Despicable Democrats Respond To Hillary's Call For Violence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Vandals smash windows, spray paint doors of GOP office in New York City — then leave behind note

"On Thursday night, the New York City office for the state's Republican Party was vandalized, complete with a message threatening violence against the GOP.

The Metropolitan Republican Club'swindows were smashed, its locks were broken and its doors were spray painted with anarchy symbols.

A note left behind at the building read that the attack was putting the Republican Party "on notice."

"Our attack is merely a beginning. We are not passive, we are not civil, and we will not apologize"

In respinse to extremely violent Democratic Party rhetoric an assassination attempt was made against GOP lawmakers on a ball field.

POS violent liberals called for the 1st Lady's/ the President's son to be ripped from his mother's arms, caged, and raped by pedophiles ... Called for female members of his team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all while being recorded...

In response to the 2nd Democratic Party call for abandoning civility, stalking, and harassing GOP members violent, hate-driven leftists insulted, attacked, harassed GOP members ant their families out of restaurants and other locations.

Antifa has spread across the nation, admittedly inciting violence against law-abiding citizens...

Democrats have attacked children, ripping hats off of their heads and refusing to give them back...

Earlier today I posted how a violent, intolerant liberal attacked a peaceful pro-life demonstrator...

Now, in response to the a Democratic Party's 3rd and most public call for violence, made by none other than the Democtrat Party's hand-picked 2-time-loser Felon - Hillary Clinton (the candidate who hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters), violent Democrats have struck again, destroying property and leaving behind a threatening message that promises more violence!

'We Are Not Civil': Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Paint Doors of NYC GOP Office
The Democratic Party has seriously become a threat to the citizens if the US and to our Democracy.

Open calls to embrace Socialism, Anarchist symbols left behind in smashed GOP offices, open calls by Democratic Party leaders for MORE violence, MORE violent intolerance, and the complete abandonment of Civility until THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT....

Welcome to the New Democratic Party ... and an OBVIOUS CHOICE to be made in the mid-term elections and beyond...
Hillary basically issued a threat to the country. She's saying that they will not be civil until they are in power. In other words, put us back in power or you can expect more of the same from us.
She's trying desperately to be relevant although no one, including her own party wants her around anymore. She will continue to pop up everywhere they will give her a microphone and will get nastier and nastier until she fucking croaks. Bitter old bitch.
She's trying desperately to be relevant although no one, including her own party wants her around anymore.
No one except the OP.
Sorry, Tehon, but Hillary is like a milder form of ISIS, a narcissistic wanna-be-dictator, and you, based on that stupid comment, are just an ignorant boob.

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