right that you are impossible to compromise with.

You have two standards. One for government employees you hate and one for cops that you protect.
The reality is that there are issues in which it is total win or lose when it is many mini issues within the issues, we do not even touch.
Earlier this month, Gov. Ron DeSantis held one of his patented one-way press conferences, where he channels Donald Trump’s blunt bullying style and declares he’s doing great things. It was during this press conference that he announced that his Gestapo-style election’s enforcement apparatus was already hard at work excising bad actors from the voter rolls. In fact, DeSantis claimed 20 people had already been charged and were soon to be arrested—people convicted of murder and sexual assault, he claimed—for voter fraud during the 2020 election.

DeSantis vowed these terrible folks would “pay the price.” At the time, most folks with any sense of how much of a lying liar Ron DeSantis is knew that his fascist enforcement apparatus was likely to arrest those people, but that the rest sounded too unlikely to be true.

And according to court documents, DeSantis’ assertions clearly weren’t quite true.

The Guardian reports that many of the (ultimately 19, not 20) people who were targeted by the governor’s brown shirt brigade had been told or led to believe—by elections officials or other state-sanctioned officials—that they were indeed qualified to vote. In many of the cases, they issued a voter registration card and had no issues at all voting, so they were entirely gobsmacked to find out they had broken any law.
Court documents show that many of the defendants caught in this pretend sting claim to have very real reasons for believing they were not breaking the law when they voted in 2020.
One of the voters charged, Douglas Oliver, a 59-year-old Black man in Tampa, was convicted of a sex crime in 2001, which made him ineligible to vote in Florida. He told the Guardian that he had not thought about voting until a canvasser approached him one day at a store and encouraged him to register in 2020. Oliver said he disclosed his felony conviction, and the canvasser said he was eligible. After submitting a registration application, he got a registration card from his local election office in Hillsborough county.
As Daily Kos has noted, Gov. DeSantis announced his intention to create this task force for a few reasons—none of them good. Like all GOP overtures to election integrity, the goal is to scare people away from voting with the threat of incarceration, in a state that has a history of incarcerating all kinds of people of color for just about any reason. DeSantis and the GOP also make these shows of force to distract from their lack of workable policy ideas. The problem is that once you start spending money on people who are tasked with knocking down doors, you will find any excuse to knock down doors.

The human embodiment of a fart? You got that right.

Hey fart blossom. You arrested any of those trump humpers at the Villages, that admitted to voting twice?
Earlier this month, Gov. Ron DeSantis held one of his patented one-way press conferences, where he channels Donald Trump’s blunt bullying style and declares he’s doing great things. It was during this press conference that he announced that his Gestapo-style election’s enforcement apparatus was already hard at work excising bad actors from the voter rolls. In fact, DeSantis claimed 20 people had already been charged and were soon to be arrested—people convicted of murder and sexual assault, he claimed—for voter fraud during the 2020 election.

DeSantis vowed these terrible folks would “pay the price.” At the time, most folks with any sense of how much of a lying liar Ron DeSantis is knew that his fascist enforcement apparatus was likely to arrest those people, but that the rest sounded too unlikely to be true.

And according to court documents, DeSantis’ assertions clearly weren’t quite true.

The Guardian reports that many of the (ultimately 19, not 20) people who were targeted by the governor’s brown shirt brigade had been told or led to believe—by elections officials or other state-sanctioned officials—that they were indeed qualified to vote. In many of the cases, they issued a voter registration card and had no issues at all voting, so they were entirely gobsmacked to find out they had broken any law.
Court documents show that many of the defendants caught in this pretend sting claim to have very real reasons for believing they were not breaking the law when they voted in 2020.

As Daily Kos has noted, Gov. DeSantis announced his intention to create this task force for a few reasons—none of them good. Like all GOP overtures to election integrity, the goal is to scare people away from voting with the threat of incarceration, in a state that has a history of incarcerating all kinds of people of color for just about any reason. DeSantis and the GOP also make these shows of force to distract from their lack of workable policy ideas. The problem is that once you start spending money on people who are tasked with knocking down doors, you will find any excuse to knock down doors.

The human embodiment of a fart? You got that right.

Hey fart blossom. You arrested any of those trump humpers at the Villages, that admitted to voting twice?
Way behind on your clickbait spamming, are ya?

Subpoena the canvasser, see what he says. I wouldn't take this criminal, Mr. Oliver's, word for it.

If the canvasser admits it, fine, charge them with a crime and take this admission as a point of mitigation when Oliver is sentenced.

Man Arrested By DeSantis’ Election Crimes Office Has His Case Dismissed​

On Friday, one of the 20 formerly incarcerated Floridians arrested in August by Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) Office of Election Crimes and Security on voter fraud charges has had his case dismissed.

Robert Lee Wood, 56, was arrested on Aug. 18 on one count of making a false affirmation and one count of voting as an unqualified elector, charges which can come with a penalty of up to five years in prison and $5,000 in fines.

“I’m pleased, but not surprised,” Wood’s attorney, Larry Davis, told the Miami Herald.

Man Arrested By DeSantis’ Election Crimes Office Has His Case Dismissed

On Friday, one of the 20 formerly incarcerated Floridians arrested in August by Governor Ron DeSantis' (R) Office of Election Crimes and Security on voter fraud charges has had his case dismissed.

This may actually be good for Ron because the optics of people who the state/county authorities gave permission to vote being sent to jail for voting is not good. At least for reasonable human beings.

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