Destroy bds and its supporters

You should provide some links to your accusations, its terribly difficult to accept the words of an Israeli stool, especially in light the world-wide support the BDS has garnered...
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

No, Islamic extremism has killed Americans. You really have a deranged way of thinking, which of course is normal considering you are a pro Palestinian.
You are an American who support an anti American people who have held plenty 'Death to America' rallies while burning the American flag. You support a people who celebrated 9/11 on the streets. You support a people who are happy when innocent Americans are killed.
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

No, Islamic extremism has killed Americans. You really have a deranged way of thinking, which of course is normal considering you are a pro Palestinian.
You are an American who support an anti American people who have held plenty 'Death to America' rallies while burning the American flag. You support a people who celebrated 9/11 on the streets. You support a people who are happy when innocent Americans are killed.
Maybe that's what Pbel means by "American Firster."
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

No, Islamic extremism has killed Americans. You really have a deranged way of thinking, which of course is normal considering you are a pro Palestinian.
You are an American who support an anti American people who have held plenty 'Death to America' rallies while burning the American flag. You support a people who celebrated 9/11 on the streets. You support a people who are happy when innocent Americans are killed.
But don't Americans MURDER MOST is part of your IGNORANT GUN CULTURE...........Your GUN LOBBY are infact the people who promote "DEATH TO AMERICA/NS..........SAY NO TO GUNS,and become more Civilized.
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

No, Islamic extremism has killed Americans. You really have a deranged way of thinking, which of course is normal considering you are a pro Palestinian.
You are an American who support an anti American people who have held plenty 'Death to America' rallies while burning the American flag. You support a people who celebrated 9/11 on the streets. You support a people who are happy when innocent Americans are killed.
But don't Americans MURDER MOST is part of your IGNORANT GUN CULTURE...........Your GUN LOBBY are infact the people who promote "DEATH TO AMERICA/NS..........SAY NO TO GUNS,and become more Civilized.
Not while thugs have guns. They're as bad as ISIS.
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

You seem to forget that many of us have seen you in action over the years. You cared nothing about what was going on in the Middle East except for Israel and you were mainly busy with your silly poems, your crayons, and last heard from fighting with a female Jewish police officer. Tell us. Are you aware of how many hundreds of thousands have been killed and wounded in the Muslim Middle East in the last four years? How many refugees are there now? Or are you only interested in your favorite topic, the Jews?
The white South Africans were saying the same thing. The Christian Science Monitor published this article by Prof. Anne-Marie Kriek wtieen while she was on sabbatical in the 1989.

"South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out

WHILE the violation of human rights is the norm rather than the exception in most of Africa's 42 black-ruled states, the spotlight remains on South Africa. The images of racism, white supremacy, Nazism, etc. are a most effective part of a campaign to play on white guilt and to condition hatred for South Africa. ......."

It sounds so familiar to the what comes out of the mouths of the Zionists that post here.

Part of the problem of the BDS movement is that they don't know what their focus is. Is it the West Bank and/or Gaza, or is it Israel in its entirety? Even their champion, Norman Finkelstein, became disillusioned with the movement when he realized what its real objectives were.

What does that have to do with the fact that the same rationalizations that supporters of Apartheid used against the sanctions, are used by the Zionists?

From what I remember, a very small minority of whites were ruling a huge majority of blacks in South Africa, who did not have voting rights. Blacks and whites could not eat in the same restaurants or ride the same buses. This is not the case in Israel proper.

In South Africa, all South African citizens had voting rights, including minority of non-whites, although they went to different schools, there were restrictions with respect to inter-marrying and they had different property rights, like the non-Jews in Israel. Non-whites that were citizens were also represented in parliament. The non-white citizens of the Bantustans, completely controlled and militarily occupied by South Africa but deemed separate entities from South Africa were not South African citizens and voted in their respective Bantustans. If these non-citizens were included, together with the non-whites considered citizens of South Africa, would have been the majority in South Africa. Excluding the people citizens of the Bantustans the Whites were the vast majority of South African citizens during Apartheid.

And now the majority blacks want a return of white rule and apartheid laws as South Africa is the worlds most dangerous place to live.

South Africa, once called ‘the world’s rape capital,’ is running out of rape kits
For the first time in 20 years the number of murders and the murder rate has increased for a second consecutive year.

Murder is an important crime to monitor because unlike other crimes, the number of reported murders is likely to be very close to the actual number of murders committed. The murder rate is regarded as one indicator of a country’s stability – the higher it is, the less stable a country is regarded to be.

The murder rate refers to the number of people who are murdered per 100,000 of the population. Rates allow for comparisons between areas of high and low population density.

Facts about murder in South Africa:

  • Incidents of murder increased from 16,259 murders in 2012/13 to 17,068 in 2013/14.
  • This means that there were 809 more people murdered than in the previous year.
  • This comes on the back of a similar increase in 2012/13 when 650 more murders were recorded compared to 2011/12.
  • The average number of murders committed each day increased from 45 in 2012/13 to 47 in 2013/14.
  • Using Statistics South Africa’s 2013 midyear estimates, the murder rate in 2013/14 was 32.2 per 100,000, up from 31.1 in 2012/13.
  • SA’s murder rate is about five times higher than the 2013 global average of 6 murders per 100,000.
bds is a scumbag antisemitic bunch of arab muslim trash, and their useful idiots in the west. JVP are arab-funded bottom feeding, fake jews who do not understand why israel was created in the first place. The moment that the environment for jews becomes intolerable in the west, these same bastard fake jews will come running to israel begging to be allowed in for protection. This is simply part of a phased approach by the arab muslims/iranians to destroy israel, as they have done to every other minority in the mideast, despite there being tens of millions of them there are no non-arab muslim countries in the mideast.

Israel can counter the bds filth by punishing the arab muslims in several ways - 1) suing the PA in court for terrorism against israel since the 1940s, 2) firing all arab muslim workers in companies the arab muslims are targeting such as soda stream 3) a major effort to institute educational programs in colleges to expose fake professors like rashid khalidi who are more like political agitators than teachers as well as to educate kids uncertain about the history of the mideast/Israel 4) straightforward ad campaigns showing the intolerance and racism in arab muslim countries and their historical mistreatment of jews and other minorities 5) exposure of the funding sources of bds by qatar and other dictatorships 6) reduction in freedoms for the arab muslims in the west bank for each company targeted by bds 7) expulsion from the West, US, and Israel of any terrorist supporters such as omar barghouti, stripping them of citizenship - they have no right to use the freedoms and platform of the West to spout their hatreds.

The destruction and elimination of bds should be performed so as to send a message to the arab muslims worldwide that their hegemony, intolerance and racism will not be tolerated in the modern world. There are no worse countries on earth when it comes to the arab muslims, and their attempts to keep the spotlight on israel while deflecting their own far worse behavior will not be accepted, and should be exposed as the frauds they are. The supporters of Israel should create a massive fund to advertise how unfree and racist arab muslim socieities are, and expose the bds as a front for the most despicable, racist trash on earth.
You sound like a desperate Chicken Little running around with your head chopped off, poor thing...
Boycott Israel drive gains strength raising alarm - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Ten years ago, a small group of Palestinian activists had a novel idea: Inspired by the anti-apartheid movement, they called for a global boycott movement against Israel as a nonviolent method to promote the Palestinian struggle for independence.

Long confined to the sidelines, the so-called BDS movement appears to be gaining momentum — so much so that Israel has identified it as a strategic threat on a par with Palestinian militant groups and the Iranian nuclear program. While Israel says the movement is rooted in anti-Semitism, its decentralized organization and language calling for universal human rights have proven difficult to counter, resulting in a string of recent victories that have alarmed Israeli leaders.

"We are now beginning to harvest the fruits of 10 years of strategic, morally consistent and undeniably effective BDS campaigning," said Omar Barghouti, one of the group's co-founders. "BDS is winning the battles for hearts and minds across the world, despite Israel's still hegemonic influence among governments in the U.S. and Europe."
bds is a scumbag antisemitic bunch of arab muslim trash, and their useful idiots in the west. JVP are arab-funded bottom feeding, fake jews who do not understand why israel was created in the first place. The moment that the environment for jews becomes intolerable in the west, these same bastard fake jews will come running to israel begging to be allowed in for protection. This is simply part of a phased approach by the arab muslims/iranians to destroy israel, as they have done to every other minority in the mideast, despite there being tens of millions of them there are no non-arab muslim countries in the mideast.

Israel can counter the bds filth by punishing the arab muslims in several ways - 1) suing the PA in court for terrorism against israel since the 1940s, 2) firing all arab muslim workers in companies the arab muslims are targeting such as soda stream 3) a major effort to institute educational programs in colleges to expose fake professors like rashid khalidi who are more like political agitators than teachers as well as to educate kids uncertain about the history of the mideast/Israel 4) straightforward ad campaigns showing the intolerance and racism in arab muslim countries and their historical mistreatment of jews and other minorities 5) exposure of the funding sources of bds by qatar and other dictatorships 6) reduction in freedoms for the arab muslims in the west bank for each company targeted by bds 7) expulsion from the West, US, and Israel of any terrorist supporters such as omar barghouti, stripping them of citizenship - they have no right to use the freedoms and platform of the West to spout their hatreds.

The destruction and elimination of bds should be performed so as to send a message to the arab muslims worldwide that their hegemony, intolerance and racism will not be tolerated in the modern world. There are no worse countries on earth when it comes to the arab muslims, and their attempts to keep the spotlight on israel while deflecting their own far worse behavior will not be accepted, and should be exposed as the frauds they are. The supporters of Israel should create a massive fund to advertise how unfree and racist arab muslim socieities are, and expose the bds as a front for the most despicable, racist trash on earth.
You sound like a desperate Chicken Little running around with your head chopped off, poor thing...The BDS movement is growing, stop whining

.Boycott Israel drive gains strength raising alarm - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Ten years ago, a small group of Palestinian activists had a novel idea: Inspired by the anti-apartheid movement, they called for a global boycott movement against Israel as a nonviolent method to promote the Palestinian struggle for independence.

Long confined to the sidelines, the so-called BDS movement appears to be gaining momentum — so much so that Israel has identified it as a strategic threat on a par with Palestinian militant groups and the Iranian nuclear program. While Israel says the movement is rooted in anti-Semitism, its decentralized organization and language calling for universal human rights have proven difficult to counter, resulting in a string of recent victories that have alarmed Israeli leaders.

"We are now beginning to harvest the fruits of 10 years of strategic, morally consistent and undeniably effective BDS campaigning," said Omar Barghouti, one of the group's co-founders. "BDS is winning the battles for hearts and minds across the world, despite Israel's still hegemonic influence among governments in the U.S. and Europe."

Omar is not seeking to help the west bank palestinians, he is against a two state. He is out to destroy Israel altogether.
It is not about Israeli businesses in WB, this is about anything or anyone that is Israeli.

The remiss of the BDS movement is false. It is racism.
You should provide some links to your accusations, its terribly difficult to accept the words of an Israeli stool, especially in light the world-wide support the BDS has garnered...
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
And now the majority blacks want a return of white rule and apartheid laws as South Africa is the worlds most dangerous place to live.
Phoney Baloney, provide an unbiased link to your usual insane remarks...

How many more times jelly belly will you for the dame links, they never alter and show you for the ignorant savage you are

Troubled South Africa Debates Impact of White Rule American Renaissance

Why post a link that doesn't support your comment?

Makes you look even more of an idiot Phoney!

Have another try....

Go on, have a go...

Remember what you said?

"the majority blacks want a return of white rule and apartheid laws"

So, link please Phoney!

And now the majority blacks want a return of white rule and apartheid laws as South Africa is the worlds most dangerous place to live.
You are a Funny but Sad man

And you are just an uneducated sad lonely person of no account
Not Me............I assume you are looking in a Cracked Mirror..............How Lonely,How Sad and How Bloody Pathetic you are.........Mr Golders-Finchley-Stein

Read it again dumbass

Never been to Golders or Finchley in my life and my name is as far from Jewish as one could get.

Try a mixture of Scots borders, Yorkshire and Norfolk with a traceable ancestry back to the Norman Conquest

Thanks for the advice Phoney...

Read it again...

It does not mention anything about "majority blacks want a return of white rule"

Same old Phoney... Same BS different day...

You are better off sticking to your whippets and pigeons and leave the grown up stuff to, well, grown ups! :ahole-1:

Shows how much you know as I don't have whippets or pigeons, but I do have shubunkins and carassas
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

And as you have been told the muslim's use Palestine as an excuse for attacking the west
You sound like a desperate Chicken Little running around with your head chopped off, poor thing...
Boycott Israel drive gains strength raising alarm - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Ten years ago, a small group of Palestinian activists had a novel idea: Inspired by the anti-apartheid movement, they called for a global boycott movement against Israel as a nonviolent method to promote the Palestinian struggle for independence.

Long confined to the sidelines, the so-called BDS movement appears to be gaining momentum — so much so that Israel has identified it as a strategic threat on a par with Palestinian militant groups and the Iranian nuclear program. While Israel says the movement is rooted in anti-Semitism, its decentralized organization and language calling for universal human rights have proven difficult to counter, resulting in a string of recent victories that have alarmed Israeli leaders.

"We are now beginning to harvest the fruits of 10 years of strategic, morally consistent and undeniably effective BDS campaigning," said Omar Barghouti, one of the group's co-founders. "BDS is winning the battles for hearts and minds across the world, despite Israel's still hegemonic influence among governments in the U.S. and Europe."
You sound like a desperate Chicken Little running around with your head chopped off, poor thing...The BDS movement is growing, stop whining

.Boycott Israel drive gains strength raising alarm - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Ten years ago, a small group of Palestinian activists had a novel idea: Inspired by the anti-apartheid movement, they called for a global boycott movement against Israel as a nonviolent method to promote the Palestinian struggle for independence.

Long confined to the sidelines, the so-called BDS movement appears to be gaining momentum — so much so that Israel has identified it as a strategic threat on a par with Palestinian militant groups and the Iranian nuclear program. While Israel says the movement is rooted in anti-Semitism, its decentralized organization and language calling for universal human rights have proven difficult to counter, resulting in a string of recent victories that have alarmed Israeli leaders.

"We are now beginning to harvest the fruits of 10 years of strategic, morally consistent and undeniably effective BDS campaigning," said Omar Barghouti, one of the group's co-founders. "BDS is winning the battles for hearts and minds across the world, despite Israel's still hegemonic influence among governments in the U.S. and Europe."

Omar is not seeking to help the west bank palestinians, he is against a two state. He is out to destroy Israel altogether.
It is not about Israeli businesses in WB, this is about anything or anyone that is Israeli.

The remiss of the BDS movement is false. It is racism.
You should provide some links to your accusations, its terribly difficult to accept the words of an Israeli stool, especially in light the world-wide support the BDS has garnered...
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.
Omar is not seeking to help the west bank palestinians, he is against a two state. He is out to destroy Israel altogether.
It is not about Israeli businesses in WB, this is about anything or anyone that is Israeli.

The remiss of the BDS movement is false. It is racism.
You should provide some links to your accusations, its terribly difficult to accept the words of an Israeli stool, especially in light the world-wide support the BDS has garnered...
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
You should provide some links to your accusations, its terribly difficult to accept the words of an Israeli stool, especially in light the world-wide support the BDS has garnered...
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.
Phoney Baloney, provide an unbiased link to your usual insane remarks...

How many more times jelly belly will you for the dame links, they never alter and show you for the ignorant savage you are

Troubled South Africa Debates Impact of White Rule American Renaissance

Why post a link that doesn't support your comment?

Makes you look even more of an idiot Phoney!

Have another try....

Go on, have a go...

Remember what you said?

"the majority blacks want a return of white rule and apartheid laws"

So, link please Phoney!

You are a Funny but Sad man

And you are just an uneducated sad lonely person of no account
Not Me............I assume you are looking in a Cracked Mirror..............How Lonely,How Sad and How Bloody Pathetic you are.........Mr Golders-Finchley-Stein

Read it again dumbass

Never been to Golders or Finchley in my life and my name is as far from Jewish as one could get.

Try a mixture of Scots borders, Yorkshire and Norfolk with a traceable ancestry back to the Norman Conquest

Thanks for the advice Phoney...

Read it again...

It does not mention anything about "majority blacks want a return of white rule"

Same old Phoney... Same BS different day...

You are better off sticking to your whippets and pigeons and leave the grown up stuff to, well, grown ups! :ahole-1:

Shows how much you know as I don't have whippets or pigeons, but I do have shubunkins and carassas

HAHAHA whippets in a tank! LOL
PBEL, does that worldwide support include China, India, Vienam among other countries? Don't forget that the populations of these countries number in the tens of millions so there's a lot of business involved here. It's really difficul to take the word of some stooge who salivates over this anti-Semitic BDS movement..
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.

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