DeSantis Scorches Leftists on Martha's Vineyard Illegals. Democrats' "Virtue Signaling is a Fraud"

You enjoy human smuggling and suffering? You too are a worthless pos.
We were told that bringing people acrossed the border was humane and moral by the current administration.

Why is it suddenly "smuggling" and "suffering"?
Seriously, are you really this much of a retard or are you just pretending? Because no one can be this dumb. I gave you a link. Page and section and you still couldn't find it?

But I am in a good mood tonight and I am going to do my good deed for the week. Help out a fucking retard.

Here ya go... I even bolded it for you. Let's see how you wriggle out of this one. Have a feeling you won't respond because you are a lying retard but hey, surprise me.

SECTION 185. From the interest earnings associated with the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Public Law 117-2), the nonrecurring sum of $12,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of Transportation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, for implementing a program to facilitate the transport of unauthorized aliens from this state consistent with federal law. The department may, upon the receipt of at least two quotes, negotiate and enter into contracts with private parties, including common carriers, to implement the program. The department may enter into agreements with any applicable federal agency to implement the program. The term "unauthorized alien" means a person who is unlawfully present in the United States according to the terms of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. ss. 1101 et seq. The term shall be interpreted consistently with any applicable federal statutes, rules, or regulations. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the department in this section remaining as of June 30, 2022, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law.
That isn't on page 495 as you claimed, liar.

And he did transport them from Florida to MV, Simp.

Oh look.....More leftist Hypocrisy.

Up till now they kept claiming that they were not illegals but now have "status".....OK, I hope Wheels and DeSantis gives the blue states all the "status" that they can handle....And then some more on top of that. ;)
Oh look.... more retard response. ;)
That isn't on page 495 as you claimed, liar.

And he did transport them from Florida to MV, Simp.

Prove it. Prove that you can read. Paste page 495. Go.

Or, accept that you are a lying retard. Go
AS always you lie. Asylum seekers, not illegals. You just can't get it right can you? What does this have to do with DeSantis and his illegal smuggling?
"Asylum" requires people seeking refuge from a foreign gov't oppresion. Who is oppressing the illegals who want to cross the border?
that section doesn’t say illegals just in florida
. you didn’t read it, did you?
LOL This is a Florida state law. Which state do you think it refers to? California? :auiqs.jpg:

Now, I know why DeSantis and the orange douchebag get away with shit. It is because of poorly educated retards like you.
Prove it. Prove that you can read. Paste page 495. Go.

Or, accept that you are a lying retard. Go
Ok liar.

approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 190. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG #B2022-0358, transfer to FAMU for Medical Marijuana Education, as submitted by the Department of Health for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 191. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG #B2022-B0477 as submitted on March 1, 2022, by the Governor on behalf of the Justice Administrative Commission for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 192. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG# 2022-B0374 as submitted on February 25, 2022, by the Governor on behalf of the Department of the Lottery for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 193. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG# 2022-B0467 as submitted on February 25, 2022, by the Governor on behalf of the Department of Management Services for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 194. Pursuant to section 215.32(2)(b)4.a., Florida Statutes, $40,000,000 from unobligated cash balance amounts specified from the following trust funds shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund for Fiscal Year 2022-2023: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Grants and Donations Trust Fund........................... 35,000,000 Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund...................... 5,000,000 Funds specified above from each trust fund shall be transferred in four equal installments on a quarterly basis during the fiscal year. SECTION 195. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for Payments to Pandemic First Responders shall revert immediately and is appropriated to Administered Funds for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for Local Support Grants as provided in section 197 of this act. For all other appropriations, the unexpended balances of funds appropriated in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, remaining on June 30, 2022, including any funds distributed through budget amendments EOG #B2022-0013, shall revert and are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purposes, contingent upon the Department of Financial Services receiving and depositing adequate funds into the General Revenue Fund from the state’s award from the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Public Law 117-2). In the event the federal funds deposited into the General Revenue Fund are insufficient to fully fund all the appropriations in this section, the federal funds shall be distributed proportionally as authorized in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. No appropriations shall be added to the Appropriations Ledger beyond the receipt of federal funds in the State Treasury. The Executive Office of the Governor shall distribute the federal funds at an amount equivalent to the federal funds received and as provided in this section. Before taking such action, the Executive Office of the Governor shall notify the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee of 1) date of the receipt of federal funds; 2) the amount received; and 3) the distributions that will be made in accordance with this section. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 196. The nonrecurring sum of $937,000,000 from the State Transportation Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Transportation in Fixed Capital Outlay for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to provide spending authority for the State Highway System projects authorized in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. The

LOL This is a Florida state law. Which state do you think it refers to? California? :auiqs.jpg:

Now, I know why DeSantis and the orange douchebag get away with shit. It is because of poorly educated retards like you.
Why are you seemingly mad that Democrats are reaping the results of their virtue signaling?
Lol, you are a retard! Look squaril! Hilarious that ya think this is a big thing.
i don’t think it is a big deal..nor should it be…it’s the dembots in these places that are claiming it’s a national emergency and wanting to call in the military to deal with these migrants
Why are you seemingly mad that Democrats are reaping the results of their virtue signaling?
Me mad? Like in storming the Capitol building mad? Trying to hang VP Pence mad?

Nope. You got me confused with the orange douchebag supporters.

I am just having fun with the hypocrisy of DeSantis breaking the law because he wants to punish those who break the law. Get it now?

Let me know if you are still confused.
LOL This is a Florida state law. Which state do you think it refers to? California? :auiqs.jpg:

Now, I know why DeSantis and the orange douchebag get away with shit. It is because of poorly educated retards like you.
it says illegals doesn’t limit the funds to just removing illegals from florida

what makes you think a state can’t spend funds helping other states?
Ok liar.

approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 190. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG #B2022-0358, transfer to FAMU for Medical Marijuana Education, as submitted by the Department of Health for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 191. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG #B2022-B0477 as submitted on March 1, 2022, by the Governor on behalf of the Justice Administrative Commission for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 192. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG# 2022-B0374 as submitted on February 25, 2022, by the Governor on behalf of the Department of the Lottery for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 193. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG# 2022-B0467 as submitted on February 25, 2022, by the Governor on behalf of the Department of Management Services for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 194. Pursuant to section 215.32(2)(b)4.a., Florida Statutes, $40,000,000 from unobligated cash balance amounts specified from the following trust funds shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund for Fiscal Year 2022-2023: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Grants and Donations Trust Fund........................... 35,000,000 Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund...................... 5,000,000 Funds specified above from each trust fund shall be transferred in four equal installments on a quarterly basis during the fiscal year. SECTION 195. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for Payments to Pandemic First Responders shall revert immediately and is appropriated to Administered Funds for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for Local Support Grants as provided in section 197 of this act. For all other appropriations, the unexpended balances of funds appropriated in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, remaining on June 30, 2022, including any funds distributed through budget amendments EOG #B2022-0013, shall revert and are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purposes, contingent upon the Department of Financial Services receiving and depositing adequate funds into the General Revenue Fund from the state’s award from the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Public Law 117-2). In the event the federal funds deposited into the General Revenue Fund are insufficient to fully fund all the appropriations in this section, the federal funds shall be distributed proportionally as authorized in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. No appropriations shall be added to the Appropriations Ledger beyond the receipt of federal funds in the State Treasury. The Executive Office of the Governor shall distribute the federal funds at an amount equivalent to the federal funds received and as provided in this section. Before taking such action, the Executive Office of the Governor shall notify the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee of 1) date of the receipt of federal funds; 2) the amount received; and 3) the distributions that will be made in accordance with this section. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 196. The nonrecurring sum of $937,000,000 from the State Transportation Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Transportation in Fixed Capital Outlay for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to provide spending authority for the State Highway System projects authorized in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. The

Magnus are you ready to admit you are a lying sack of shit and apologize to me? :auiqs.jpg:
DeathSantis doing the same thing his KKK forebears did in the 60s.

Come on hypocrite complain about Biden shipping illegals across the country to. Buy the way I have never heard DeSantis utter a racist word. Biden on the other hand has decades worth of bigoted and racist comments and was colleagues and friends with actual KKK members.

Me mad? Like in storming the Capitol building mad? Trying to hang VP Pence mad?

Nope. You got me confused with the orange douchebag supporters.

I am just having fun with the hypocrisy of DeSantis breaking the law because he wants to punish those who break the law. Get it now?

Let me know if you are still confused.
Wow that escalated quickly. No, I’m literally only referring to your angry typing in regards to the topic.

Meanwhile, do you accuse Biden’s late night flights of illegals to places across the country as kidnapping as well? It’s a silly charge you’re making
Poor DeSantis. Wants to throw red meat to his followers so bad that he ships illegals from Texas (with a stop in Florida) to Massachusettes!

In other words, he couldn't find any illegals in Florida to deport! Anything to scam the trumptards!

But, I'm curious. Doesn't that make DeSantis a coyote? You know people who smuggle illegal immigrants across the border? :auiqs.jpg:
No, it does not. Once you illegally enter a country, you lose the right to move about freely. Note that an illegal immigrant who is caught can be LEGALLY handcuffed, transported to a holding facility, forced to appear in a court room, and transported back across the border. You destroyed your own feeble attempt at humor with the word "illegal".

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