Despising the New Deal & hating FDR while your immediate family benefited...

Obama is 15th already. Anyone who reads history can only make FDR the greatest president. Partisans will argue but facts are facts.

F. Roosevelt 1
T. Roosevelt 2
Lincoln 3
Washington 4
Jefferson 5
Madison 6
Monroe 7
Wilson 8
Truman 9
Eisenhower 10
Kennedy 11
Polk 12
Clinton 13
Jackson 14
Obama 15
L.B. Johnson 16
J. Adams 17
Reagan 18
J.Q. Adams 19
Cleveland 20

Barack Obama Is Your 15th Greatest President Ever

He also won the Nobel Prize although at the time of nomination he hadn't even been inaugurated.
He's just Barack The Magic Negro! Look at all he's done, even when he hasn't done anything!
Most modern market chaos can be traced to do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats, who act as though they're doing the whole world a big fat favor in their meddling.
there may be some truth to that argument, but it avoids the whole issue of the idiot notion that the market regulates itself.

“I have found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I have been very distressed by that fact.”



here comes that bus...

Markets do regulate themselves....Just not in the way you define "regulated".

And the prattlings of Greenspan on free markets and phony mea culpas are irrelevant, given that he was the chairman of the greatest fiat money monopoly the world has ever known.

markets regulate themselves?


human nature: 101

I suppose those less-than-upright aspects of human nature never ever apply to the politicians bureaucrats who are supposed to be doing the regulating, right? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

I suppose those less-than-upright aspects of human nature never ever apply to the politicians bureaucrats who are supposed to be doing the regulating, right? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

sure. what is your point?

some cops are crooked: get rid of cops? :cuckoo:
You're going to compare a corrupt street cop to career crooks like Tim Geithner and Alan Greenspan?!?!?!??

I was right...You really are quite naïve.

It's like we bought you from the Randian stereotype catalog. :lol:
I guess if you're premise that some who benefit significantly from things like SS and Medicare then complain about it were true you might have a point. Problem is I've never met a person that fits into that particular category. The only props I can give you Dante is getting people to argue over a red herring for seven pages.

The people who really need medicare or SS or government are either grateful for it, or worse, think they're entitled to it. By in large those that complain about it do so because it is irrelevant in terms of it's effect on their life style and standard of living, yet they're are required to pay for it. They were bad ideas then and they are bad ideas now. Then at least we could pay for them. Now this country can no longer afford an entitlement mentality. People need to start taking a little fucking self ownership in their position in life and plan for their futures. The problem is too much of this country is stuck in that old entitlement way of thinking which means they do basically nothing to improve their financial position and on top of that have the nerve to not only wonder why it doesn't change, but actually blame others for it.
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Most modern market chaos can be traced to do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats, who act as though they're doing the whole world a big fat favor in their meddling.

So "do-gooder" politicians like our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan worsened the world by "meddling" with the system? Wait! Did he just refrence 4 REPUBLICAN presidents who drastically changed the way our economy worked? That doesn't make sense?
Most modern market chaos can be traced to do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats, who act as though they're doing the whole world a big fat favor in their meddling.

So "do-gooder" politicians like our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan worsened the world by "meddling" with the system? Wait! Did he just refrence 4 REPUBLICAN presidents who drastically changed the way our economy worked? That doesn't make sense?
Sure like to cast that net as far and wide as you can to try and prove some point, no matter how strained, dontcha? :lol:

BTW, lumping in the framers of the republic with certifiable progressive dirtbags like T. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson (that nonpartisan enough for you?) is the depth of mendacity.

Try again.
You're going to compare a corrupt street cop to career crooks like Tim Geithner and Alan Greenspan?!?!?!??

I was right...You really are quite naïve.

It's like we bought you from the Randian stereotype catalog. :lol:

yes... yes we will compare "career crooks" to "career crooks". And don't tell me that crooked cops aren't "career crooks". That would be just plain ignorant.

"An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today." Laurence J. Peter
It is regulators jobs to make sure that "experts" can't predict things using fraud. duh...
Right...Like the regulators that purposefully looked the other way, while Bernie Madoff bilked thousands?

Or maybe the political architects of sub-prime lending?

Or how about the revolving door of crooks that go from Goldman Sachs to the Treasury Department to the Federal Reserve to Goldman Sachs...?

BTW, how many of those do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats ever pay by going out of business, when their grand designs of technocratic Utopia blow up in Americans' faces?

How many of them ever even serve a day in prison for the lives they destroy?

Like I said....Naïve as the day is long.
Most modern market chaos can be traced to do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats, who act as though they're doing the whole world a big fat favor in their meddling.

So "do-gooder" politicians like our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan worsened the world by "meddling" with the system? Wait! Did he just refrence 4 REPUBLICAN presidents who drastically changed the way our economy worked? That doesn't make sense?
Sure like to cast that net as far and wide as you can to try and prove some point, no matter how strained, dontcha? :lol:

BTW, lumping in the framers of the republic with certifiable progressive dirtbags like T. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson (that nonpartisan enough for you?) is the depth of mendacity.

Try again.

Using the standard you have set earlier, I feel obliged to cast just as big of a net, and YES you are "nonpartisan" enough in your examples, just not in how you libel them as "dirt bags". I find it interesting that the group of people who help eliminate wide-scale corruption and help your "farmer ancestors" hold on to their money, aka PROGRESSIVES, are labeled as the ones who bring down society... :cuckoo:

And how is adding the founding fathers to the list make me a tenant of lies? They were the most radical progressives in American history! They brought about the change from Monarchy to Democracy, a change almost as radical as the old communist Chinese economy to the new free-market one. As you so graciously labeled those who try and charge a system as "do-gooders who meddle with society", I think it is absolutely reasonable to apply the actions of the founding fathers to this standard as I know they are the one group of people you will not attack because to do so would make you a laughingstock (although your previous posts might have had the same effect already :lol:).

Try again.
Right...Like the regulators that purposefully looked the other way, while Bernie Madoff bilked thousands?

Or maybe the political architects of sub-prime lending?

Or how about the revolving door of crooks that go from Goldman Sachs to the Treasury Department to the Federal Reserve to Goldman Sachs...?

BTW, how many of those do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats ever pay by going out of business, when their grand designs of technocratic Utopia blow up in Americans' faces?

How many of them ever even serve a day in prison for the lives they destroy?

Like I said....Naïve as the day is long.

I live way up north, so sometimes night is longer than day.

Just so you know, that is a joke, not an actual point, which is how most people would interpret what you just wrote.
Most modern market chaos can be traced to do-gooder politicians and bureaucrats, who act as though they're doing the whole world a big fat favor in their meddling.

So "do-gooder" politicians like our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan worsened the world by "meddling" with the system? Wait! Did he just refrence 4 REPUBLICAN presidents who drastically changed the way our economy worked? That doesn't make sense?

Well the Republican Party emerged as the interventionist party. It wasn't until the 20th century that Progressivism took over the Democratic Party.
Despising the New Deal & hating FDR while your immediate family benefited...

What does one make of people who despise the policies of the New Deal & hate FDR while their immediate family benefited from either or both?

The disconnect suggest being an ingrate or worse, but is it more complicated? Is the disconnect caused by the phenomena of people going with a group identity over self interest? Does belonging to a group override common sense and factual data? Does the need to belong distort principles and the ability to absorb information and data that threatens group thinking?
That is absolutely true in the example of the authoritarian mentality, as was plainly apparent in the rise of the Third Reich. The authoritarian personality does not concern itself with behavioral logic or questions of right and wrong. It is concerned only with power and the benefits derived therefrom.

E.g. When Hitler invaded the defenseless nation of Poland those Germans who were enthralled by such an assertion of raw power were oblivious to questions of right, wrong or necessity. The feeling of power available from belonging to a group which could assert itself so irresistably was overwhelming to them.

When George W. Bush invaded the defenseless nation of Iraq he had the enthusiastic support of millions of American neo-Conservatives, every one of whom would have been a committed supporter of the Nazi Party in another time and place and for precisely the same reason -- the sense of belonging to a powerfully assertive group.

And what is the defining characteristic of contemporary American Conservatives vs Liberals?
Like I said. the oddball dude needs to ignore context for any premise he makes to have any validity at all.

You're going to compare a corrupt street cop to career crooks like Tim Geithner and Alan Greenspan?!?!?!??

I was right...You really are quite naïve.

It's like we bought you from the Randian stereotype catalog. :lol:


still constipated?
there may be some truth to that argument, but it avoids the whole issue of the idiot notion that the market regulates itself.

“I have found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I have been very distressed by that fact.”



here comes that bus...

Markets do regulate themselves....Just not in the way you define "regulated".

And the prattlings of Greenspan on free markets and phony mea culpas are irrelevant, given that he was the chairman of the greatest fiat money monopoly the world has ever known.

markets regulate themselves?


human nature: 101


I suppose those less-than-upright aspects of human nature never ever apply to the politicians bureaucrats who are supposed to be doing the regulating, right? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

sure. what is your point?

some cops are crooked: get rid of cops? :cuckoo:

I never compared cops to wall street market crooks. There is no comparison of the two. I was suggesting your flawed principle needed to be exposed for the bull crap it is.


one need only look at your comments in the context of what transpired to see you're inanities posing as credible opinions.
Context schmontext.

You're lamely attempting to equate a crooked street cop, who pretty much has to commit his criminal acts on a person-by-person basis, to overdressed federal goons who, can rip off the entire nation and ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, right in front of everyone's faces no less, and still get away with it.

In fact, Hayek pointed out that the kind of excessive power held by those Ivy League hoodlums tends to draw that brand of crook, like a moth to a light bulb.

But far be it from me to expect that someone with as low a brow as you would even pick up, let alone be able to comprehend, the writings of an economic titan and real Nobel laureate.
I guess if you're premise that some who benefit significantly from things like SS and Medicare then complain about it were true you might have a point. Problem is I've never met a person that fits into that particular category. The only props I can give you Dante is getting people to argue over a red herring for seven pages.

The people who really need medicare or SS or government are either grateful for it, or worse, think they're entitled to it. By in large those that complain about it do so because it is irrelevant in terms of it's effect on their life style and standard of living, yet their are required to pay for it. They were bad ideas then and they are bad ideas now. Then at least we could pay for them. Now this country can no longer afford an entitlement mentality. People need to start taking a little fucking self ownership in their position in life and plan for their futures. The problem is too much of this country is stuck in that old entitlement way of thinking which means they do basically nothing to improve their financial position and on top of that have the nerve to not only wonder why it doesn't change, but actually blame others for it.

You better start planning for your medical insurance after retirement then. It would cost you about 12-15K per year or more now and going up all the time.
One hospitalization will cost you more than that.
I guess if you're premise that some who benefit significantly from things like SS and Medicare then complain about it were true you might have a point. Problem is I've never met a person that fits into that particular category. The only props I can give you Dante is getting people to argue over a red herring for seven pages.

The people who really need medicare or SS or government are either grateful for it, or worse, think they're entitled to it. By in large those that complain about it do so because it is irrelevant in terms of it's effect on their life style and standard of living, yet their are required to pay for it. They were bad ideas then and they are bad ideas now. Then at least we could pay for them. Now this country can no longer afford an entitlement mentality. People need to start taking a little fucking self ownership in their position in life and plan for their futures. The problem is too much of this country is stuck in that old entitlement way of thinking which means they do basically nothing to improve their financial position and on top of that have the nerve to not only wonder why it doesn't change, but actually blame others for it.

You better start planning for your medical insurance after retirement then. It would cost you about 12-15K per year or more now and going up all the time.
One hospitalization will cost you more than that.
Don't forget the 5K deductible and scripts
You better start planning for your medical insurance after retirement then. It would cost you about 12-15K per year or more now and going up all the time.
One hospitalization will cost you more than that.

Don't forget the 5K deductible and scripts

What is your point? That it can't be done on one's own? If so, thanks for proving my point....both of you.
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If government in any way limits my options then it is not a real option, if I can only have five troy ounces and the rest has to be replaced, it kills the argument that it is choice, it goes against what liberty is.
jesus, you're a dolt.

Translation.....your not a socialist/communist who would wrap your lips around Karl Marx's dick you love centralized planning so much , so you must be a dolt.
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