Despite Claiming to Have 'Zero Tolerance' Sexual Harassment Policy, Pelosi Refuses To Demand Cuomo Step Down

No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

It’s not her business Sergei. She isn’t from NY. Thanks for playing. Now go kiss Donald the rapist’s butt

Just like she should have kept her yap shut in the Kavanaugh matter? Pathetic hypocrites, the lot of you.

Kavanaugh didn't represent a state as an elected official. So it was more than right for her to comment on him. He was picked to sit on the highest, most prestigious court in our country. And the guy is a scumbag. Like Thomas before him. Scumbags shouldn't be allowed to sit on the Supreme Court. :)
That's only if you believe the garbage they tried to fling on him.
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

It’s not her business Sergei. She isn’t from NY. Thanks for playing. Now go kiss Donald the rapist’s butt

Spot on Jillian.

There's A LOT of buzz on social media about this being a set up by Trump to get a Republican governor in he can be pardoned after D.A. Cy Vance and nationally known prosecutor Mark Pomerantz find Trump guilty of bank and tax fraud.

" Mark Pomerantz is a nationally known trial lawyer and litigator, and has extensive public and private experience in white-collar criminal and regulatory matters."""
He's known for putting mob bosses in prison.
PERFECT for prosecuting Trump.

Are you sure it wasn't the Russians?
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

Again, she isn't from New York. Why would she even wade into this fight? Or be expected to? Same thing with Biden.
So far, Schumer, AOC, and Gilibrand have called for his resignation. They're from NEW YORK. That's the state where
a guy named Cuomo is GOVERNOR....again...New York. :)
So when should be silent about sexual harassment and assault unless they are from the State of where the accused is from? Is that the message Nancy P is sending you?
That's the new standard they just invented to deflect well earned criticism from Nancy and crew. They do it all the time, get confronted with something worth criticizing and dig through the pile of crap until they can find something they think will allow for a deflection. Never works, but they always try.
The Republican Party is not the party my father held dear. The many within this party has been overtaken by the few with blatant lies and deceit.


“the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.”

My father is no longer with us to see what has happened to the party he once held dear. Anyone who continues to support this infected, diseased abnormality knowing what they have become has sold their soul to the devil. If you want to save your party, you must stand up and have your voice heard. Otherwise, your complacency will only prolong the inevitable, the Republican Party is doomed in its current form.

The Republican Party has no soul. Trump can say/do anything and still they praise him.

Donald Trump Makes Lewd Remarks About Women On Video | NBC News - YouTube

Now these same Republicans are attacking Cuomo for far less, hypocrisy comes to mind.

The Republicans attack Clinton for getting a BJ, but praise Trump for this---
I no longer have any respect for anyone who can be so double sided. They are a disgrace to their children and only God could forgive them; but my gut feeling says He will not !!

Nor will I :)-
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So, this is the standard? That you have to be from that State?

Because if it is, I fully expect you racist fucks in the Democrat party will not criticize or call for resignations from ANY Republican unless they are from that State.
I think Cuomo is probably guilty but I believe the law that supports his argument is :::: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
And how many more Senior citizens are on your hate and kill list so Cuomo does not have to account for his in-Trump's-face refusal to use the floating hospital that would have saved thousands of seniors' lives in the state of New York?

This should be a State of New York issue, not an Orange Man bad bullshit call. And mob boss Pelosi's omeurta doings poison many wells for conservative American citizens, and save monsters of evil doing. Free people do not cotton to secrecy when 15,000 senior citizens died because a Democrat son herded dying victims into nursing homes filled with seniors paying a hefty price for growing old with dignity. The Covid virus is not a respecter of the vulnerable.

And Nancy Pelosi is no going to get into a pissing match with another mob group, because she is not in favor of serving all Americans, only those who belong to the greater mob she rules like the criminal animal that she has made of herself.
Seems reasonable to me ---- it is obvious the Dems in New York are simply trying to destroy ol' Cuomo and keeping him out of the presidency. Why they want to do that, I don't know. Dem enemies getting a bunch of women to tell a lot of stories they never bothered to tell the police or Human Resources --- that's not the same as actual proof he did any sexual harassment. Best thing I've heard about Pelosi for months, that she's not participating in this Cancel Cuomo thing.
Wow, thats hypocrisy. The left doesn't care about these kids either. Admit it, they are just a political football, a prop used to politically bludgeon the other side.
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

Speaker Pelosi is from California.....what is she supposed to do about the Governor........of another state?
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

Pelosi is as fake as a 3 dollar bill. As are MOST politicians
I think Cuomo is probably guilty but I believe the law that supports his argument is :::: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Did you say the same thing about Kavanaugh?


The GOP refused to properly investigate Kavanaugh...

The same can't be said about Cuomo...

Democrats have been pretty consistent in asking for an investigation.
Kavanaugh didn't represent a state as an elected official. So it was more than right for her to comment on him. He was picked to sit on the highest, most prestigious court in our country. And the guy is a scumbag. Like Thomas before him. Scumbags shouldn't be allowed to sit on the Supreme Court. :)
Nice pretzel, Jackoff.
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

It’s not her business Sergei. She isn’t from NY. Thanks for playing. Now go kiss Donald the rapist’s butt

Spot on Jillian.

There's A LOT of buzz on social media about this being a set up by Trump to get a Republican governor in he can be pardoned after D.A. Cy Vance and nationally known prosecutor Mark Pomerantz find Trump guilty of bank and tax fraud.

" Mark Pomerantz is a nationally known trial lawyer and litigator, and has extensive public and private experience in white-collar criminal and regulatory matters."""
He's known for putting mob bosses in prison.
PERFECT for prosecuting Trump.
So Trump MADE Cuomo murder 15,000 elderly Americans and criminally sexually harassing/ assault women?

LOL! Trump bent over backwards to help Cuomo, who praised Trump.

'Personal accountability' - SNOWFLAKES AND Democrats need to learn what that means.
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

Speaker Pelosi is from California.....what is she supposed to do about the Governor........of another state?
She is also leader if the Democrat Party and responsible for holding other Democrats accountable & to a high standard...

So many excuses, so much attempting to defend provenance criminals and traitors.
No surprise - she says she is against CCP Espionage and Domestic Terrorism, but she openly supports both...

It’s not her business Sergei. She isn’t from NY. Thanks for playing. Now go kiss Donald the rapist’s butt

Spot on Jillian.

There's A LOT of buzz on social media about this being a set up by Trump to get a Republican governor in he can be pardoned after D.A. Cy Vance and nationally known prosecutor Mark Pomerantz find Trump guilty of bank and tax fraud.

" Mark Pomerantz is a nationally known trial lawyer and litigator, and has extensive public and private experience in white-collar criminal and regulatory matters."""
He's known for putting mob bosses in prison.
PERFECT for prosecuting Trump.
So Trump MADE Cuomo murder 15,000 elderly Americans and criminally sexually harassing/ assault women?

LOL! Trump bent over backwards to help Cuomo, who praised Trump.

'Personal accountability' - SNOWFLAKES AND Democrats need to learn what that means.
Trump deregulated nursing homes, making them higher risk to covid nation wide, not just new york state.

But on the subject of Cuomo, the party is asking him to resign. Pelosi told him to "Look inside his heart" and ask "if he can govern effectively", which a more gentle wording to ask him to resign.
Trump deregulated nursing homes, making them higher risk to covid nation wide, not just new york state.

Was it President Trump's Personal Policy to place COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes in the state of New York, after acknowledging the elderly were / are the most likely to die from the virus, resulting in the needless deaths of over 15,000 elderly Americans?

NO. That was sexual predator and proven criminal Gov Andrew Cuomo.

Was it President Trump's Personal Policy to place COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes in the state of Pa, resulting in the needless deaths of over 20,000 elderly Americans?

NO. That was Biden's transgender freak he appointed as his Deputy Health Care Cabinet member, who removed his/her/its own parent while leaving 20,000 elderly Americans to die due to their failed policy / edict.

Was it President Trump's Personal Policy to place COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes in the state of Mi, resulting in the needless deaths of over 2,000 elderly Americans?

NO. That would be Gov Whitmer, the hypocritical Lockdown Queen, many of whose Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating edicts were overturned by the USSC while she and her family violated the oppressive, tyrannical shutdown / lockdown edits she imposed on the citizens of Mi.

Is it President Trump demonstration a complete lack of facts and 100% evidence of being an irrational hate-driven dumbass partisan snowflake?

No....that would be YOU.

There's this thing called 'PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY' that you bviously have never heard of - do us all a favor and educate yourself by looking it up and learning...because your ignorance and partisan, uneducated blathering is wasting our time.
But Pelosi had no problem blasting ILLINOIS Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner for ALLEGED financial mismanagement.

Biden's failed (immediately) Immigration Policy is on pace to allow in more illegals, to include thousands 0f CVID-19-infected illegals and violent felon illegals, than the number of illegals who have entered the US in the last 3 years COMBINED....and the CCP Espionage-facilitating / failed coup conspiring traitor Pelosi is competing with Biden for best 'Baghdad Bob' impersonation: "There is no crisis here!"
It's not surprising that the only President to ACTUALLY grab a woman by the pu$$y (except for Slick Willy), the child/woman groping/sniffing Creepy Joe, refused to call for Gov Cuomo to step down as 7women have come forward to accuse Cuomo of sexual harassment / assault (and 1 police report was filed).

And its no surprise Harris has kept her hypocritical mouth shut.

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