Detroit police chief: more gun owners will mean less crime

Given the rate of shootings in that city, seems to me that there are enough guns there already.
Given the rate of shootings in that city, seems to me that there are enough guns there already.

Typical progressive response. The issue is the wrong people have most of the guns. And all the laws you try to pass only remove guns from the hands of the right people.
You mean laws that require a background check for all gun sales, public and private? And how does that remove guns from the hands of legal gun owners? A waiting perod before the purchaser can take possession of the gun, so that the check can be thorough. Is that such a great infringement on the right to own guns?
You mean laws that require a background check for all gun sales, public and private? And how does that remove guns from the hands of legal gun owners? A waiting perod before the purchaser can take possession of the gun, so that the check can be thorough. Is that such a great infringement on the right to own guns?

Because thats never where you stop. Its the first step towards making sure as few law abiding non police citizens have guns as possible. Its about making semi-automatic rifles legal only for people who already own them, thus violating equal protection under the law. Its about places like NYC making the paperwork to get a handgun for even home protection so onerous that most people dont bother, yet allowing retired police officers a simple one page sign up for a concealed carry permit.

How about during the waiting period the police are required to protect you 24/7 until you get your firearm?

Should I be able to force you to have waiting period on this post, "just in case"?
You mean laws that require a background check for all gun sales, public and private? And how does that remove guns from the hands of legal gun owners? A waiting perod before the purchaser can take possession of the gun, so that the check can be thorough. Is that such a great infringement on the right to own guns?

The background check takes minutes, the wait is futile.

You mean laws that require a background check for all gun sales, public and private? And how does that remove guns from the hands of legal gun owners? A waiting perod before the purchaser can take possession of the gun, so that the check can be thorough. Is that such a great infringement on the right to own guns?

Yes it is.

BTW background checks are made in minutes.

the new American Libertopia

Come for the guns, stay for the carnage
You mean laws that require a background check for all gun sales, public and private? And how does that remove guns from the hands of legal gun owners? A waiting perod before the purchaser can take possession of the gun, so that the check can be thorough. Is that such a great infringement on the right to own guns?

the check is thorough

unless in certain cases like known nutjobs

went un reported and non treated
Given this isn't getting any coverage outside of Detroit are bid ignoring it or plotting to destroy him for saying it?
Given this isn't getting any coverage outside of Detroit are bid ignoring it or plotting to destroy him for saying it?
The usual... you greatly overestimate how much people give a shit about your pet topics that you spam relentlessly to this forum, so cannot understand why the media isn't covering that which only you obsess about.
Gangstas know they can attack or rob people and get away with it since the police response time is so long if they show up at all.
Your only protection is fighting back yourself, and the best way to do that is make these gangbangers think there's a high likliehood their prey is armed.
Given this isn't getting any coverage outside of Detroit are bid ignoring it or plotting to destroy him for saying it?
The usual... you greatly overestimate how much people give a shit about your pet topics that you spam relentlessly to this forum, so cannot understand why the media isn't covering that which only you obsess about.

Look what the ass pirate has to say
Fear of getting shot's a good deterrent. In my case fear of my Grandfather, a career cop who retired a Chief of Police rising from the grave and kicking my ass keeps me coloring inside the lines. :)

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