Gillum would have been a disaster for Florida.

He would have tried to Kalifornicate Florida or turn it into a Venezuela.

He would have done everything he could to take away out right to keep and bear arms, impose a filthy state income tax and turn Florida into a sanctuary state. A real asshole agenda.

Hopefully DeSantis will keep the Communists away for the next eight years, which a good thing because I really didn't want to be forced to move to Alabama because that is what I would have done if Gillum won.
The recount did not recount votes from a heavily democrat district.

Republicans don't care as they don;t want to monkey up the results.

On a serious note, the disturbing thing about the Fla and Ga races is that they were even close. Is it possible that just under half of the residents of those states favor abortion on demand up to the day of birth, socialism, open borders, higher taxes, and a total government run nanny state?

We know that is already the case in California, NY, Oregon, and Wash. Is the rest of the country also losing its ability to think? The founders are turning over in their graves as they watch their great concept degrade into a large copy of failed European socialism, with an Islamic influence.
Wow, yet another Trump infused jackass who thinks people are for open borders. And you say others have lost the ability to think? Really?

You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.

You have to question your ability to think when you assfucks run around shouting the economy is on fire while ignoring the rising deficits.

You are too fucking stupid to see that if we are growing deficits in great economic times that there is a big problem.
if Trump had not held rallies and delivered speeches that were replete with the distortions and falsehoods that were his hallmark, DeSantis would not have one.

let that sink in.
The recount did not recount votes from a heavily democrat district.

Republicans don't care as they don;t want to monkey up the results.

Deomocrats are totally to blame for that. Apparently they're the ones who don't care. Perhaps they should elect someone competent to run the election.
Desantis had a lead of like 30,000 votes.

It’s ridiculous to think Gillum could make that up in a recount,
Why not count all the votes?

The law kicked in the recount.

What are those districts and how did they vote the first time?

I get it. Only certain districts get a recount????
You had no problem with that when Algore tried it. In fact, all you snowflakes thought it was an outrage when the Supreme Court said that violated the Constitution.
You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.
Pretty fucking ironic coming from somebody who sings the praises of the guy who doubled the national debt, went on an apology tour and trashed our country, gave billions of dollars to the biggest sponsors of terrorists in the world, and propped up phony companies like Solyndra so his friends could rake in millions just before they went bankrupt. You just get dumber and dumber, don't you?
Isn't Desantis basically just a Trump clone (or at least, that's how he advertises himself)? How boring.
"Congratulations to Andrew Gillum on having run a really tough and competitive race for Governor of the Great State of Florida. He will be a strong Democrat warrior long into the future - a force to reckon with!" - President Trump

what is it with Trump praisin Gillum and Mrs Abrams after they lost?
"Congratulations to Andrew Gillum on having run a really tough and competitive race for Governor of the Great State of Florida. He will be a strong Democrat warrior long into the future - a force to reckon with!" - President Trump

what is it with Trump praisin Gillum and Mrs Abrams after they lost?

On a serious note, the disturbing thing about the Fla and Ga races is that they were even close. Is it possible that just under half of the residents of those states favor abortion on demand up to the day of birth, socialism, open borders, higher taxes, and a total government run nanny state?

We know that is already the case in California, NY, Oregon, and Wash. Is the rest of the country also losing its ability to think? The founders are turning over in their graves as they watch their great concept degrade into a large copy of failed European socialism, with an Islamic influence.
Wow, yet another Trump infused jackass who thinks people are for open borders. And you say others have lost the ability to think? Really?

You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.

You have to question your ability to think when you assfucks run around shouting the economy is on fire while ignoring the rising deficits.

You are too fucking stupid to see that if we are growing deficits in great economic times that there is a big problem.

nothing in your post is true. not a fricken word of it.

which party is screaming that we must let the migrant hoards into our country? Your dem party, fool

which party doubled the national debt in 8 short years, the dem party under obozo the Kenyan king

which party ran a candidate the lied about illegally transmitting classified data and paid Russians to create a fake dossier full of lies? the dem party under the hildebeast.

which president decimated our military and which one built it up? which one ignored our vets and which one finally fixed the VA and allowed vets to go to private doctors?

Yes, we all want deficits eliminated, Trump has cut billions from the federal budget, Obozo expanded every inefficient govt agency (except the military, which he shit on).

Your bullshit left wing talking points are getting old, dude.
"Congratulations to Andrew Gillum on having run a really tough and competitive race for Governor of the Great State of Florida. He will be a strong Democrat warrior long into the future - a force to reckon with!" - President Trump

what is it with Trump praisin Gillum and Mrs Abrams after they lost?

its called being polite. something you dems and libs have no idea about.
if Trump had not held rallies and delivered speeches that were replete with the distortions and falsehoods that were his hallmark, DeSantis would not have one.

let that sink in.

which distortions and falsehoods? give us a list or STFU
On a serious note, the disturbing thing about the Fla and Ga races is that they were even close. Is it possible that just under half of the residents of those states favor abortion on demand up to the day of birth, socialism, open borders, higher taxes, and a total government run nanny state?

We know that is already the case in California, NY, Oregon, and Wash. Is the rest of the country also losing its ability to think? The founders are turning over in their graves as they watch their great concept degrade into a large copy of failed European socialism, with an Islamic influence.
Wow, yet another Trump infused jackass who thinks people are for open borders. And you say others have lost the ability to think? Really?

You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.

You have to question your ability to think when you assfucks run around shouting the economy is on fire while ignoring the rising deficits.

You are too fucking stupid to see that if we are growing deficits in great economic times that there is a big problem.

nothing in your post is true. not a fricken word of it.

which party is screaming that we must let the migrant hoards into our country? Your dem party, fool

which party doubled the national debt in 8 short years, the dem party under obozo the Kenyan king

which party ran a candidate the lied about illegally transmitting classified data and paid Russians to create a fake dossier full of lies? the dem party under the hildebeast.

which president decimated our military and which one built it up? which one ignored our vets and which one finally fixed the VA and allowed vets to go to private doctors?

Yes, we all want deficits eliminated, Trump has cut billions from the federal budget, Obozo expanded every inefficient govt agency (except the military, which he shit on).

Your bullshit left wing talking points are getting old, dude.
Look Dickbrerath, no one is sayimng to just let anyone in. Turn off Fox News, Rush Limbaugh & get a fucking education.

You assfucks call them invaders, we call them people seeking asylum & help.

Whicjh party created the worst recession in 80 years that caused increased deficits. But hey, be the chickenshit & blame Obama for your party's failings.
Clinton hired a BRITISH opposition research company & paid them. The Dossier has NEVER been proven false.
There were no properly marked classified e-mails found on Clinton's server.
Military spending went down as we ended the Iraq War & reduced troop numbers in Afghanistan.
Obama never dissed the service of any vet like Trump did. NEVER. & yet you still voted for Trump. How much you must hate our veterans. The bill to allow vres to go to private doctors was by Obama you stupid shit.

Our deficits have gone up. Spending has gone up. Where do you get the bullshit that Trump has cut spending????

800 billion deficit in 2018. Expected to hit a trillion next year.

You voted for Trump, you LOVE deficits.
if Trump had not held rallies and delivered speeches that were replete with the distortions and falsehoods that were his hallmark, DeSantis would not have one.

let that sink in.

which distortions and falsehoods? give us a list or STFU
What???? You are so duped that you think Trump doesn't lie on his campaign stops???

Trump believes that the end justifies any lie he tells. The art of the deal.
You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.
Pretty fucking ironic coming from somebody who sings the praises of the guy who doubled the national debt, went on an apology tour and trashed our country, gave billions of dollars to the biggest sponsors of terrorists in the world, and propped up phony companies like Solyndra so his friends could rake in millions just before they went bankrupt. You just get dumber and dumber, don't you?
The Bush recession doubled the debt There was no apology tour.. He gave no money to Iran that was not theirs. Solyndra was one of Bush's favorite companies to support as rthey applied why Bush was President.

You are one dumb Trump infused asshole. Get better informed.
On a serious note, the disturbing thing about the Fla and Ga races is that they were even close. Is it possible that just under half of the residents of those states favor abortion on demand up to the day of birth, socialism, open borders, higher taxes, and a total government run nanny state?

We know that is already the case in California, NY, Oregon, and Wash. Is the rest of the country also losing its ability to think? The founders are turning over in their graves as they watch their great concept degrade into a large copy of failed European socialism, with an Islamic influence.
Wow, yet another Trump infused jackass who thinks people are for open borders. And you say others have lost the ability to think? Really?

You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.

You have to question your ability to think when you assfucks run around shouting the economy is on fire while ignoring the rising deficits.

You are too fucking stupid to see that if we are growing deficits in great economic times that there is a big problem.

nothing in your post is true. not a fricken word of it.

which party is screaming that we must let the migrant hoards into our country? Your dem party, fool

which party doubled the national debt in 8 short years, the dem party under obozo the Kenyan king

which party ran a candidate the lied about illegally transmitting classified data and paid Russians to create a fake dossier full of lies? the dem party under the hildebeast.

which president decimated our military and which one built it up? which one ignored our vets and which one finally fixed the VA and allowed vets to go to private doctors?

Yes, we all want deficits eliminated, Trump has cut billions from the federal budget, Obozo expanded every inefficient govt agency (except the military, which he shit on).

Your bullshit left wing talking points are getting old, dude.
Look Dickbrerath, no one is sayimng to just let anyone in. Turn off Fox News, Rush Limbaugh & get a fucking education.

You assfucks call them invaders, we call them people seeking asylum & help.

Whicjh party created the worst recession in 80 years that caused increased deficits. But hey, be the chickenshit & blame Obama for your party's failings.
Clinton hired a BRITISH opposition research company & paid them. The Dossier has NEVER been proven false.
There were no properly marked classified e-mails found on Clinton's server.
Military spending went down as we ended the Iraq War & reduced troop numbers in Afghanistan.
Obama never dissed the service of any vet like Trump did. NEVER. & yet you still voted for Trump. How much you must hate our veterans. The bill to allow vres to go to private doctors was by Obama you stupid shit.

Our deficits have gone up. Spending has gone up. Where do you get the bullshit that Trump has cut spending????

800 billion deficit in 2018. Expected to hit a trillion next year.

You voted for Trump, you LOVE deficits.

more BS, again not a word of truth, just lying talking points from your media handlers.

Lets just address a couple of them.

the Hillary emails, classified data does not have to by marked classified in order to BE classified, I can have classified data in my head, if I reduce it to writing or verbally transmit it to someone not cleared for it, then I have committed a crime. that's a bullshit excuse to cover Hillary's fat ass. She violated national classified data protection laws, a felony.

Obama went on an international apology tour shortly after being elected, apologizing for America's successes and wealth and promising to bring this country down to the level of the "rest of the world".

He gave billions in cash to the Iranian terrorist regime and exchanged one American deserter for 5 known terrorists who have now returned to the battlefield.

he cut the military budget and called our soldiers murderers.

Worst president in history is too kind to that treasonous bastard.

Trump is far from perfect, no one thinks he is. But he is doing the JOB of president. You may not like the way he talks or the way he does his hair, but if you say he has not fixed many of our problems, you are a blatant liar.
if Trump had not held rallies and delivered speeches that were replete with the distortions and falsehoods that were his hallmark, DeSantis would not have one.

let that sink in.

which distortions and falsehoods? give us a list or STFU
What???? You are so duped that you think Trump doesn't lie on his campaign stops???

Trump believes that the end justifies any lie he tells. The art of the deal.

then give us a specific list of the lies, should be easy since you keep making the claim.

and "the end justifies the means"? shall we discuss the Broward county election officials?
Yes it was good news for all Floridians, even the idiots who voted for Gillum.

But there are real concerns for Florida; it was close, too close. And now that felons can vote in this state, I fear that this is the last call for freedom here.
You believe in higher deficits, lying Presidents, trashing our military veterans, more pollution, alienating our allies, and the idea Presidents should make personal fortunes based on their decisions.
Pretty fucking ironic coming from somebody who sings the praises of the guy who doubled the national debt, went on an apology tour and trashed our country, gave billions of dollars to the biggest sponsors of terrorists in the world, and propped up phony companies like Solyndra so his friends could rake in millions just before they went bankrupt. You just get dumber and dumber, don't you?
The Bush recession doubled the debt There was no apology tour.. He gave no money to Iran that was not theirs. Solyndra was one of Bush's favorite companies to support as rthey applied why Bush was President.

You are one dumb Trump infused asshole. Get better informed.

lets talk actual numbers. Obama added over 9 trillion to the debt, how much did Bush add? Do you know? Do you care?
if Trump had not held rallies and delivered speeches that were replete with the distortions and falsehoods that were his hallmark, DeSantis would not have one.

let that sink in.

which distortions and falsehoods? give us a list or STFU
What???? You are so duped that you think Trump doesn't lie on his campaign stops???

Trump believes that the end justifies any lie he tells. The art of the deal.

then give us a specific list of the lies, should be easy since you keep making the claim.

and "the end justifies the means"? shall we discuss the Broward county election officials?
Fact-checking President Donald Trump's Florida rally

One of numerous sources talking about Trump liues during his rallies. And silly you thinks it was all the truth.

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