Destroy bds and its supporters

How many more times jelly belly will you for the dame links, they never alter and show you for the ignorant savage you are

Troubled South Africa Debates Impact of White Rule American Renaissance

Why post a link that doesn't support your comment?

Makes you look even more of an idiot Phoney!

Have another try....

Go on, have a go...

Remember what you said?

"the majority blacks want a return of white rule and apartheid laws"

So, link please Phoney!

And you are just an uneducated sad lonely person of no account
Not Me............I assume you are looking in a Cracked Mirror..............How Lonely,How Sad and How Bloody Pathetic you are.........Mr Golders-Finchley-Stein

Read it again dumbass

Never been to Golders or Finchley in my life and my name is as far from Jewish as one could get.

Try a mixture of Scots borders, Yorkshire and Norfolk with a traceable ancestry back to the Norman Conquest

Thanks for the advice Phoney...

Read it again...

It does not mention anything about "majority blacks want a return of white rule"

Same old Phoney... Same BS different day...

You are better off sticking to your whippets and pigeons and leave the grown up stuff to, well, grown ups! :ahole-1:

Shows how much you know as I don't have whippets or pigeons, but I do have shubunkins and carassas

HAHAHA whippets in a tank! LOL

Not at 12 inches long they aren't, and they throw brown goldfish for stocking local ponds
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.
Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

pbel and Humanity are talking about the occupation of the West Bank. Your idea of the occupation, Tinmore, is not what the rest of the world recognizes.
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

pbel and Humanity are talking about the occupation of the West Bank. Your idea of the occupation, Tinmore, is not what the rest of the world recognizes.

Just what IS PF Tinmore's definition of "belligerent occupation"?
So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

pbel and Humanity are talking about the occupation of the West Bank. Your idea of the occupation, Tinmore, is not what the rest of the world recognizes.

Just what IS PF Tinmore's definition of "belligerent occupation"?

He believes the entire State of Israel is occupying Palestine as a whole. I read today that there are 4.68 million Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza. Those areas are enough for them. No need to destroy Israel.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well again you have a half-truth.

Israel has undertaken this effort to protect and secure its citizens and their sovereignty; from a people that cannot refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of Israel or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine (alla 1988).

Israel is defending against a faction of government which by designed conducts such operations that provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act
committed with the aim of:

- seriously intimidating a population, or

- unduly compelling a Government to perform or abstain from performing any act, or

- seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organization.

Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

On May 16, Egyptian President Nasser asking the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) to withdraw its forces from Sinai.
On May 22, The Egyptian President closed the Straits of Tiran; done at the suggestion of King Hussein of Jordan.
On May 30, Egyptian-Jordanian conclude a Mutual Defense Treaty.
On May 30, Egyptian-Iraqi concluded a Mutual Defense Treaty.
The Syrians denounced Mutual Defense Treaty and refused to sign.
In May, Egyptian General Abdul Moneim Riad had moved over 100,000 troops into the Sinai opposite Israeli forces.

On 5 June, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol sent a message to King Hussein saying Israel would not attack Jordan unless he initiated hostilities.

That same morning, Jordanian Air Defense RADAR detects a large flight of fast moving aircraft on route from Egypt to Israel. Believing that these aircraft were Egyptian Fighter Bombers on the attack, King Hussein orders his west bank artillery to open-up a barrage on West Jerusalem. The aircraft were, in fact, Israeli on their return from their mission over enemy air fields.

The Jordanian Artillery triggered the Israeli forces to enter the West Bank and silence all Jordanian forces.


In that regard, the Israeli Forces occupied the Jordanian West Bank (not Palestinian Territory). Similarly, Israeli Forces occupied the Egyptian Military Governorship of the Gaza Strip (not Palestinian Territory).

Since 1995, and the adoption of the Oslo Accords, Area "C" and possibly Area "B" were the only areas in the West Bank under occupation (except for Israeli Jerusalem). Since 2005, the Gaza Strip has not been Occupied. The "territory is occupied only when it is actually under the control and administration of an occupant and extends only to those areas in which he is actually able to exercise such control. There must be no authority exercised other than that imposed or allowed by the occupier, that local forces are no longer effective in the area, that the population is disarmed, and that the Occupying Power is ‘effectively maintaining law and order with the troops available or easily secured to assist in the task if needed. In this respect, ‘while invasion represents mere penetration of hostile territory, occupation implies the existence of definite control over the area involved."

It is important to remember that:

In respect of the law governing occupation, the recognition that an Occupying Power may enact penal provisions and take measures ‘to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication’ reflects the unlawful nature of most resistance activities. (Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64(2); and Articles 65–68.) SOURCE:Use of force during occupation: law enforcement and conduct of hostilities

Finally, the establishment of a Belligerent Occupation is not an Act of Aggression. In the case of the State of Palestine, the state was formed under the occupation, not placed under occupation.

Most Respectfully,
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!

Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Why does anyone reply to this idiot? He's been caught lying so many times that he has become a character called Phoney...

A pathetic propagandist probably paid by Mossad, what a waste of money!
United Nations
General Assembly

2 December 1986


2 December 1986
92nd plenary meeting

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting
of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples​

4. Affirms once again its recognition of the legitimacy of the struggle
of the peoples under colonial and alien domination to exercise their right to
self-determination and independence by all the necessary means at their

A RES 41 41. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
Get it right the world recognises the state of Palestine and wants it to declare its intentions, then it can stop funding Palestinian terrorism and violence,

Responding to violence and illegal weapons is not terrorism, terrorism is when you dig tunnels under schools and plan to blow them up full of children. This is what you support and defend when you say that there is no Palestinian terrorism
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Why does anyone reply to this idiot? He's been caught lying so many times that he has become a character called Phoney...

A pathetic propagandist probably paid by Mossad, what a waste of money!

Ignore is your friend.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well again you have a half-truth.

Israel has undertaken this effort to protect and secure its citizens and their sovereignty; from a people that cannot refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of Israel or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine (alla 1988).

Israel is defending against a faction of government which by designed conducts such operations that provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act
committed with the aim of:

- seriously intimidating a population, or

- unduly compelling a Government to perform or abstain from performing any act, or

- seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organization.

Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

On May 16, Egyptian President Nasser asking the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) to withdraw its forces from Sinai.
On May 22, The Egyptian President closed the Straits of Tiran; done at the suggestion of King Hussein of Jordan.
On May 30, Egyptian-Jordanian conclude a Mutual Defense Treaty.
On May 30, Egyptian-Iraqi concluded a Mutual Defense Treaty.
The Syrians denounced Mutual Defense Treaty and refused to sign.
In May, Egyptian General Abdul Moneim Riad had moved over 100,000 troops into the Sinai opposite Israeli forces.

On 5 June, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol sent a message to King Hussein saying Israel would not attack Jordan unless he initiated hostilities.

That same morning, Jordanian Air Defense RADAR detects a large flight of fast moving aircraft on route from Egypt to Israel. Believing that these aircraft were Egyptian Fighter Bombers on the attack, King Hussein orders his west bank artillery to open-up a barrage on West Jerusalem. The aircraft were, in fact, Israeli on their return from their mission over enemy air fields.

The Jordanian Artillery triggered the Israeli forces to enter the West Bank and silence all Jordanian forces.


In that regard, the Israeli Forces occupied the Jordanian West Bank (not Palestinian Territory). Similarly, Israeli Forces occupied the Egyptian Military Governorship of the Gaza Strip (not Palestinian Territory).

Since 1995, and the adoption of the Oslo Accords, Area "C" and possibly Area "B" were the only areas in the West Bank under occupation (except for Israeli Jerusalem). Since 2005, the Gaza Strip has not been Occupied. The "territory is occupied only when it is actually under the control and administration of an occupant and extends only to those areas in which he is actually able to exercise such control. There must be no authority exercised other than that imposed or allowed by the occupier, that local forces are no longer effective in the area, that the population is disarmed, and that the Occupying Power is ‘effectively maintaining law and order with the troops available or easily secured to assist in the task if needed. In this respect, ‘while invasion represents mere penetration of hostile territory, occupation implies the existence of definite control over the area involved."

It is important to remember that:

In respect of the law governing occupation, the recognition that an Occupying Power may enact penal provisions and take measures ‘to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication’ reflects the unlawful nature of most resistance activities. (Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64(2); and Articles 65–68.) SOURCE:Use of force during occupation: law enforcement and conduct of hostilities

Finally, the establishment of a Belligerent Occupation is not an Act of Aggression. In the case of the State of Palestine, the state was formed under the occupation, not placed under occupation.

Most Respectfully,
Same old bullshit...The Arabs never recognized Israel as a State on their land...That was a fact then.. A Western dominated UN by the Victors of World War II sanctioned the Colonial fiat by Britain...

The Palestinians were disenfranchised...

Sure I'd like them to make peace...Israel should be thankful for peace offers by the Arabs and Israel will never accept a peace because they will never give back control of what they conquered in the 67 land grab...

By the way I just read a news story about how Israel has lost its influence (i.e. AIPAC influence) amongst Democrats in Congress, there is hope!
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well again you have a half-truth.

Israel has undertaken this effort to protect and secure its citizens and their sovereignty; from a people that cannot refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of Israel or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine (alla 1988).

Israel is defending against a faction of government which by designed conducts such operations that provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act
committed with the aim of:

- seriously intimidating a population, or

- unduly compelling a Government to perform or abstain from performing any act, or

- seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organization.

Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

On May 16, Egyptian President Nasser asking the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) to withdraw its forces from Sinai.
On May 22, The Egyptian President closed the Straits of Tiran; done at the suggestion of King Hussein of Jordan.
On May 30, Egyptian-Jordanian conclude a Mutual Defense Treaty.
On May 30, Egyptian-Iraqi concluded a Mutual Defense Treaty.
The Syrians denounced Mutual Defense Treaty and refused to sign.
In May, Egyptian General Abdul Moneim Riad had moved over 100,000 troops into the Sinai opposite Israeli forces.

On 5 June, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol sent a message to King Hussein saying Israel would not attack Jordan unless he initiated hostilities.

That same morning, Jordanian Air Defense RADAR detects a large flight of fast moving aircraft on route from Egypt to Israel. Believing that these aircraft were Egyptian Fighter Bombers on the attack, King Hussein orders his west bank artillery to open-up a barrage on West Jerusalem. The aircraft were, in fact, Israeli on their return from their mission over enemy air fields.

The Jordanian Artillery triggered the Israeli forces to enter the West Bank and silence all Jordanian forces.


In that regard, the Israeli Forces occupied the Jordanian West Bank (not Palestinian Territory). Similarly, Israeli Forces occupied the Egyptian Military Governorship of the Gaza Strip (not Palestinian Territory).

Since 1995, and the adoption of the Oslo Accords, Area "C" and possibly Area "B" were the only areas in the West Bank under occupation (except for Israeli Jerusalem). Since 2005, the Gaza Strip has not been Occupied. The "territory is occupied only when it is actually under the control and administration of an occupant and extends only to those areas in which he is actually able to exercise such control. There must be no authority exercised other than that imposed or allowed by the occupier, that local forces are no longer effective in the area, that the population is disarmed, and that the Occupying Power is ‘effectively maintaining law and order with the troops available or easily secured to assist in the task if needed. In this respect, ‘while invasion represents mere penetration of hostile territory, occupation implies the existence of definite control over the area involved."

It is important to remember that:

In respect of the law governing occupation, the recognition that an Occupying Power may enact penal provisions and take measures ‘to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication’ reflects the unlawful nature of most resistance activities. (Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64(2); and Articles 65–68.) SOURCE:Use of force during occupation: law enforcement and conduct of hostilities

Finally, the establishment of a Belligerent Occupation is not an Act of Aggression. In the case of the State of Palestine, the state was formed under the occupation, not placed under occupation.

Most Respectfully,
from a people that cannot refrain from the use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of Israel​

What international boundaries of Israel have the Palestinians ever violated?
Just look at the UN votes supporting Palestinian Statehood, world Polls and the growing BDS movement it self when you get a chance Hoss, even the Israeli government knows its losing the moral ground.

The terrorism inflicted on civilians in Gaza cemented the gains by BDS, its an unstoppable train with morality as its Conductor!
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

No, Islamic extremism has killed Americans. You really have a deranged way of thinking, which of course is normal considering you are a pro Palestinian.
You are an American who support an anti American people who have held plenty 'Death to America' rallies while burning the American flag. You support a people who celebrated 9/11 on the streets. You support a people who are happy when innocent Americans are killed.
toast, my blithering idiot friend, I only support America which has indeed suffered Terrorism on our shores because we ARM Israel, that uses those arms to kill Muslims...

I want America to get stop arming all sides, every friend there has become our enemy, including Israel.
Last edited:
montelatici, et al,

There are about a half dozen of these Resolutions that use that language or similar language.

United Nations


General Assembly


2 December 1986


2 December 1986
92nd plenary meeting

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting
of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples​

4. Affirms once again its recognition of the legitimacy of the struggle
of the peoples under colonial and alien domination to exercise their right to
self-determination and independence by all the necessary means at their

A RES 41 41. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

You cannot interpret that language as authority to use terrorism or violate the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625).

You will notice that none of these General Assembly Resolutions have the force of law and none supersede Security Council Resolution 1624 (2005) pertains to incitement to commit acts of terrorism, calling on UN Member States to prohibit it by law, prevent such conduct and deny safe haven to anyone "with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct."

1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations; SOURCE: UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001)

Don't rely on this Implementation policy (A/RES/41/41) 1986. It does not have the force of law in the same way as a UNSCR. Second and most important is that there is a question if Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries even applies to the State of Palestine, as it has already "exercise their right to self-determination and independence." That would be 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence (ANNEX III): (A/43/827 - S/20278 18 NOV 88)

By virtue of the natural, historical and legal right of the Palestinian Arab people to its homeland, Palestine, and of the sacrifices of its succeeding generations in defence of the freedom and independence of that homeland,

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and

Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to self-determination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory:

The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem.​

Most Respectfully,
I haven't seen any reports of civilians being attacked through those tunnels.

All of the attacks have been on soldiers which is perfectly legitimate.

So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

pbel and Humanity are talking about the occupation of the West Bank. Your idea of the occupation, Tinmore, is not what the rest of the world recognizes.
Over 40 countries do not recognize Israel. Countries close to Israel like Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Tunisia do not. Egypt and Jordan are paid to recognize Israel without the support of their people. The Palestinians do not. Perhaps they know something that some of the more distant countries do not.
The language is clear, let me repeat:

4. Affirms once again its recognition of the legitimacy of the struggle
of the peoples under colonial and alien domination to exercise their right to
self-determination and independence by all the necessary means at their

The actions of peoples under colonial and alien domination against the oppressive government are not terrorism. Terrorist actions are the actions of the alien dominator.
I think those who have known you for years know that the BDS movement is right up your alley since you have always been a big bully when it has come to Israel but have had nothing to say about all the murdering which has gone on in the Muslim world against innocent people. If it doesn't involve the Jews, your lips are sealed.

BDS Bullying Delegitimizing and Slandering?
Hoss, I believe America should stop meddling in the ME and arming everybody to kill each other and creating backlashes and terrorism for us in America.

If Israel by bullying ALL her neighbors for land is what they do then let them do it without our arms or consent...

I am an American Firster!

Yeah sure, you are an American firster whose only concern on these forums seems to be about Israel and nothing the Muslims are doing to others. Tell me another good one, Pbel.
What other boards are you on? The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has killed many Americans...Terrorism has killed Americans in our shores and you support more of the same. Infamy I say!

No, Islamic extremism has killed Americans. You really have a deranged way of thinking, which of course is normal considering you are a pro Palestinian.
You are an American who support an anti American people who have held plenty 'Death to America' rallies while burning the American flag. You support a people who celebrated 9/11 on the streets. You support a people who are happy when innocent Americans are killed.
toast, my blithering idiot friend, I only support America which has indeed suffered Terrorism on our shores because we ARM Israel, that uses those arms to kill Muslims...

I want America to get stop arming all sides, every friend there has become our enemy, including Israel.

You are such a coward Pbel. You want to succumb to the demands of Muslim who are angry over the U.S supplying Israel with weapons. You do not deserve to be called an American Pbel, you deranged brainwashed moron.

Now we know what the 'P' in Pbel stands for; PUSSY
So you did not see the AP reports of the tunnels dug underneath schools in Israel and packed with H.E.. The detonators fixed in place and the wires running back to the buildings in gaza.
Actually they are not legitimate, if they where then you would not be bleating about the return of fire by the IDF and the casualty lists
Israel is the belligerent occupation. That is the aggressive position.

Wrong again as it is defensive, and as the UN resolutions show it is the arab muslims that are belligerent.
Israel is defending its belligerent occupation. That is aggression.

pbel and Humanity are talking about the occupation of the West Bank. Your idea of the occupation, Tinmore, is not what the rest of the world recognizes.
Over 40 countries do not recognize Israel. Countries close to Israel like Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Tunisia do not. Egypt and Jordan are paid to recognize Israel without the support of their people. The Palestinians do not. Perhaps they know something that some of the more distant countries do not.


It's 32 countries, and oh look at which countries they are. Muslim/Arab states. Geez, who would have thought??
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I see.

Over 40 countries do not recognize Israel. Countries close to Israel like Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Tunisia do not. Egypt and Jordan are paid to recognize Israel without the support of their people. The Palestinians do not. Perhaps they know something that some of the more distant countries do not.

Just look at the state of affairs of some these countries that voted "NO" to Resolution 273 (III) Admission.

..............................................................N AFGHANISTAN WAR: Impoverished and one of the least developed country, one of the world's poorest
.................................A BELGIUM
.................................A BRAZIL
..............................................................N BURMA Internal conflict -- Bilateral ceasefire agreements with the majority of the ethnic armed groups
.................................A DENMARK
..............................................................N EGYPT Just now Stabilizing from Arab Spring.
..............................................................N ETHIOPIA ISIS Targets Ethiopian Workers; Ruling Party Stays in Power
.................................A GREECE
..............................................................N INDIA GOOD SHAPE
..............................................................N IRAN I Islamic Fundamentalist Country
..............................................................N IRAQ Cannot defend itself, under siege by ISIS
..............................................................N LEBANON Fair Shape, under threat by Hezbollah
..............................................................N PAKISTAN Every other person is a insurgent
..............................................................N SAUDI ARABIA GOOD SHAPE
................................A SIAM
................................A SWEDEN
..............................................................N SYRIA In a state of WAR domestically
................................A TURKEY
................................A UNITED KINGDOM
..............................................................N YEMEN Failed Nation in Civil War

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

There are about a half dozen of these Resolutions that use that language or similar language.

United Nations


General Assembly


2 December 1986


2 December 1986
92nd plenary meeting

Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting
of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples​

4. Affirms once again its recognition of the legitimacy of the struggle
of the peoples under colonial and alien domination to exercise their right to
self-determination and independence by all the necessary means at their

A RES 41 41. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

You cannot interpret that language as authority to use terrorism or violate the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625).

You will notice that none of these General Assembly Resolutions have the force of law and none supersede Security Council Resolution 1624 (2005) pertains to incitement to commit acts of terrorism, calling on UN Member States to prohibit it by law, prevent such conduct and deny safe haven to anyone "with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct."

1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations; SOURCE: UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001)

Don't rely on this Implementation policy (A/RES/41/41) 1986. It does not have the force of law in the same way as a UNSCR. Second and most important is that there is a question if Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries even applies to the State of Palestine, as it has already "exercise their right to self-determination and independence." That would be 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence (ANNEX III): (A/43/827 - S/20278 18 NOV 88)

By virtue of the natural, historical and legal right of the Palestinian Arab people to its homeland, Palestine, and of the sacrifices of its succeeding generations in defence of the freedom and independence of that homeland,

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and

Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to self-determination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory:

The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem.​

Most Respectfully,
The struggle for national independence is not terrorism.

Virtually all of your post is irrelevant.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I see.

Over 40 countries do not recognize Israel. Countries close to Israel like Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Tunisia do not. Egypt and Jordan are paid to recognize Israel without the support of their people. The Palestinians do not. Perhaps they know something that some of the more distant countries do not.

Just look at the state of affairs of some these countries that voted "NO" to Resolution 273 (III) Admission.

..............................................................N AFGHANISTAN WAR: Impoverished and one of the least developed country, one of the world's poorest
.................................A BELGIUM
.................................A BRAZIL
..............................................................N BURMA Internal conflict -- Bilateral ceasefire agreements with the majority of the ethnic armed groups
.................................A DENMARK
..............................................................N EGYPT Just now Stabilizing from Arab Spring.
..............................................................N ETHIOPIA ISIS Targets Ethiopian Workers; Ruling Party Stays in Power
.................................A GREECE
..............................................................N INDIA GOOD SHAPE
..............................................................N IRAN I Islamic Fundamentalist Country
..............................................................N IRAQ Cannot defend itself, under siege by ISIS
..............................................................N LEBANON Fair Shape, under threat by Hezbollah
..............................................................N PAKISTAN Every other person is a insurgent
..............................................................N SAUDI ARABIA GOOD SHAPE
................................A SIAM
................................A SWEDEN
..............................................................N SYRIA In a state of WAR domestically
................................A TURKEY
................................A UNITED KINGDOM
..............................................................N YEMEN Failed Nation in Civil War

Most Respectfully,

Voting to place a European population on another continent and removing the people living there is a good thing?

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