Despite Claiming to Have 'Zero Tolerance' Sexual Harassment Policy, Pelosi Refuses To Demand Cuomo Step Down

Pelosi knows that this is nothing more than another democrat bimbo brigade. Probably it's being used so that it stops questions about the nursing home murders.
Trump deregulated nursing homes, making them higher risk to covid nation wide, not just new york state.

Was it President Trump's Personal Policy to place COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes in the state of New York, after acknowledging the elderly were / are the most likely to die from the virus, resulting in the needless deaths of over 15,000 elderly Americans?

NO. That was sexual predator and proven criminal Gov Andrew Cuomo.

Was it President Trump's Personal Policy to place COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes in the state of Pa, resulting in the needless deaths of over 20,000 elderly Americans?

NO. That was Biden's transgender freak he appointed as his Deputy Health Care Cabinet member, who removed his/her/its own parent while leaving 20,000 elderly Americans to die due to their failed policy / edict.

Was it President Trump's Personal Policy to place COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes in the state of Mi, resulting in the needless deaths of over 2,000 elderly Americans?

NO. That would be Gov Whitmer, the hypocritical Lockdown Queen, many of whose Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating edicts were overturned by the USSC while she and her family violated the oppressive, tyrannical shutdown / lockdown edits she imposed on the citizens of Mi.

Is it President Trump demonstration a complete lack of facts and 100% evidence of being an irrational hate-driven dumbass partisan snowflake?

No....that would be YOU.

There's this thing called 'PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY' that you bviously have never heard of - do us all a favor and educate yourself by looking it up and learning...because your ignorance and partisan, uneducated blathering is wasting our time.
since you cant be bothered to read, I have to do it for you:

long-term care facilities have been steadily deregulated under the Trump administration. When COVID-19 hit the industry, many facilities were chronically understaffed and faced deep shortages of protective equipment. The death toll is a measure of the social infrastructure’s decades of neglect of the aging, according to Kupferman. “These are people who are invisible. They don’t speak up, and yet they’re the most vulnerable. So their voice is limited,” he said.
Pelosi knows that this is nothing more than another democrat bimbo brigade. Probably it's being used so that it stops questions about the nursing home murders.

That's exactly what it's doing. Not only about stopping the talk in New York, but in Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan,
where they are already investigating that Governor.
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

It’s not her business Sergei. She isn’t from NY. Thanks for playing. Now go kiss Donald the rapist’s butt

Just like she should have kept her yap shut in the Kavanaugh matter? Pathetic hypocrites, the lot of you.
A name for you; Madison cawthorn
Seems reasonable to me ---- it is obvious the Dems in New York are simply trying to destroy ol' Cuomo and keeping him out of the presidency. Why they want to do that, I don't know. Dem enemies getting a bunch of women to tell a lot of stories they never bothered to tell the police or Human Resources --- that's not the same as actual proof he did any sexual harassment. Best thing I've heard about Pelosi for months, that she's not participating in this Cancel Cuomo thing.
Wow, thats hypocrisy. The left doesn't care about these kids either. Admit it, they are just a political football, a prop used to politically bludgeon the other side.
Well, sure. Duh. Besides, I agree with the people here saying Pelosi is not in New York State and so is not SUPPOSED to comment on Cuomo. One of the only things she's doing right.
That's exactly what it's doing. Not only about stopping the talk in New York, but in Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan,
where they are already investigating that Governor.
All heads of government are going to take a lot of fire because of COVID. And they should.

The first to fall was Trump. He was a shoo-in till COVID hit, and everyone knows it. He sure won't be the last. I would LOVE to see that awful Michigan woman recalled.

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