DeSantis says he's concerned about the GOP's "culture of losing." Does that mean he thinks Trump lost in 2020? He doesn't want to talk about it

when you have the fbi, cia, twitter and the msm as arms of the dnc, hard to win
Isaiah Thomas was one of the greatest basketball players of all time

he had Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson against him, and he still won a coupla championships
Donald Trump is the biggest loser to ever get into politics and get his butt kicked. DeSantis should be more vocal about it

He took a page from the Trump Play-Book, no doubt...

Maintain silence and dissemble upon an unpopular (in the MAGA universe) theme for as long as you can, then watch for an opportunity to exploit it...

The ignorant, arrogant, traitorous fat Orange Baboon-God over-uses the technique, but Ron is amart enough to use it judiciously to his advantage. :itsok:
when you have the fbi, cia, twitter and the msm as arms of the dnc, hard to win
You re-tards had sixty-two chances in court to present your evidence and prove your point and your standing...

Many of those challenges were heard by Republican and even Trump -appointed judges and justices, and you STILL got laughed out of court, each and every time...

That's more than enough...

You phukk-ups could screw-up a two-car funeral... you were lied-to and played by an Orange-tinted Con-Man... embarrassing to everyone outside watching you fail epically...

No... you a$$hole$... including your Chief A$$hole... lost fair-and-square... there was insufficient actual fraud to put even a slight dent in the outcome, much less reverse it...

But your Failed Messiah's tender little ego couldn't stand the idea that he'd phukked-up and lost the election so he-and-his conjured-up The Big Lie for you to swallow...

And you a$$hole$ bit on the hook good-and-proper...

Grow up... grow a pair... accept defeat like Men... field a better candidate next time... do better next time... and, fer Crissakes... stop playing the whiney-bitch victim, will ya? :itsok:

You've been at it for two years now and yer borin'-the-hell outta everyone outside your own rapidly shrinking Stolen Election Liars Club.
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The Left may be Trumps biggest supporter in the upcoming election cycle.
They know with Trump, they can't lose.
If he wins, the Establishment gets a great supporter. If he loses, the Left gets their man.
Either way the Left wins. Trump supporters are too deep into their cult to see the facts.

Here's how the Left media sucker punches low IQ Trump worshippers with BS propaganda daily


Why are teabaggers such candy asses?
STILL afraid of the orange morons mean tweets?
Especially DuhSantis.
I don't get it.
Teabaggers were Billy bad ass, in 2015, THEN the orange retard got the nomination.
They've been scared and cowering ever since.
Yeah, that's one of the many fascinating things about this whole mess.

They say they love him because he's so strong, yet he's the most hypersensitive weenie I've ever seen in politics. Or anywhere else, for that matter. To him, everything is based on how he is treated, or whether someone likes him. Always. Like an insecure child.

Remember when he was first asked about Qanon? He said, "I don't know much about them, but I know they like ME very much."

I've never seen such a group of victims, and that includes college snowflakes. And they take their lead from their earthy God.
Yeah, that's one of the many fascinating things about this whole mess.

They say they love him because he's so strong, yet he's the most hypersensitive weenie I've ever seen in politics. Or anywhere else, for that matter. To him, everything is based on how he is treated, or whether someone likes him. Always. Like an insecure child.

Remember when he was first asked about Qanon? He said, "I don't know much about them, but I know they like ME very much."

I've never seen such a group of victims, and that includes college snowflakes. And they take their lead from their earthy God.
October 14 2016
Donald Trump claimed he was "a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country" at a campaign rally Friday in Charlotte, North Carolina.

"For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind," Trump said.

"Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven't seen before. This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim control over our government."

April 10 2023
Legally, the most important words former President Donald Trump said after he was charged with 34 felonies by the Manhattan District Attorney last week were “not guilty.” But, politically, the most significant may be “election interference.”

“Our justice system has become lawless,” Trump said as he appeared before supporters at his Florida home, Mar-a-Lago. “They’re using it now, in addition to everything else, to win elections.”

During a town hall event on CNN Wednesday night, former President Donald Trump made multiple incriminating remarks about his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

“I am inclined to pardon many of them. I can’t say for every single one because a couple of them probably got out of control.” He then pivoted to whataboutism-style talking points concerning Antifa.

Trump would even consider pardons for the four members of the Proud Boys who were convicted of seditious conspiracy and other charges earlier this month.

“I don’t know, I’d have to look at their case,” Trump replied. “But I will say, in Washington, D.C. you cannot get a fair trial. You cannot.”

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