DeSantis will NOT bend the knee to Trump: Florida Gov. says backing ex-president for 2024 now 'is too much' after trump calls him "Dull DeSantis"

No. You misread deSantis.

That would have been true of any of the other 16 Republicans that Trump beat last time, by calling them names, but it's not true of deSantis.

You'll see, Gov DeSantis is no slouch. He's an actual real conservative, as distinct from those other 16 people (Jeb and etc). And he's politically very savvy, and he's not afraid of exercising power.

He's probably the one person in the Republican field that could force Trump to actually listen to him. Mr Trump is STILL not a politician, in fact I think he has a disdain for the diplomacy.

I personally think Mr Trump is a liability. Any ticket with him on it is going to get hammered so hard it'll be very difficult to counter the "anyone but Trump" sentiment.

What I personally think is, Trump should sit down with DeSantis and cut a deal. He should let DeSantis become president, and instead he should run in an easy conservative district and have the Republicans elect him Speaker of the House.

Now THAT I would like to see!

Talk about Democrat heads exploding... :p
Sorry bout that,

1. Very ingenious idea, it would allow for Trump to hold Desantis Infront of himself, and shoot his shot at the opposition, the libtards media and the libtards.
2. Trump likes to lead, so he won't go that route.
3. Leading from behind is being snake-ly, which I doubt he would even consider it more than three seconds.
4. Then after all the oppositions knocked out, *dead* he could then run for President at peace.
5. Not a bad idea, but Trump wouldn't do it.

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Nah, you are in LA la land

DeSantis will bend the knee and go for the VP slot, after Trmp mops the floor with him.

He will grab his ankles for the orange pile of shit, just like Mikey did.
Nah, you are in LA la land

DeSantis will bend the knee and go for the VP slot, after Trmp mops the floor with him.

He will grab his ankles for the orange pile of shit, just like Mikey did.
trump is a name calling POS....MAGA loves school yard Bullies
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is refusing to bend a knee to Donald Trump and says backing him in the 2024 election 'is too much to ask'
  • The governor, a once-loyal member of trump's court, has criticized Trump to his inner circle as the ex-president continued to take aim at him
  • Trump is said to have been trashing DeSantis in private, calling the Florida governor an ingrate with a 'dull personality'
  • DeSantis reportedly blasted back at Trump's criticisms, accusing him of being 'uncharacteristically out of step with the hard-line elements of his party's base'
  • He also said his biggest regret in office is not having 'been much louder' in speaking out against Trump's coronavirus pandemic response
  • The two are among the most popular Republican figures in the country as Trump and potentially DeSantis eye a presidential run in 2024
  • Conservatives also say the pair are 'the two most important leaders in the Republican Party'

Will trump let Dull DeSantis run in 2024?
Fake news here
DeSantis will bend the knee and go for the VP slot, after Trmp mops the floor with him.
...and whichever Democrat is willing to run against him. Maybe the Dems will put on another Dukakis show (1988) before returning to their senses.
This is what happens when you people don't know if you fear Trump or DeSantis more. The worst thing that could happen for Democrats is for them to team up. So you do the only thing idealess Democrats can do. Bullshit and propaganda. Trump will have DeSantis as his VP and both will complement each other. After 4 years of Trump toughening DeSantis up, he will have a great chance to be one of our greatest Presidents ever for the next 8 years. And that's exactly why Democrats are trying so hard to put Trump against DeSantis. That's pretty obvious.
Excellent analysis! I love it.
Desantis is so incredibly a better candidate. It's not even clos.
Candidate? You mean in terms of ability to win?

I dunno... maybe... as the libbies keep pointing out, Mr Trump has a considerable number of adoring fans that aren't likely to ditch him -

Unless -

Unless by some miracle diplomacy prevails and Trump and DeSantis can find a way to unite the Republican party.

That's basically the Republican must-have for 2024, a united Republican Party would be unstoppable.

But the opposite could also be true. I expect a knock down drag out primary, you know how Mr Trump is, he doesn't like to lose. So after all that, Trump and deSantis would have to find a way to heal themselves and the party.

It's a tall order, but stranger things have happened.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. 2024 is a lifetime away and personally I do not want either to run. I like DeSantis in Fla. I would like for Tim Scott to run with Kristi Noem. That is a true excellent ticket to go up against Joe and Kamala.

You realize it's not quite that far away -------------

They have to make up their minds by late 2023. Middle 2023 preferably. A bloodbath primary would lead possibly to defeat however good 2024 looks for the GOP now. DeSantis can afford to wait a year and a half to see whether Time goes after Trump, which is very possible, after all. After that, people will have to decide who runs, and whether the VP idea would work.
Yet DeSantis publicly responded to these events.

So you sound pretty stupid.
If so it was a misstep

do have video of DeSantis responding to lib fake news?

I didnt think so

The alleged DeSantis response is more lib fake news
If so it was a misstep
Maybe, maybe not. Just sticking a toe in to test the water isn't a misstep. Remember, he outpolled Trump at one of the conventions.

DeSantis can 180 and support Trump whenever he feels like it. He can go back and forth several times, as long as he toes the line. For example, never directly disparaging Trump. Only his actions. Ask Lindsay.
Maybe, maybe not. Just sticking a toe in to test the water isn't a misstep. Remember, he outpolled Trump at one of the conventions.

DeSantis can 180 and support Trump whenever he feels like it. He can go back and forth several times, as long as he toes the line. For example, never directly disparaging Trump. Only his actions. Ask Lindsay.
We dont know if DeSantis even said it
trump will never step aside for the party or the country. He is a self indulging egomaniac. His number one quest now is to seek revenge against his perceived enemies.
Trump leads a wide swath of so called Christians.
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is refusing to bend a knee to Donald Trump and says backing him in the 2024 election 'is too much to ask'
  • The governor, a once-loyal member of trump's court, has criticized Trump to his inner circle as the ex-president continued to take aim at him
  • Trump is said to have been trashing DeSantis in private, calling the Florida governor an ingrate with a 'dull personality'
  • DeSantis reportedly blasted back at Trump's criticisms, accusing him of being 'uncharacteristically out of step with the hard-line elements of his party's base'
  • He also said his biggest regret in office is not having 'been much louder' in speaking out against Trump's coronavirus pandemic response
  • The two are among the most popular Republican figures in the country as Trump and potentially DeSantis eye a presidential run in 2024
  • Conservatives also say the pair are 'the two most important leaders in the Republican Party'

Will trump let Dull DeSantis run in 2024?
This is why I could not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. If the only way he can get reelected is to smear the rest of the likely republicans he doesn't deserve to even be in the primary.
This is why I could not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. If the only way he can get reelected is to smear the rest of the likely republicans he doesn't deserve to even be in the primary.
Trump is a counter puncher

in most cases trump did not throw the first stone

which is why this latest lib smear offers no video as irrefutable proof of wrongdoing

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