Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭

wow.....just wow...

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers
How will democrats manage that when they are cutting police budgets by up to one third?

libs are out of touch with reality if they do not understand the basic need for police
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


Dead Link
With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭
This is in the realm of padded cells and straightjackets

liberals are the ones trying to disrupt the 2020 election
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


Dead Link
Let's just have the election on Nov 3 in person at the polls. No problem. All this mail in shit isn't doing anybody any good.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .

Last edited:
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .

Yeah....How dare people fight back against violent goon squads, as the police just sit on their hands....The scandal of it all!
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .


I am not sure what happens if the election is postponed, and understand that it would require an act of Congress. We've never encountered this situation before, and I am not sure that all state and federal office-holders legally remain in office. This is a dangerous and ugly situation for the country.

I wonder how many service members would support trump's attempt to establish a dictatorship. My aunt/godmother was a career USAF officer. I was opposed to the draft, but she wanted me to join the service in 1974 when I graduated from college. I also balked at the idea of having someone like Nixon as my commander-in-chief. One thing she said to me stands out. She said "it's people like you who don't want to be there who keep us honest" and woe be to the nation if we ever had an all-volunteer military. Her wisdom was lost on me at such a young age. But I live in northern Virginia and have worked within walking distance of the Pentagon, so I've seen many folks in uniform. Now we might all be at the mercy of their decisions. Fortunately, the uniformed folks are a very diverse group of people and I am buoyed by the number of military leaders who have opposed in the past few years the politicization of the military. God, I wish my Aunt Anne was still here looking over my shoulder.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .

Yeah....How dare people fight back against violent goon squads, as the police just sit on their hands....The scandal of it all!

It appears that many of the violent goon squads are right-wingers.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .

Yeah....How dare people fight back against violent goon squads, as the police just sit on their hands....The scandal of it all!

It appears that many of the violent goon squads are right-wingers.
Lying sack of shit.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .

Yeah....How dare people fight back against violent goon squads, as the police just sit on their hands....The scandal of it all!

It appears that many of the violent goon squads are right-wingers.
Lying sack of shit.

Gosh. Another "intelligent" reply.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .

Yeah....How dare people fight back against violent goon squads, as the police just sit on their hands....The scandal of it all!

It appears that many of the violent goon squads are right-wingers.
Lying sack of shit.

Gosh. Another "intelligent" reply.
I feel no need to supply any better replies to unhinged, delusional, lying sacks of shit.
Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭


German's report is really disturbing. I heard about it in an article in The Guardian last night. I just learned about 20 minutes ago that the police chief of Kenosha, Miskinis, also is a leading member of a "militia" gang. This answers a lot of my questions upon seeing the video of police in armored vehicles, who were supposedly clearing the streets pursuant to the curfew and broadcasting the message that all civilians should get off the streets, as to why they did not tell the armed civilians to leave, and in fact, gave them water and treated them in a very friendly manner. They did not treat the unarmed people in the street in the same way. I never thought that a police chief would be a gang member, much less a gang leader. Apparently, there also was a website urging out-of-towners to come to Kenosha.

At least a lot of hidden shit is being exposed because of these tragedies that the public needs to know about.

Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addressed reporters in January 2018 following the arrests of five people for shoplifting at a Tommy Hilfiger outlet store in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, and a high-speed chase that led to their arrests.
At least four of the suspects were Black, according to jail records. The fifth suspect was a minor, the sheriff's department said in a statement.
"I'm to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there's some people that aren't worth saving," Beth said at the news conference a day after the incident, according to CNN affiliate WTMJ. "We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives."

Executive Director of the ACLU of Wisconsin. “The only way to rectify these actions is for both Sheriff Beth and Police Chief Daniel Miskinis to immediately tender their resignations.”

It appears that these guys should have been fired in 2018. Incidents like these certainly lend credence to the BLM movement in spite of right-wing efforts to portray it as a bunch of angry anarchists hell-bent on destroying the nation.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." - Justice Louis Brandeis
The speeches at the RNC have set a tone to inflame the RWNJ to the point of violence. With the BLM protesters being the most widely available of the designated targets set forth by the RNC speakers, the Kenosha shootings are just the beginning in the run-up to November third.

The expected violence inspired by the fear-mongering Republican rhetoric will have had the desired effect when a national crisis can be declared and troops deployed for national security. The national emergency will also, and most importantly, justify a postponement of an unspecified length for the November 3rd elections. Included in the impeached president trump's election postponement proclamation, all current holders of state and federal offices will remain unchanged until he proclaims the national emergency is over, a new election date be agreed upon, and votes are cast and tallied .


I am not sure what happens if the election is postponed, and understand that it would require an act of Congress. We've never encountered this situation before, and I am not sure that all state and federal office-holders legally remain in office. This is a dangerous and ugly situation for the country.
Since the Senate Republicans acquitted the impeached president trump he has been given privileges, by default that all U.S. presidents before him were never granted due to limitations written into the Constitution. Most congressional Democrats have remained silent as the impeached president trump has ruled (illegally) by proclamation.

His plan to permanently suspend F.I.C.A. payroll deductions has met comparatively little resistance from the establishment Democrats, despite their knowing such a suspension will empty the Disability Trust Fund before the end of 2021, and the Social Security Trust Fund before the end of 2023.

It's a sure bet the congressional Republicans will make no effort the help the millions of Americans who rely on Social Security benefits for their entire income. And rational people know full well the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics over 65, who need the SS benefits to survive, will help reelect their cult leader. They have convinced themselves the impeached president trump's killing Social Security will only affect Democrats.

So, it can be expected congress will sit by and allow the impeached president trump to do as he pleases regarding the November 3rd elections.

If the impeached president trump permits the elections to go on as planned and Biden some how receives the necessary votes to carry the Electoral College, the orange tyrant will proclaim the elections invalid. Biden, like Gore in 2000, will skulk away quietly, offering no argument.

AOC and her Squad will be the only congress members condemning the corrupted process.

Despite Public Unity, Events Are Looking Good For A Postponement Of the November Third Elections

A new report shows how thin the line between police and right-wing militias can be.‭ ‬Former FBI special agent Michael German,‭ ‬writing for the The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School,‭ ‬the non-partisan law and public policy institute,‭ ‬collected instances of law enforcement officers linked to white supremacist militant activities in more than a dozen states during the last two decades.‭ ‬He also found hundreds of officers who had posted bigoted or racist content on social media.‭ ‬German told The Guardian that the full scale of the problem is difficult to determine:‭ “‬Nobody is collecting the data and nobody is actively looking for these law enforcement officers.‭” ‬He advocates the creation of a Justice Department-led working group to study the issue and better screening mechanisms at the state and federal level.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬such a Justice Department study would not be permitted under the leadership of Attorney General William Barr.

Most recently,‭ ‬polling shows that a‭ “‬polarized‭” ‬nation agrees on many police reforms.‭ ‬New survey data from Arnold Ventures that was jointly conducted by Republican and Democratic firms found eleven policies with more than three-quarters support by voters across the political spectrum.‭ ‬Body camera mandates‭ (‬91‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬and requiring the Department of Justice to investigate after lethal force‭ (‬88‭ ‬percent support‭) ‬led the way.‭

Similar support was found concerning the establishment of‭ “‬co-responder‭” ‬teams that pair police with mental health professionals and social workers to handle calls about homeless persons,‭ ‬welfare checks,‭ ‬or drug use.‭ ‬The popularity of these programs presents an opportunity to rethink major components of how policing functions in the United States.

So,‭ ‬while the extreme right-wing press portrays the American public as hopelessly divided,‭ ‬the truth is,‭ ‬the vast majority of the public agree on many issues our politicians are unwilling to address, or,‭ ‬regularly defeat all such legislation proposed to settle these issues supported by the majority of Americans,‭ ‬but found to be obstructive to the agendas of special interest groups and major political contributors.

Anyone with a true desire to understand the inner workings of the current United States‭’ ‬political system need only follow the money.‭ ‬It’s naive to believe voters have the power to stop the ruling billionaire class from a complete take-over of our government.‭ ‬A simple roll call of the impeached president trump’s appointments to Federal Agencies lists multiple billionaires.

With the expected chaos on November‭ ‬3rd threatened by conservative groups and the GOP,‭ ‬the decision of which political party wins the White House will,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬be left up to the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬in the same manner as the‭ ‬2000‭ ‬presidential election.‭ ‬This ruling by the Court should put the impeached president trump well on his way to becoming president-for-life,‭ ‬while ending the United States‭’ ‬democracy.‭ ‬There is apparently no one in a position of power willing to fight against the impeached president trump’s pursuit to become the United States‭’ ‬first dictator.‭‭

Your link is dead and your story is the biggest pile of dog crap I have read in a long long time. No expected chaos is touched on or explained, it is just a bunch of propaganda or as your link says "stories".

The 2000 decision the Supreme Court made that ended the election was a 7-2 decision as liberal judges crossed over to end the election. That ruling overturned Florida's Court decision ruling that Florida's recount processes violated the US Constitution's due process clause.

Thanks for trying to be dishonest, I wouldn't expect much else from you.

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