Detroit may close half of its public schools

President of the Detroit School System, Otis Mathis, cannot compose a coherent sentence.

He is in fact a functional illiterate.

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Detroit is the greatest success of the UAW and they got paid half a billion for it to boot

That's what Progressives want to do to the entire USA
62 kids in one class?

That poor city.
When my kids were going to school in Japan (they have dual citizenship) class sizes were usually around 50 and everyone did just fine.

Class size is a ruse to increase the number of unionized teachers in a school. Americas education problem is poor curriculum and out of control students.

But Americans don't wanna' talk about that.

50 kids in an American classroom......50 kids in a classroom in Japan
Do you honestly believe there is any comparison??? I'm pretty sure the arrogance, sense of entitlement, and disrespect found in American classrooms isn't tolerated in Japan (or anywhere else, for that matter).
62 kids in one class?

That poor city.
When my kids were going to school in Japan (they have dual citizenship) class sizes were usually around 50 and everyone did just fine.

Class size is a ruse to increase the number of unionized teachers in a school. Americas education problem is poor curriculum and out of control students.

But Americans don't wanna' talk about that.

Japan has a different mind set regarding education. They have a thing called self control and discipline. Slackers are not tolerated.

I agree about the unions fucking all of this up.
When will you finally raise the rich? Is there any justyfication for having billionaires when your country is going down to hell like this? Whad do you expect from a Pupil coming from a class or school like this? Who will carry your flag tomorrow?
I seriously doubt those kids are "fighting to stay in school" or "burning the midnight oil" studying.

Lettuce be reality here. American schools stink and the kids are out of control yet all the teachers unions say is that "more money is the only solution".

I think we could take two schools, but one's budget 50% and increase the other one's by 50% and after a year we wouldn't see any difference in the results.

Actually that was more or less done in NY about 20 years ago.
A wealthy philanthropist gave a laaarge sum of money for one class of children in early grade school, hired one on one tutors for after school...set it up so their college education was 100% paid including room and board - everything.
That was 20 years ago.
The statistics for those children and other children in NY...virtually identical.
Same drop out rate, same pregnancy rate, same graduation rate etc.

It isn't the money.
It is our selfish society, poor parenting and n embarrassingly disastrous education system.

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